Meaning of life. Red mists in the black holes of my Soul
Where does the body end and the soul begin? Maybe where you are not constrained by life in the body, life is better? …
"Everything for which I tried to live has collapsed, and I can think of nothing else."
Jean-Paul Sartre, Nausea
A hard feeling when you are tormented by thoughts and it is impossible to get rid of them. Questions are swarming in my head and there is no answer to them.
Where did the universe come from? A life? Person? Who puts a purpose in a person? Is there a meaning in life? What is worth living for?
For posterity? In order for them to suffer? What will remain after me? After all, people die, the mind fades, the memory is erased …
Live like an animal? Eat, drink, breathe, sleep, reproduce? Then why does a person need a brain?
Where does the body end and the soul begin? Maybe where you are not constrained by life in the body, life is better?
Have you ever had the feeling that the meaning of life is hidden in the depths of yourself?
Every evening black melancholy rolls over. To get to the bottom, so as not to think that you are living in vain …

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Such thoughts and states are characteristic of a person with a sound vector.
Freaky, silent, not of this world. A person who wants to talk about serious topics about life and death, and not with anyone. Because everyone around is so ordinary, they talk only about food, sex and money.
The feeling that everyone has some kind of safeguard from thoughts about the meaning of life. Therefore, they are happy in their oblivion. And the sound engineer has it broken, and therefore he is tormented by a black emptiness that cannot be understood instead of the soul.
According to Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, the human psyche is mosaically composed of vectors - sets of desires and properties for their realization.
The main desire in the sound vector is the cognition of one's Self, the Basic Law of the Universe, the First Cause, God. And this desire is dominant. The sound person does not care about anything else, neither relationships, nor career, nor any achievements bring joy, everything seems empty and insipid until his main hunger is satisfied - understanding himself, life.
The material of the psyche is desire.
When a vector conditioned desire does not receive fulfillment, a person suffers. The unsatisfied “want” of the sound engineer - the unspeakable pain of the soul - expresses itself as apathy, depression, impaired perception of reality, suicidal thoughts. On the physical level - headache, sleep disorders (insomnia or, conversely, sleep for 12-16 hours), energy deficiency, chronic fatigue.
Knowledge of the meaning of life occurs consciously and sensually
The meaning of life is more important than your own life. The soundman, like all people, has its own specific species role necessary for the survival of mankind.
In the process of understanding the eight-dimensional nature of the human psyche, you comprehend yourself as a necessary part of the world, society.
Understanding the structure of the psyche, the universe, gives answers to questions for what reason and why a person was born. The feeling that you are an unnecessary, incomprehensible and incomprehensible, unnecessary and alien element even to yourself disappears. Hundreds and thousands of sound specialists speak and write about this, who have recently asked themselves the same questions:
Understanding the meaning of life allows you to feel its value, get rid of depression and other negative manifestations of unknowing yourself.
The meaning of life is a 21st century deficit
We live in a causal world. The principle is simple: everything has a reason. Human life too. Revealing the mechanisms of the unconscious at nightly free online lectures on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, we are approaching the answers to our questions. Register for lectures by the link: