Practical psychology
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Psychologist's advice for depression Everyone, absolutely all people like to advise how you should live better
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Every second in the world, someone sells something, and someone buys. With fixed prices in stores, everything is simple and straightforward. But all other negotiations about money are not easy for everyone. Are we bargaining for a purchase, an assessment of our labor, are we trying to sell a win-win - you need to be able to
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
We will defend the diversity of the world. Vladimir Putin The year 2014 is coming to an end. What was he like for us? What did you teach? What food did you give for thought? Let's try to take a systematic look at the events of the outgoing year and assess our place in them
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Give up before it's too late! Every avid sloth who wondered how to deal with laziness will tell you that no matter how hard you resist, laziness wins. Modern methods of influencing laziness suggest planning a daily routine. However, in practice, it turns out that the plan, no matter how good it is, remains a plan, and laziness remains disgusting laziness
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Sometimes it rolls … Either everything is tired, or you don't know what you want … And then you think about death. And it happens that even thinking about it is scary. It cannot be that there is nothing beyond the line. There must be something. Why then life, if after death everything ends? I really want to know what happens to a person after death
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Recently, news feeds are full of messages about more and more monstrous crimes against innocent people taking place all over the world and do not leave indifferent almost a single person who is in the slightest degree aware of current events. So, in the United States there were two tragedies that shocked many citizens of the country. The public did not have time to withdraw after the murders of African-Americans by police, as in Dallas, and then in Baton Rouge, the police themselves were shot
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Mental processes, according to the definition of classical psychology, are one of the three forms of basic mental phenomena, along with mental states and mental properties. It is customary to divide mental processes into three groups: 1) cognitive (cognitive)
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We do not find ourselves right away: we try and make mistakes, make mistakes and try again. Someone is lucky - and he quickly takes his niche and feels confident. Someone suffers for years, suffering from false notions of success, from confusing social expectations, from a misunderstanding of their real desires - and pokes like a blind kitten in search of what they love
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Feel like a trapped horse Part 1 In this part we will analyze some situations that prevent people from feeling cheerful and happy, despite the activity and desire to improve their lives
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Every day is an endless cycle of affairs. It seems that I am about to do it - and it will be possible to relax, rest. But as soon as you finish one job, three more are piled up. You feel like a squeezed lemon. And you think: “Why all this? Is it possible to redo all these matters? Will it ever end ?! "
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
All around lies. Have sailed! Welcome to the information age. And it would be okay to lie only to the TV and officials on their Facebook and Twitter accounts. What if your own friend or wife is lying to you? And it's a shame to suspect in vain, and the feeling that you are being led by the nose does not leave. How to tell if a person is lying? How to protect yourself from lying in your family and at work?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
“Oh, you whore, how are you not ashamed ?! - the father shouted furiously, barely restraining himself so as not to use his fists once again. - I will strangle you with my own hands, such rubbish! Do you have any idea what you've done? What will people say now? How can I look people in the eye now? Raised a prostitute on my own head !!! "
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Man is built in such a way that we can feel the fullness of happiness only when interacting with other people. And of course, we want to find someone close among the huge crowd. But it's not always clear how to find friends. How to find someone with whom you can share your most intimate? A truly close friend with whom your interests and hobbies coincide. And how to determine whether this person will be a reliable friend who is “into fire and into water” for you?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
My husband just loves to argue
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Fifteen more hours and I'm free, safe. The third day on the road, I met several others like me, pretended that I was going on a business trip - it is better to save one by one. There is very little left - the border is near, and - freedom. Freedom from obligations, from the incomprehensible and terrible that appeared in my life
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Fragment of the lecture notes for the Second Level on the topic "Smell and Sight": Cinema makes us experience emotions. When we watch a movie, we try on everything that happens on the screen. It makes us empathize. After watching a good film, he doesn't scream in a trolley bus "where are you going!" That is, the correct, real cinema removes the degree of hostility in society
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
It seems that not so long ago I wrote about trainings, but here once again they called to develop femininity. Yes, not just called. It turned out that especially advanced specialists come to our city, who do not do anything, but women trainings. Just one day, just for you and all that
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
How many times have you hoped that your intimate life will get better. And she took measures: beautiful lingerie, special perfume, seductive hints. All to no avail: with a living husband you - a young, healthy, temperamental woman - have to live as a nun. They have already worn out furtive tears, and attempts to talk, and shame, and a nasty feeling of their own inferiority. It is not clear why your husband does not want intimacy with his wife, the reasons sound trite: tired, problems at work
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The effective work of the team largely depends on the professionalism of the leader. Good management is the foundation on which the company's success is built. What qualities a leader must have in order to lead his business to success and earn the respect of subordinates, we understand the article. The main skills of a good boss These are the qualities a modern leader must have:
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Sadness, sadness, longing
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
How to get rid of laziness Every day you think - tomorrow I'll start. Morning begins. Fuck it all! Better to go watch the series, surf the Internet, or even better go to bed. And so every day. How are people treated for laziness? A contrast shower?
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Life happens suddenly, and the problem is that I was not asked if I needed it. Despair and pain that I don't want to be here seems to block all receptors in my body and soul, if I ever had them at all
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Nothing bad happens, but I feel bad
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Mother Teresa is called the most influential woman in the world, and her life is the greatest event of the 20th century. The achievements of the little fragile nun are truly amazing, and her personality is exceptional in significance for all of humanity. Mother Teresa changed the world and deservedly received the Nobel Prize "For the activity and help to the suffering person"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Modern life has become like a race for success, and whether we like it or not, we find ourselves drawn into it. Success today is expressed by a high status in society and a corresponding income. Values such as honesty and decency fade into the background. It seems that when a person has a lot of money, nothing else matters. There are new words in the Russian language, such as "rogue". So they say about low-income people. Today it is not as shameful to deceive and steal as to be a "rogue"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
She constantly thinks about him. I look forward to his return home in the evening, and even more - weekends or holidays, when finally it will be possible to forget a little about household chores and take time for each other, talk heart to heart and, of course, enjoy his tenderness. It's nice to seem defenseless in his arms, to hear the beat of his heart, to feel his breath, the warmth of his hands. A gentle kiss on the neck, as if by chance, a touch with your fingertips, light stroking or cr
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Our life is fleeting
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Hiding your eyes and pulling your head into your shoulders, you trot along the wall to the office doors in order to quickly duck behind the table and crouch in your workplace. If you had a tail, you would have tucked it in, but for lack of it, you squeeze into a chair and hide your face in your palms. A deep sigh. Another. Does not help. Neither relax nor gather
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Part 1. How to Interview Your Dream Job What is so special about people who find it easy to get a job? How do they get the interview done the first time? Maybe they own the psychological methods of influencing the employer? Or do they know the secret of preparing for a job interview? In this article, we give two professional tips on how to get the right job:
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This information will be useful to those who are about to leave work soon, have already left or are looking for their first place. Most often, the question of how to get through a job interview is a person who prefers constancy and does not strive for competition. In search of offers, he goes to the Internet and suddenly discovers that there are not so many vacancies on the labor market, the demand for them exceeds supply
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
The collapse of a NON-hero of our time: I'm afraid to go to work Do you know the fear of losing your job? In our turbulent times, this question is rather rhetorical
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It happens that in communicating with people you feel uncomfortable - you are afraid to say what you think, afraid to ask a question. Are you afraid that something will go wrong? This fear is exhausting and does not allow you to communicate with other people without stress. How to stop being shy and start enjoying communicating with people, will tell the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan
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You harness slowly, but you don't go. You don't put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after tomorrow. Your business idea on how to become successful won the Failure of the Year nomination. But you know: the main thing is to be persistent, and the day will come when one of the ideas will definitely shoot. The main thing is not into you
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Again the morning falls out of hand
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Who turns the wheel of fortune Each of us has good times in life when it seems that fate favors you, circumstances are developing in the best way, and success goes straight into our hands. Everyone understands their luck differently: for someone it is career growth, for someone - personal relationships, for another - a favorite hobby or an opportunity to express themselves in creativity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Halfway through my earthly life, I found myself in a gloomy forest … Dante Alighieri Translated from Greek, the word "crisis" has a number of meanings: choice, decision, turning point, test. In everyday life, we call a crisis the moment after which a person can no longer live as before. The crisis comes suddenly, no one can "spread straws" in advance. It's like an avalanche, for which it is impossible to prepare and which leaves little chance of getting out without serious injuries
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Some people think that our world is like streets full of cars, but there are no traffic rules and therefore everyone tries to overtake others. As a result, those with more powerful bumpers move faster and achieve their goals. The rest, pushed into the back rows, are forced to slowly trudge for more frisky ones and swallow the exhaust gases and dust left by their cars
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The article is dedicated to the primary school teacher Elena Nikolaevna Savelyeva with great gratitude for the best first years at school. The first teacher … each of us remembers her for life, whatever she may be. Someone recalls a strict lady with a pointer in her hands, someone an old woman with a squeaky voice in huge glasses, someone a young girl with wide eyes and a kind smile
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Where did the universe come from and where is it heading? Was it created or did it appear on its own? Or maybe it has existed forever? Which came first - a chicken or an egg? Does time exist and will it ever have an end?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Sometimes a pleasant dinner in the company of friends turns into the program "Towards the Barrier", where everyone tries to shout down the other and prove the "truth" of their words. It is generally accepted that sports, religion and politics are not discussed in polite society. But it turns out that it is these themes that often reveal hidden corners of the human soul hidden under many masks and, like a litmus test, warn of a spoiled evening