Shooting police officers in the United States. Understand to prevent
In Dallas, Mika Javier Johnson shot five police officers and wounded nine during protests organized by the international movement against violence against black people. The next bloody event was the murder of three police officers by the former US Army Marine Gavin Long. Three representatives of the law were injured. What prompted these two to move from words to action?
Recently, news feeds are full of messages about more and more monstrous crimes against innocent people taking place all over the world and do not leave indifferent almost a single person who is in the slightest degree aware of current events. So, in the United States there were two tragedies that shocked many citizens of the country. The public did not have time to retreat after the murders of African-Americans by police, as in Dallas, and then in Baton Rouge, the police themselves were shot. The atmosphere of hatred gives birth to its new foci, intoxicating the head of mentally unstable people, sometimes offended by their wife or parents, and sometimes to the whole world.
Dallas Police Shooting
As it is known from the news reports, in Dallas, Micah Javier Johnson shot five police officers and wounded nine during protests organized by the international movement against violence against black people. Having prepared in advance, having bought weapons, he carefully thought out his actions. He took special courses in tactical shooting, where the shooter quickly changes positions, creating the illusion of the presence of other shooting at the target. Because of this, the police assumed Johnson had accomplices. He was preparing his act of violence against white police officers even before the murders of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge and Filando Castilla in Falcon Heights. These events only served as a trigger for the implementation of his ideas.
Johnson spent a year in Afghanistan, serving in the US Army for several years immediately after leaving school. He was fired from service after being accused of sexual harassment. Curiously, before the army, Mickey Javier was described as a patriot, a man who was going to serve in the police and freely communicated with the white population of America. However, after a year of service in Afghanistan and subsequent dismissal, his character changed. He was dissatisfied with the actions of the government, acutely perceived the events associated with the murders of African Americans. Attacks of aggression happened to him more and more often.
By looking at the history of his social media accounts and searching the Internet, investigators revealed his sympathy for black nationalist groups such as New Black Panther Party for Self Defense (NBPP), Nation of Islam and others. For a time, he even was a member of one of the NBPP branches, but was expelled from the organization for his calls to violence and murder of African American preachers, in his opinion, interested only in money, and not believing in God. Shortly before the events in Dallas, Johnson published a post calling for aggressive action against police officers. His hatred of white people, in particular police officers, grew every year, clouding his common sense.
Shooting in Baton Rouge
The next bloody event was the murder of three police officers by the former US Army Marine Gavin Long. Three representatives of the law were injured. The criminal himself did not manage to escape, and he was killed by the police.
He acted alone and was not associated with any factions. While there are reports of him claiming to be a member of the Nation of Islam, the FBI denies that he belongs to any nationalist movement. These types of groups do not encourage their members to kill police officers.
He kept several of his blogs and had a YouTube channel where he posted his videos under the pseudonym CosmoSetepenra. Long described himself as a freedom strategist, mind game trainer, nutritionist, writer, and spiritual advisor. He made calls to start acting in other ways, since peaceful protests lead nowhere. As a result, having rented a car and went to Baton Rouge, he himself went to put things in order, considering himself a fighter for justice.
Secrets of the psyche
What prompted these two to move from words to action? After all, not everyone is able to decide to go and kill, in fact, innocent people who only embody the imaginary image of a certain generalized enemy. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, an innovation in the field of human cognition, gives us the opportunity to take a fresh look at the situation and try to understand the reasons for the actions of two former military men.
According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, there are certain sets of desires and human properties set by nature. Each such set is called a vector. There are eight vectors in total, and in the modern world, people are found, on average, from three to five. They determine our aspirations, way of thinking, life scenarios. The vectors are subdivided into lower (responsible for libido) and upper (responsible for the perception of information from the outside world).
Academician or Tyrant?
Both shooters had one of the bottom vectors - anal. A quarter of people on the planet have this vector and, of course, the range of properties included in it is quite large. Why can the owners of the anal vector be both great scientists and cold-blooded killers taking revenge on the whole world?

By nature, they have an interest in the past, since it was they who were supposed to accumulate knowledge and experience and pass it on to future generations. Endowed with an excellent memory, the owners of the anal vector became teachers, mentors, and skilled craftsmen. Wherever perseverance, accuracy, accuracy were required, such people found their use and were irreplaceable. Aimed at bringing the result to the end, so that there was not a single flaw, they created masterpieces that most are not able to repeat until now. It was the owners of the anal vector who always tried to cleanse everything, bring it to the ideal.
Since the family is their basic value, they embody the image of the owner or mistress of the hearth so well known to all of us. Traditions, blood ties, strong family relations, brotherhood and justice are most important to them. Great family men, great teachers, best friends and the most responsible workers.
However, if we all embodied only our best sides, then life would be much easier. Any the most beautiful person under the pressure of life circumstances can turn into his complete opposite. Someone loses realization in society, someone fails on the personal front, and someone is unlucky - he was born in a dysfunctional family. And in this case, the most beautiful people can one day become tyrants, despots, sadists and critics.
Their amazing memory begins to play a cruel joke with them: scrolling through the unpleasant moments of their lives for the hundredth time, the psyche of the owners of the anal vector is covered with a thick layer of resentment. Sometimes one innocent situation for most people can sprout a seed of hatred for the entire human race, and not just for the hapless offender.
Gnawing resentment
Plunging more and more into their negative states, not seeing a way out of the vicious circle of troubles and failures, the owners of the anal vector begin to look for the guilty. After all, it is impossible to be offended just like that, there should always be an object for hatred. So, for the shooter from Dallas, the first call was the failure to realize his dream - to become a representative of the law. Why didn't he succeed? This remains behind the scenes, but in any case, Mika Javier, not having achieved what he wanted, experienced internal discomfort and frustration.
At the same time, he was impacted by his military service, especially in the war zone. War changes people, affects their psychological state. Anyone who has been in a war zone does not remain the same. In order to kill in war, a powerful, ancient taboo on killing one's own kind must be overcome. Not everyone succeeds in returning to a cultured person. Someone breaks down so much that they become a completely different person. Johnson's relatives noted that he changed a lot after the service.
A person with an anal vector, who has lost his bearings, is disillusioned with his state, is capable of much. It is such people who will plan their revenge for a long time, carefully calculate everything, like a jeweler striving to make the perfect diamond. But not every owner of the anal vector will be able to decide to kill people, especially massive ones.
Nationalism is my faith
The Dallas black shooter wasn't just angry with the government. He was greatly carried away by nationalist ideas, which every year more and more clearly formed the image of the enemy in him. It is the owners of the anal vector who are carried away by these theories and strongly support them.
The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan suggests that at the dawn of mankind, it was anal sound specialists who initiated the division of the human flock, first into families, and then into peoples. And if a developed and realized owner of the anal vector, proceeding from his inner motives, is a real patriot, then the undeveloped and frustrated one will become a nationalist, proclaiming the priority of his people over all others and promoting hatred of them.
Mickey Javier's social failure, resentment against the government that sent him into a war zone, and then fired for sexual harassment, the murder of African Americans by representatives of the law (in fact, the same government) - all this served as an impetus for the adoption of nationalist views that helped to finally shape the image of the guilty one.
The killing of African Americans by police and the futility of peaceful protests prompted both shooters to commit crimes against the law. The Baton Rouge shooter has also accumulated his discontent with the police for a long time, who are unable to distinguish an innocent person from a dangerous criminal and judge only by the color of the suspects' skin. A keen sense of injustice, a desire to change something, also caused by a sound search for truth, often expressed by adherence to any ideas explaining the structure of the world, gave rise to hatred of all policemen in Gavin Long.
It doesn't matter here whether they are guilty or not, the main thing is that they "defend the rotten system and themselves rotted through and through." He, as the owner of the sound vector, was inclined towards the exact sciences, was looking for answers to metaphysical questions, but problems in social realization and in family life, which caused difficulties in fulfilling the desires of the anal vector, pushed him to ideas of nationalism.

No answers - no life
As a person living in the world of IT technology, Long posted his videos on YouTube and blogged - to some extent one of the options for self-expression of the modern person. This is the handwriting of many modern "shooters" who claim dozens of lives - to leave their message to the world. They write very conclusively and convincingly. This is how the anal-sound bunch of vectors manifests itself, in good condition giving the world genius writers, and in the case of frustrations forcing us to write such manifestos that justify crimes. Unfortunately, the negative way of thinking of Gavin Long, like in a number of other similar cases (remember Anders Breivik, Dmitry Vinogradov), did not remain within the global network, but resulted in a cold-blooded shooting of police officers in Baton Rouge.
The sound vector, being the most "immaterial" vector, is least of all interested in the real world. In bad conditions, unable to find answers to internal questions about the meaning of life, the owners of this vector cease to perceive the value of someone's life, including their own. In the understanding of such people, the body is something that interferes with seeing the true essence of things: it is because of it that a person experiences the tremendous pain of the inability to know what is beyond the boundaries of the physical world. At the extreme point of loss of connection with reality, complete loss of the moral and cultural superstructure, landmarks of good and evil, we are dealing with moral and moral degeneration - this is how Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology calls this state.
Of course, most owners of the sound vector will never go to kill people and will not commit suicide, since they fulfill their desires through music, science, religion or philosophy. However, in the modern world, it is more and more difficult for sound specialists to find answers to internal questions about the meaning of being, which is why they plunge into terrible states of depression and complete indifference to others. It was in these states that the Baton Rouge shooter found himself before he committed his first and last crime against a person.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps us to understand the psychological background of the actions of Mika Javier and Gavin Long. And most importantly, it gives us the opportunity to prevent such situations, to recognize potential murderers, or to help a person from the very beginning to cope with his internal problems, preventing him from reaching the point of no return.
The first steps in recognizing the mental characteristics of the people around us can be done already at free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register using the link.