How To Become Successful - Authoritative Advice From A Psychologist On How To Become A Successful Person In Life

How To Become Successful - Authoritative Advice From A Psychologist On How To Become A Successful Person In Life
How To Become Successful - Authoritative Advice From A Psychologist On How To Become A Successful Person In Life

How to be successful if "brake" is your middle name?

“Rich dad” has already been read to the core, the wall is hung with boards of visualization of desires, and concrete actions are zero. Relatives have given up a long time ago, and our "stubborn inmate" continues to sit stubbornly, because a wave of unrestrained success is about to cover him!

You harness slowly, but you don't go. You don't put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after tomorrow. Your business idea on how to become successful won the Failure of the Year nomination. But you know: the main thing is to be persistent, and the day will come when one of the ideas will definitely shoot. The main thing is not into you.

Apparently on Monday, their mother gave birth …

We often see such people around us, sometimes even in the mirror. Instead of starting a business, they study for years, collect information and … do not start. “Rich dad” has already been read to the core, the wall is hung with boards of visualization of desires, and concrete actions are zero. Relatives have given up a long time ago, and our "stubborn inmate" continues to sit stubbornly, because a wave of unrestrained success is about to cover him!

It is interesting, but true - all "stubborn inmates" are similar to each other like siblings. They even speak and think in the same categories. Here are some tips from the Internet especially for these.

So, to become successful you need to:

  • have willpower;
  • go ahead to your goal;
  • postpone nothing for tomorrow;
  • to be mature, fulfilled and whole;
  • learning without stopping, absorbing information like a sponge.

Do you sincerely think these tips work? Then put this article aside until better times - at least until the next Business Failure of the Year Awards. For those who read and learned everything while they were heading towards the goal, but never achieved it, our next chapter.

Who is to blame and what to do?

Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology classifies "especially stubborn" people into a special category. These are people with the so-called anal vector. They are born geeks, experts and professionals in every field. When we see a respected, established member of society, about whom they say: "This is a professional, a true master of his craft!", Then we are talking, of course, about the owner of the anal vector.

For the bearer of the anal vector, the question of how to become successful in business or in your own business is rather imposed, not native. For him, natural desires are honor and respect in society, which he usually has for a high-quality and thorough approach to his work, for precise expertise, for a unique accumulated experience, which, by the way, only he is able to pass on to the next generation. What would we do without our teachers and instructors?

Nevertheless, all the best qualities of the anal vector not only do not contribute to the achievement of a successful result in entrepreneurship and business, but are generally contraindicated in these matters.

Painstaking and assiduous by nature, the owner of the anal vector is not called upon to instantly switch from one thing to another. Persistent and strong-willed, he is able to complete any business, but with difficulty he starts something new. A born knowledgeable and expert, he gains knowledge out of habit and learns where it is necessary to perform actions without stopping.

And yet, can a person with an anal vector become successful, and if so, how?

How to become successful
How to become successful

Which is better: success or respect?

The values of the anal vector are family, children, authority and respect in society. Such people do not have a direct desire to constantly increase their income through entrepreneurship, to be successful in business. Rather, there is a desire for what you can buy for money for your family, children, for example, a large house outside the city, teaching children.

Realizing his innate qualities in work, the bearer of the anal vector is able to become the most demanded in his profession. For example, a cardiac surgeon with golden hands, to whom a queue will line up. Professional designer, programmer. An authoritative teacher who is adored by students and appreciated by the authorities.

In this case, money and success come naturally - truly high-quality work is always appreciated and paid well for it. You don't have to go far for examples: these are the anal-visual artist Nikas Safronov, the anal-sound mentor of the Voice show Alexander Gradskiy, the anal-sound-visual web designer Artemy Lebedev. These people have reached tremendous heights in their profession and financially.

Hurry slowly

In pursuit of other people's desires, we often lose ours. We replace them with externally imposed aspirations for money, success and status. At this time, our true desires for recognition in society, honor and respect are not fulfilled. We do not live our own life and in no way can we feel happy.

Knowledge of System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan helps to find and correctly apply your vectors, that is, innate character traits. After that, the question of how to become a successful person in life is decided by itself.

Right in front of our eyes, a slow and awkward businessman is becoming a thorough expert in his field. A trader who does not know how to quickly switch is a master who focuses on one task, but does it as efficiently as possible. A salesperson who constantly postpones deals is a professional designer who slowly brings his work to perfection.

Authoritative opinion

Thousands of people have already received their results - they stopped running after the "carrot" of quick money and focused on what they do best in the world.

This is how they themselves put it:

A grandmother will never become a grandfather, but a real professional is a businessman and a trader. The answer to the question of how to become a successful person is given already in free online lectures. Before you is a completely new knowledge, which can only be understood by a truly assiduous and erudite person. There is no place for those who ride on top. Register now.
