Practical psychology

Film "Merry Men". Comedy Or Tragedy? Part 1. Travesty Show: Life, How Big A Holiday?

Film "Merry Men". Comedy Or Tragedy? Part 1. Travesty Show: Life, How Big A Holiday?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

"Travesti" from the Italian travestire - to change clothes It was 1991 in the yard. Moscow, cinema "Avangard", the film by Pedro Almodovar "High heels". I, a young and still Soviet girl, first saw a drag show and its artists on the screen. The film made an impression. Inside, there was a question about strange men who like to wear women's dresses. Who are these men? And is it men at all? Are they normal? Can you deal with them or is it better to bypass them?

National Unity Day: Because It Can't Be Otherwise

National Unity Day: Because It Can't Be Otherwise

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

What do I care about you all? Do you care about me? (M

War For The Minds. Confrontation Between The West And Russia

War For The Minds. Confrontation Between The West And Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Soviet thinking Public opinion, social shame, comradely court - all these concepts exist only in the post-Soviet space. Yes, today they cause rather a smile, but it was! This is our real past. People are still alive who were guided by these concepts, for them it was not an empty phrase, but on the contrary, the main levers of social life

Grigory Rasputin. Part 1. Between The King And His People

Grigory Rasputin. Part 1. Between The King And His People

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Exactly 100 years ago, one of the most terrible wars in the history of mankind began - the First World War, which entailed the Russian Revolution and the geopolitical redistribution of Europe. A simple Russian peasant, Grigory Rasputin, a peasant from the Tobolsk province, who later became the most famous Russian in the whole world, tried to prevent Russia's participation in this war

New Year's Predictions

New Year's Predictions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The calendar date December 31 (and January 13) conventionally denotes some kind of completion and transition of the whole world to a new state, the idea of which is rather vague, in any case, this is how it is felt. In order to somehow cheer up in anticipation of the unknown hidden behind the opening door on the New Year, over the centuries of its celebration, many customs, signs, rituals and all sorts of predictions have been invented

Bureaucracy In Russia: Cope With Arbitrariness

Bureaucracy In Russia: Cope With Arbitrariness

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Bureaucracy and bureaucracy - what's the difference?

At The Back Of The New Russia. Poor Children

At The Back Of The New Russia. Poor Children

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

At the back of the new Russia. Poor Children 2013 Why is it so important to provide a sense of security for the child in raising children? Because the included self-preservation program in the endangered child will no longer provide an opportunity to develop

New Year

New Year

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

New Year is a special holiday, we quite seriously believe that as you meet it, you will be “lost” all year round

Battering Ram Is A Weapon Of The Brave. Part 2. Melee Fighters Named "Farewell, Motherland!"

Battering Ram Is A Weapon Of The Brave. Part 2. Melee Fighters Named "Farewell, Motherland!"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Battering ram is a weapon of the brave. Part 2. Melee fighters named "Farewell, Motherland!" Contrary to the cold logic of the Germans, their common sense and military calculation, the well-oiled Hitlerite death machine now and then stumbled over the same obstacle: a simple Russian soldier, very often almost a boy, who barely managed to graduate from a military school, having learned to shoot aimingly in exercises and did not receive no fighting skills, but with a b

Collection Chaos Is A Sign Of Our Time. How To Navigate The Situation?

Collection Chaos Is A Sign Of Our Time. How To Navigate The Situation?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Quite recently, the word "collector", indicating an employee of the Collection Agency, was not part of our everyday vocabulary

Kibbutzim - Rehearsal For Future Society?

Kibbutzim - Rehearsal For Future Society?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

We live at a turning point in history, when a crisis sweeps literally every area of our life: economic, social, individual, psychological. This is the time when ideas ran out, and material needs were sated to the limit and no longer require the investment of the previous strength and abilities. Everything is there, but the frustration of life is growing

Word As A Tool Of Information War

Word As A Tool Of Information War

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second Level on the topic "The tension between sound and smell": Previously, the written word went through a lot of censorship, and the spoken word too. The principle was simple: there is no point in idly chatting what is not necessary. In addition, creating a written word was elementary expensive. The books were copied by hand. The censorship worked with time and money. Former Soviet people still believe the written word on the machine out of habit

Now You Are In The Army: A Defender Of The Fatherland Or A Victim Of A Sadist?

Now You Are In The Army: A Defender Of The Fatherland Or A Victim Of A Sadist?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Every modern Russian high school student or student has a clearly formed attitude towards the army. One of two things: negative or loyal - and certainly not indifferent, because everyone will have to serve in the army. Tragic incidents from the life of the barracks, hazing, theft and devastation, which we read about in the media - all this creates an inevitably negative attitude towards the army

Midlife Crisis In Men And Women. Symptoms, Causes, Solutions

Midlife Crisis In Men And Women. Symptoms, Causes, Solutions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

"Dreams, dreams, Where is your sweetness?" A.S. Pushkin Until recently, youth was ringing in my soul, and it seemed as if the whole world was lying at your feet. Where did this inspired joy go, how did it slip into oblivion, like sand through your fingers? Instead, a midlife crisis loomed on the horizon with its tough and implacable questions about what you have managed to achieve, what you have come to over the years

A Wedding Behind Barbed Wire, Or Why Such Love Is Needed?

A Wedding Behind Barbed Wire, Or Why Such Love Is Needed?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The next phone number from a dating site gave her a slight hope: maybe it was he, the one and only one she had been waiting for all her life? Shyly pressing a button on the phone, Tanya heard a pleasant male voice: - Hi, I really liked you in the photo. Are you married? - No, why?

Lessons From Overcoming Dislike, Or Why Should I Reckon With Other People?

Lessons From Overcoming Dislike, Or Why Should I Reckon With Other People?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The world is increasingly demanding that we understand other people

Mom, Don't Sing So Loud! Protect The Ears Of A Genius

Mom, Don't Sing So Loud! Protect The Ears Of A Genius

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Caution! Sound children “Mom, DO NOT SING so LOUD!” - you hear from the children's room as soon as you start singing. And so every time

New Year's Gift As A Way To The Heart. How To Choose Not To Be Mistaken?

New Year's Gift As A Way To The Heart. How To Choose Not To Be Mistaken?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

I look into the eyes of a loved one and feel that he knows EVERYTHING about me: what I love and how I live, why I cry and what I am happy about, what I dream about and what I fear. Some people say that when you know everything about a person, he becomes uninteresting, like a book read. Now I know for sure that they are mistaken. I feel: he finally understood the language in which MY book is written

I Am A Workaholic, Or How To Get Through Vacations And Holidays

I Am A Workaholic, Or How To Get Through Vacations And Holidays

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

I love my job, it brings me tremendous satisfaction and return. This is the brainchild of my whole life. One "but": sometimes there is a vacation or the time for long holidays comes. The first day I even do my best to rest and enjoy life, but then it covers me

All Inclusive Relationships, Or Why Marriage Is A Thing Of The Past

All Inclusive Relationships, Or Why Marriage Is A Thing Of The Past

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

"Girl, are you married?" This question has disappeared from the everyday life of young people almost completely in recent decades

New Year's Eve: Waiting For A Miracle

New Year's Eve: Waiting For A Miracle

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

At the time of New Year's holidays, you so want to believe in miracles. Flickering lights of garlands, colorful snowflakes swirling in the endless waltz of snowfall, long dark winter evenings, a warm blanket and a mug of fragrant hot chocolate. It seems that a funny gnome is about to crawl out from under the tree, and a winter fairy flashes through the snow-covered window. And this big starry sky is so close that all our cherished desires have a chance to be heard

His Majesty Shopping. Is It Possible To Buy Happiness, Or Cultural Trade Is An Honorable Work

His Majesty Shopping. Is It Possible To Buy Happiness, Or Cultural Trade Is An Honorable Work

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

If the wife is a shopaholic, then the husband is a holoopic Anecdote from the Internet

How To Stop Drinking: Answers To Frequently Asked Questions On The Forums - How To Stop Drinking For A Woman. How To Stop Drinking Alone. How To Stop Drinking Alcohol Altogether

How To Stop Drinking: Answers To Frequently Asked Questions On The Forums - How To Stop Drinking For A Woman. How To Stop Drinking Alone. How To Stop Drinking Alcohol Altogether

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The question of how to stop drinking a woman worries relatives and friends of the drinking person. And the perpetrators of anxiety themselves often think about the possibility of stopping drinking alcohol. How to stop drinking? How long can you drown yourself in alcohol? It is painful and unbearable to watch this. Same program every day. After work, one desire is to get drunk. And nothing at all. No need to think, no need to decide

The Series "The Eighth Sense". Fantasy? Reality

The Series "The Eighth Sense". Fantasy? Reality

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The American sci-fi series "The Eighth Sense", released on June 5, 2015, claims to be unique for a number of reasons

Film "Unfinished Piece For Mechanical Piano". Life Never Has A Draft

Film "Unfinished Piece For Mechanical Piano". Life Never Has A Draft

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The film "Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano" was shot by Nikita Mikhalkov in 1976 based on several plays by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. This is one of the first works of the director, but, like subsequent ones, it raises serious problems of the individual and social life of a person

"Obama, Give Me Money!" - Features Of The Consumer Society

"Obama, Give Me Money!" - Features Of The Consumer Society

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second Level on the topic "Money": For a Western person, the consumer society is a natural formation, and he well understands that it consists of two parts: labor itself, production of a product and only then its consumption. We, Russians, see only the last part - the final product

Decree Like A Man, Or Why Roles Change

Decree Like A Man, Or Why Roles Change

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

DECRETIC DAD: A HEEL OR HERO? A mother with a stroller or a baby in her arms looks quite familiar and ordinary for everyone. Almost all mothers know each other in the favorite places of "walking" toddlers and are very often friendly, like their children. A rare dad who went for a walk with a stroller, most likely, does not know anyone and walks by himself, walking the indicated route in anticipation of a saving phone call

Corruption As The Main Threat To Decay

Corruption As The Main Threat To Decay

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Fragment of the summary of the Second Level on the topic "Integration of the modern world": The world is becoming more and more global. In the USSR, we didn't care what was happening in the world, but today sanctions bring mutual damage. Globalization is not canceled and will continue regardless of what everyone thinks on their own

At The Crosshairs Of Time. The Fate Of The World And Individual States

At The Crosshairs Of Time. The Fate Of The World And Individual States

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second Level on the topic "Development of Humanity": In the Russian context, the fight against corruption can be more destructive for the integrity of the state than corruption itself. This is what happened in Ukraine

Alexander Griboyedov. Mind And Heart Are Out Of Tune. Part 2. Cornet Of A Non-shiny Shelf

Alexander Griboyedov. Mind And Heart Are Out Of Tune. Part 2. Cornet Of A Non-shiny Shelf

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Part 1. Family Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov did not have time to finish university. In 1812, the war with Napoleon began, and he became one of the first volunteers to enroll in the Moscow hussar regiment of Count Saltykov

Absent-minded Person. Living Between Sleep And Reality

Absent-minded Person. Living Between Sleep And Reality

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Morning subway

Anna German. Girl With An Angelic Voice

Anna German. Girl With An Angelic Voice

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

"The sky will be covered with specks of stars, And the branches will bend elastically, I will hear you a thousand miles away, We are an echo, we are an echo, We are a long echo of each other." For many years Anna Victoria German was one of the most beloved singers in the USSR. Soviet composers stood in line, vying with each other to offer her their songs. They knew that if Anna agreed to take them into her repertoire, then they would definitely make a hit that the whole country would sing

Kurchatov. Part 3. "Father" Of The Russian Atomic Bomb

Kurchatov. Part 3. "Father" Of The Russian Atomic Bomb

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Part 1. Demiurge of the Nucleus Part 2. Time of Nuclear Reactions "I owe 90% of my success to Lavrenty Beria and Soviet intelligence officers" I.V. Kurchatov

Kurchatov. Part 2. Time For Nuclear Reactions

Kurchatov. Part 2. Time For Nuclear Reactions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Part 1. Demiurge of the nucleus I am happy that I was born in Russia and devoted my life to the atomic science of the great Land of Soviets. I. Kurchatov

Kurchatov. Part 1. Demiurge Of The Core

Kurchatov. Part 1. Demiurge Of The Core

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

There are no great talents without great will … O. Balzac The test of the first Soviet atomic bomb in 1949 was a big surprise for the West. The bomb was created by a group of nuclear physicists under the leadership of Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov, a brilliant organizer, a great experimental scientist who had a unique ability to involve people of various professions in the development of nuclear projects. For the first time in Russian atomic science, he managed to unite the Russian theoretical

Alexander Griboyedov. Mind And Heart Are Out Of Tune. Part 9. Nina. Unfulfilled Task

Alexander Griboyedov. Mind And Heart Are Out Of Tune. Part 9. Nina. Unfulfilled Task

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Part 1. Family Part 2. Cornet of a non-shiny regiment Part 3. College of Foreign Affairs

Alexander Griboyedov. Mind And Heart Are Out Of Tune. Part 7.25 Fools For One Sane

Alexander Griboyedov. Mind And Heart Are Out Of Tune. Part 7.25 Fools For One Sane

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Part 1. Family Part 2. Cornet of a non-shiny regiment Part 3. College of Foreign Affairs

Alexander Griboyedov. Mind And Heart Are Out Of Tune. Part 6. To Moscow, To Moscow

Alexander Griboyedov. Mind And Heart Are Out Of Tune. Part 6. To Moscow, To Moscow

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Part 1. Family Part 2. Cornet of a non-shiny regiment Part 3. College of Foreign Affairs

Alexander Griboyedov. Mind And Heart Are Out Of Tune. Part 5. Secretary Of The Wandering Mission

Alexander Griboyedov. Mind And Heart Are Out Of Tune. Part 5. Secretary Of The Wandering Mission

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Part 1. Family Part 2. Cornet of a non-shiny regiment Part 3. College of Foreign Affairs

Alexander Griboyedov. Mind And Heart Are Out Of Tune. Part 4. Music And Diplomacy

Alexander Griboyedov. Mind And Heart Are Out Of Tune. Part 4. Music And Diplomacy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Part 1. Family Part 2. Cornet of a non-shiny regiment Part 3. College of Foreign Affairs