How To Stop Being Shy About People Is The Most Effective Way To Learn To Communicate

How To Stop Being Shy About People Is The Most Effective Way To Learn To Communicate
How To Stop Being Shy About People Is The Most Effective Way To Learn To Communicate

How to stop being shy and start living

Because of this, it is difficult for you to communicate with the opposite sex, to have a relationship. And even if there is such a relationship, what good is it to be ashamed of talking with a partner on some very personal topics? Shyness and self-doubt prevent you from completely relaxing around him.

How to stop feeling insecure and start communicating freely? How to get rid of shyness and fear when communicating with other people?

It happens that in communicating with people you feel uncomfortable - you are afraid to say what you think, afraid to ask a question. Are you afraid that something will go wrong? This fear is exhausting and does not allow you to communicate with other people without stress. Yuri Burlan's System Vector Psychology will tell you how to stop being shy and start enjoying communicating with people.

Portrait of a shy man

In communicating with others, you often get lost, you don't know what to say. Afraid to show yourself not from your best side. It always seems to you that you are not doing enough, that you can do more and better.

You want easy communication, but involuntarily you start to feel shy. You are worried, your heart starts to beat faster, you do not have enough air. And you don't know how to restore balance.

You worry about trifles, you wind yourself up. Afraid of getting into an awkward situation. And because of this, it is difficult for you to communicate with the opposite sex, to have a relationship. And even if there is such a relationship, what good is it to be ashamed of talking with a partner on some very personal topics? Shyness and self-doubt prevent you from completely relaxing around him.

How to stop feeling insecure and start communicating freely? How to get rid of shyness and fear when communicating with other people?

Shy people - who are they?

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will help to deal with this problem. It turns out that we are all endowed from birth with different mental properties and desires - different vectors. Shyness is characteristic of people with an anal-visual ligament of vectors. It is they who are constantly tormented by the fear of making a mistake, the fear of disgrace, of doing something not good enough.

In fact, the fear of being disgraced is an incentive for a person with an anal vector to move forward, because such a person is naturally endowed with an inner desire for perfection.

In addition, people with an anal vector have critical thinking - they question all incoming information and everywhere try to identify an error in order to correct it and bring any business to perfection. This striving makes them the most thoughtful specialists, experts, true masters of their craft.

However, it so happens that the fear of making a mistake paralyzes the desire to move forward and develop. A person constantly experiences self-doubt, a painful fear of dishonor and cannot stop thinking about it. Instead of taking into account his mistakes and not repeating them again, he is emotionally stuck in them.

And endless self-flagellation begins - a person begins to feel that he is not good enough, that he will not succeed. So the innate fear in the anal vector is multiplied by the emotional amplitude of the visual vector. There is an emotional buildup in fear. And now, in order not to make mistakes, a person tries to avoid any situations where he can make a mistake. And he stops even trying to do what he wants.

how to stop being shy
how to stop being shy

How to stop being ashamed of people

Shyness is when we are afraid that something will go wrong with people. To avoid our awkwardness, so as not to say something wrong, not to look ill-mannered, so as not to spoil the impression of ourselves, we strain with all our might. We try our best to appear better than we are.

And now the slightest mistake, the slightest mistake in communication causes panic fear - what will the other person think of me? And I want to fall through the ground. And you don't know what to do next. And you constantly live with the feeling: what if I ruin everything now. And you concentrate so much on this that every time you think - that's it, nothing good will be in my life anymore. And you begin to feel sorry for yourself.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that, in fact, the visual vector contains an amazing potential - feeling, the opposite of fear - love. And love is about creating an emotional connection with another person. And this means not stewing in your own emotions, focused on yourself, becoming more and more entangled and freezing with fear, not being shy, but actively participating in the life of another person, completely switching your attention to him - so that there is simply no place for fear.

When we turn our attention to another, our way of thinking changes. And our emotions find a way out in a positive way - through empathy.

It is people with a visual vector that establish emotional connections more easily than others, it is easy for them to understand the emotional state of another person and find the right words to cheer, comfort, and give their support.

When we understand another person, we stop being ashamed of him and it becomes easier for us to communicate with him and it is easier to openly express our emotions.

Communicate freely

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps to realize the reasons for one's shyness and makes it possible to learn to understand other people as oneself. When we understand another person, understand what motivates him, we cease to be afraid to communicate with him and begin to get real pleasure from communication. We begin to communicate freely, openly and naturally. We begin to build sincere relationships in a couple, we find a common language in the family and at work.

Many people managed to stop being shy after undergoing training in system-vector psychology:

You can stop worrying about trifles, blush and panic and feel more confident in communicating with other people at the free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register here.
