How sexuality appeared
A person constantly develops the brain, this is facilitated by getting an orgasm. Desire grows, goes out of balance even more, and when a person satisfies this increased desire, he gets much more pleasure …
Fragment of the lecture notes for the Second Level on the topic “Sexuality. Relationship between Man and Woman. Orgasm":
Our closest ancestor transforms into a human by reducing the additional desire. The whole history of the intermediate cultured man is a limitation and reduction of additional desire. Our additional desire arises in our psychic, which consists of two primary urges: sex and murder, libido and mortido. Our psychic goes out of balance with the appearance of additional desire. At the same time, the libido itself - desire, attraction to life, to a woman - is also out of balance, becoming larger.
The desire for food has grown, for its prey. We began to want much more than we need for life. And the desire for a woman also grew, went beyond the instinct. Before the process of “unwinding” additional desires began, our ancestor also had a relationship between the female and the male, but they were in balance, it was an instinct that did not bring either the female or the male the pleasure that primitive man began to experience for the first time feeling additional desires. These were pre-cultural times, there were no special emotional ties, but there was already pleasure from intercourse between a man and a woman.
Before puberty we open up the entire cultural layer in ourselves and recruit anchors, traumas that make it problematic to satisfy sexual characteristics. At the same time, it is thanks to the accumulated layer of culture thousands of years deep that we get pleasure and experiences from intercourse between a man and a woman.
A person constantly develops the brain, this is facilitated by getting an orgasm. Desire grows, becomes even more out of balance, and when a person satisfies this increased desire, he receives much more pleasure.
Skin-visual woman
Desire, libido grows, and with it the reverse side of development grows - hatred, hostility. When the ritual sacrifice and eating of a skin-visual boy ceases to cope with hostility, it is necessary to abandon cannibalism - to take the first step into culture. The skin-visual female comes into its own. She seeks to create a sexual and emotional connection, where sexual connection creates a special emotional connection between a man and a woman. She does not strive for intercourse for the sake of having a child, as it happens in animals.

First, the skin limits and regulates sexual relations inside the cave: it establishes with whom you can and with whom you can not have sexual relations, puts a ban on incestuous relationships and relationships with an immature girl. This is done for better survival and continuation of oneself in time for the entire pack.
All women in the cave are limited, regulated in their sexual behavior, except for the skin-visual, since she does not give birth. She has nothing to do in the cave, so she is in the savannah, hunting with men, the only woman with a species role. The skin-visual female strives for intercourse, to create an emotional connection with a man to relieve fear, to obtain a state of safety and security, but not for the birth of a child.
The skin-visual female develops emotions, feelings for all vectors, for the whole, she changes the relationship between a man and a woman, creating, gaining additional stronger experiences from the relationship between male and female. We get a secondary restriction of sexual relations, a man wants a woman, he no longer thinks about children, he wants a woman, he gets great satisfaction, pleasure. But even when he does not receive, then the suffering is the same in strength.
6,000 years ago, in the sound vector, we received a separate sense of our I, and at the same time, in the anal phase of development, sexual relations reach a new level. An individuality, I, appears, separate full-fledged love relationships arise.
In animals, everything is based on smells, in early pre-cultured people, the relationship between male and female is also based on smells. With the rise of culture, relationships are built on smells limited by emotion. In this tension between animal smells and their limitation by emotion, culture, all sexual relations are created, all colossal experiences are born between a man and a woman …
Continuation of the notes on the forum:
Victoria Bokova wrote down. May 17, 2013
A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on a full oral training in systemic vector psychology.