Child Psychology About Adolescent Behavior: NOT Adaptable To The Parent's Head

Child Psychology About Adolescent Behavior: NOT Adaptable To The Parent's Head
Child Psychology About Adolescent Behavior: NOT Adaptable To The Parent's Head

Child psychology about adolescent behavior: NOT adaptable to the parent's head

Uncontrollable child running from home; a juvenile thief - a frequenter of the children's room of the police; an addicted teenager alienated from the real world; a sadistic child who enthusiastically kills animals; 15-year-old prostitute with experience …

Uncontrollable child running from home; a juvenile thief - a frequenter of the children's room of the police; an addicted teenager alienated from the real world; a sadistic child who enthusiastically kills animals; 15-year-old prostitute with experience …

Psychologists are unable to somehow influence uncontrollable adolescent behavior. What to say - even just to understand the "problem" child, all knowledge of child and adolescent psychology taken together does not help. What to do?


Every single child, even in the same family, even one of the twins, is a unique work of art of nature, completely unlike anyone else. The son, who outwardly is a copy of his father, inwardly can be like from another planet. A beautiful, clever mother's daughter may not share any of her mother's beliefs.

We put all the best in them, give our heart and soul, sincerely love and care, try to educate them correctly and sometimes even spoil them. Any parent sees in their child at least a great scientist, doctor, lawyer, airplane pilot or sea captain. Such potential! And what abilities!

Oh, my son is doing great in physics and math? So, we will think about an economic university or finance and banking … What ?! What is the philosophy? It's all nonsense. Programming? It's in front of the computer for days! No, no, stop flying in the clouds, it's time to grow up. Anyway, finally take off those damn headphones and go to bed!

What depression?.. Why? You have everything. What else are you missing ?!

Adolescent behavior, like human behavior in general, is determined by innate properties that cannot be eradicated or instilled. They either exist or they are not. Parents can create conditions for their development or, conversely, leave them in an undeveloped, archetypal (primitive) state that is not adapted for modern society.

The latest achievements of child psychology, based on the understanding of these innate qualities-properties (vectors), make it possible to understand the child's shortcomings, those mental emptiness that require filling. This means that for the first time there is an opportunity to truly understand your child.

You will begin to speak his language and for the first time you will gain access to his inner world. For the first time they will listen and hear you, for the first time they will believe and trust you with their secrets, they will see you as a father, not a tyrant, a mother, not a hysterical woman, a wise school teacher, and not a narcissistic teacher-dictator.

And here is an article in which we will reveal the reasons for misunderstanding between parents and children, we will learn effective methods of upbringing, we will understand the reasons for adolescent theft, child cruelty, gambling addiction, depression, drug addiction, childhood suicides and other unresolved problems of child and adolescent psychology and talk about how to interact even with the most "difficult" teenagers.
