Learn to be happy
What does it mean to be a happy person? It is to live with joy, with a sense of inspiration from every day. And unhappy? This is when even significant achievements and victories do not bring a person the expected pleasure, little pleases, inspiration is lost, enthusiasm fades away. This is when, while achieving the intended goal, there is no feeling of jubilation, but rather the bitterness of disappointment and the senselessness of the effort spent. When, instead of anticipating greater happiness, dissatisfaction grows, reducing the quality of life.
When was the last time you felt extremely happy? When did you enjoy life, surroundings, weather, children? Even the happiest of us probably admit that life often brings unpleasant surprises, and at certain moments it even seems that “the black streak has somehow stretched out”. We do not take from life everything that it can give. Bad states arise and accumulate: resentment, anger, fears, depression, melancholy, dissatisfaction with life, people, fate …
Modern psychology shows that this sad situation is connected with the fact that a modern person simply does not know how to receive. To receive the happiness that life gives him. What is happiness, receiving and giving in our life? Explains the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.
Concentration of egoism is a clot of receiving
Each of us is born to satisfy our desires. The greatest altruist differs from the last egoist only in the level of realization of the innate properties of the psyche.
For example, in the visual vector, emotional fulfillment can be obtained both through aerobatics - compassion, empathy and sacrificial love for people, and through primitive feelings - drawing attention to oneself, emotional blackmail, tantrums and clarification of relationships. Naturally, the intensity and completeness of the enjoyment of realization will be completely different in such cases.
Each of our desires pushes us to search for options for its satisfaction, each property of the psyche seeks to be realized.
The entire path of human development is an attempt to realize oneself even more fully, even more difficult, even more voluminous. This is due to the fact that each realized desire immediately gives birth to a new, doubled, increased, grown in its strength. The principle of doubling desire pushes us forward and upward, incrementally. We cannot rest on our laurels and rest our whole life on the laurels of one victory.
The process of realization continues every day of our lives. But the period of possible development of the properties of the psyche is limited by the time until the end of puberty. To what level psychological properties will have time to develop in childhood, with such a potential we will enter adulthood.
Knows how to eat, which means he knows how to live
A person generally starts with one big "I want". The very first cry of a baby means only one thing: "Give!" The very first and burning desire is the desire for food. Teaching a child to take food with gratitude means laying a healthy psychological foundation for the further development of a child's innate properties.
The sharing table plays an extremely important role in building relationships within the family. Sharing food with family members, we feel their closeness, consider them “ours”, enjoy together, create a psychologically healthy atmosphere in the family, help build emotional bonds among family members and strengthen in children a sense of security and safety, which is essential for the adequate development of the properties of the child's psyche …
The ability to take food with gratitude, and subsequently share it with others, is the basis on which all further human attitude to life is built. Therefore, it is so important to get the initial skills precisely in childhood, during the period of intensive psychological development of the personality.
As far as the skill of obtaining food favorably affects the development of the child, the effect of force-feeding is for the child's psyche and health. Most of the negative states, complexes and bad life scenarios are rooted in childhood and in one way or another are associated with food.
By forcing the child to eat without a prior desire for food, parents practically discourage the child's taste for life. He loses the ability to enjoy what he has, what fate gives him, what he gets in life. From childhood, there is no joy in receiving, there is no satisfaction from filling the very first, basic human lack - the desire for food, which means that it is very difficult to enjoy more complex needs.
As a result, even significant achievements and victories do not bring a person the expected pleasure, little pleases, inspiration is lost, enthusiasm fades away. Even reaching the intended goal, there is no feeling of jubilation, but rather the bitterness of disappointment and senselessness of the efforts spent. Dissatisfaction grows, reducing the quality of life.
How to learn to receive
You can learn to receive, receive with gratitude and enjoy life even in adulthood.
A deep awareness of the processes that have been living in us for more than 50 thousand years, an understanding of those deep unconscious motives, desires and mechanisms that lead us through life, is able to correct omissions in the past, bringing to the surface the best that each of us is capable of.
Only by understanding the nature of our own psyche, we get the opportunity to change something in our life.
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