Living differently, I forget about myself, or The best first teacher
What does it mean for a child to start school? This is a rehearsal for adulthood. Ranking in the team. Primitive, sometimes rude and even cruel, especially for emotional children. The first attempts to find oneself, to show oneself in any sphere - study, sports, creativity according to the innate properties of the psyche …
The article is dedicated to the primary school teacher
Elena Nikolaevna Savelyeva with great gratitude
for the best first years at school.
The first teacher … each of us remembers her for life, whatever she may be. Someone recalls a strict lady with a pointer in her hands, someone an old woman with a squeaky voice in huge glasses, someone a young girl with wide eyes and a kind smile.
What should she be - the first teacher: strict or kind, principled or loyal, young or old, immediately after graduation or have the highest category? What should parents of first-graders pay attention to, and what can they miss?
Let's try to figure out, using Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, which teacher is best suited for elementary school and why this is so.
The first time in first class
What does it mean for a child to start school? This is a rehearsal for adulthood. Ranking in the team. Primitive, sometimes rude and even cruel, especially for emotional children. The first attempts to find oneself, to show oneself in any sphere - study, sports, creativity, according to the innate properties of the psyche.
On the other hand, this is still childhood, the continuation of the period of development and formation of a small personality, gradual maturation, the first independent steps, the determination of one's own interests and hobbies.
First graders are no longer in need of custody and care as younger children. Most of them are quite capable of serving themselves, therefore intellectual development, moral and ethical education, instilling cultural values, communication skills and behavior in a team come to the fore.
The beginning of school is a stressful situation, the external pressure of the landscape, which different children adapt in different ways, but all equally urgently need empathy and involvement in their problems.
The task of the very first teacher is not even so much to teach children something, although this is not canceled, but to see a separate person in each child, to feel their worries and problems as their own, to push them to realize their own needs in a creative way, to outline ways to resolve the first conflicts and ways of doing collective and independent work. Teach you to respect the feelings of others and show your own, explain by your example the importance of compassion in society, the value of human life and the value of everyone's creative contribution.
She teaches how to breathe
It is not a secret for anyone that the one who actually lives by it, considers it his vocation, loves with all his heart and cannot imagine himself without it, does his job in the best way. Favorite work for such a person is pleasure, joy, his passion and is never a burden.
In order to raise children with such love, you need to be born that way. And the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan confirms this.
Working in elementary school, raising and teaching children is an activity that represents the specific role of a skin-visual woman in a state of peace. At all times, it was she who was engaged in raising children. All her psychological properties are aimed precisely at this, therefore, their implementation in such a way brought the highest pleasure and gave fullness to her life.
Inborn organizational abilities, as a property of the skin vector, gave the skin-visual educator the opportunity to easily manage a large children's team, maintain discipline and generate a team spirit, healthy creative competition among her students. Moreover, this has always happened not through an authoritarian "must", but through a flexible search for new solutions, in a playful way, with a hint of a quick victory and getting the desired reward.
In addition, the highly developed properties of the visual vector provided her with amazing sensuality, the ability to feel the emotional background of each child, and subtle observation - to notice the slightest changes in the atmosphere in the children's team. The ability to empathize, skillfully expressing compassion, the most important for the educator, combined with active help and teaching, created for each student the feeling that he was the most beloved and important in the class. Regardless of the number of students, no one in the class felt an attention deficit.
It was the high level of development of the visual vector that allowed such a teacher to discern the full potential, innate talents and inclinations of absolutely all of her students, and to direct the efforts of each in the most promising direction for the child.

Thanks for the fate
The ability of a skin-visual woman to sincere empathy, to create an emotional connection with any child disposed even the most inveterate urethral hooligans and the most withdrawn and self-absorbed sound people to her. Absolutely all the boys in the class were in love with their beloved teacher, and absolutely all the girls considered her their best friend. The first songs and poems were dedicated to her, the first bouquets were brought for her, postcards were glued and abstracts were written. She wanted to surprise, delight, please, and least of all I wanted to upset her.
From the principle of carrot-and-stick education, she always chose a carrot, the most delicious and desirable for everyone. She believed in everyone and believed that there are no bad children, but there are misunderstood, disliked, those who have not yet been able to see, feel, recognize. And this confidence was passed on to the whole class. No one considered the most inveterate Losers to be bad, but round A students as the highest caste, all were equal and loved equally. Everyone was the best! And they themselves felt it.
Every class remembers and loves such a teacher, her students write, call and come to her even after many years. She remembers every one and continues to love and live their lives even after the prom.
It is to the skin-visual teacher that we owe the presence of basic cultural values in society. All her work with children has always been aimed at increasing the value of human life, at fostering feelings and creating cultural restrictions on behavior in society.
Her sincere love for people, due to the properties of a developed visual vector, gave the right direction for the implementation of the innate properties of any vector - outward, outward, for other people, for the good of the collective, society, humanity.
School time, as the next stage of growing up, can be a period of a powerful leap in the psychological development of a child with a competent approach to teaching in elementary school.
At this stage, it is most important for the child to be believed in and directed in the right direction, to instill a love for learning and other people.
The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan makes it possible to easily identify a developed teacher and thereby provide any child with an optimal start in school education and the ability to realize himself in society.
To approach the issue of raising and educating a child fully armed, come to the course of free online lectures on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. To participate, register: