About mental processes
The system-vector approach makes it possible to clearly differentiate each mental process, to distinguish its properties according to the vector type of the individual who is the bearer or object of the mental phenomenon.
Mental processes, according to the definition of classical psychology, are one of the three forms of basic mental phenomena, along with mental states and mental properties. It is customary to divide mental processes into three groups:
1) cognitive (cognitive);
2) emotional;
3) strong-willed.
Sometimes a fourth group is distinguished - communication processes.
Cognitive mental processes include: sensation, perception, thinking, representation, imagination, attention, memory, speech, etc. Emotions and feelings are referred to emotional mental processes, and all motivational and a number of behavioral processes of the psyche are volitional processes.
The outstanding Russian scientist Vladimir Alexandrovich Ganzen made a huge contribution to the study of cognitive mental processes in structural relationship with mental properties and phenomena. His book "Perception of integral objects …" / 2 / is a fundamental scientific work, which reflects the grandiose work of scientific knowledge. A great contribution was made to turn psychology into a real science through the use of rigorous mathematical methods - set theory, etc.
The principle of the four-dimensional basis, discovered by Vladimir Alexandrovich Ganzen, is a universal tool for studying all objects, both material and the inner world of mental processes. On the basis of Hansen's Postulate, in 4 basic quartels, the systemic psychotypes of people were revealed, two in each quartet, forming 8 vectors, as is known from System-Vector Psychology. In recent times, we are witnessing a real breakthrough in science in the qualitative description of the volumetric picture of mental processes of each of the 8 vectors in their interaction and interrelation, which was made by Yuri Burlan.

The system-vector approach makes it possible to clearly differentiate each mental process, to distinguish its properties according to the vector type of the individual who is the bearer or object of the mental phenomenon. For example, consider the cognitive mental process - thinking. Each vector type has its own kind of mental mental process, which does not coincide and does not intersect with others:
1) Urethral vector - thinking outside the box;
2) Anal vector - systemic (systematizing) thinking;
3) Skin vector - logical thinking;
4) Muscle vector - visual-active thinking;
5) Visual vector - figurative thinking;
6) Sound vector - abstract thinking;
7) Oral vector - verbal thinking;
8) Olfactory vector - intuitive thinking.
So, there is a large field of activity for modern researchers in psychology to make a complete systematization of all mental processes. The latest achievements of the 21st century in System-Vector Psychology can create the basis for a differentiated and integral system of mental processes in the psychology of communication or relationships.
1. Psychology: textbook. / V. M. Allakhverdov, S. I. Bogdanova and others; otv. ed. A. A. Krylov. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M.: Prospect, 2005.
2. Ganzen V. A. Perception of whole objects. Systemic descriptions in psychology. - L.: Publishing house of Leningrad University, 1984.