Breakdown: what to do when tired forever
What to do to save yourself from the loss of strength? There are no uniform instructions for this, but there is more. Each person consists of a mass of desires, properties, skills, past experience, attitudes. To understand yourself is to realize and arrange all parts of yourself so that this "heap of everything" becomes a clear and clear picture.
The biggest danger in life is the danger of not doing what you came into this world for. How is the breakdown connected with this? Directly.
Exhausted, she reached her destination. With an effort she hit the body, then again. Something creaked, gurgled, and the coffee machine finally started working. She took her coffee and swam in the fog to the chair. Fingers trembled over the keyboard. Eyes habitually slid to the clock. "There are still seven hours before bedtime, and I am already a corpse," she thought, and in powerlessness dropped her head into her hands.
You can solemnly designate your lack of energy as a syndrome of chronic fatigue, call drowsiness and the state of "not-want-not-can" symptoms. You can look for the causes of impotence in the onset of diseases and prescribe treatment. You can declare a midlife crisis and an existential dead end.
But it is much more useful to think about why so many people go through life with a dull expression on their faces? Why are we wasting our last strength on something we don't want at all? What is the root cause of chronic, widespread loss of strength?

Syndrome "I'm Tired Forever"
You look at some people - your eyes burn like fire! So they easily spend thousands of megawatts on their eyes alone, when the majority around have long switched to energy-saving ones. "Burning" people immediately stand out - rarities.
The decline of strength is, without exaggeration, the plague of the 21st century. Young, smart, successful. They have everything - family, job, home, friends. There is only one thing - strength. The charge of their battery burns with a red stripe around the clock.
Anna, a young woman. Husband, child, good job and … complete breakdown. The look changes from frightened to extinct with almost closed eyes. As a child, Anya was a very mobile child and dreamed of conquering the whole world with her dexterity and beauty. Because of her excessive anger and obstinacy, she often found herself in "situations", for which she received constant reprimands with a belt. It was not advisable to cry, to go beyond the bounds of decency too.
Now her personal life is full of passions. He torments her, she is tormented. And there is no strength to change anything. But once I wanted love and meaning so much. But something somehow …
Where have Anya's feelings gone? Why such a breakdown at 30? Feelings have not gone anywhere. Is that a little shriveled. The owner of the visual vector, she was born with the desire to work with her heart. And with his first feeling - fear. The rest needed to be developed and learned to apply them. When tears are weakness, art is a whim, and sentiment is indecent, then the science of love is difficult.
Her great desire tried to be realized and each time it was chopped off, like unnecessary shoots from a sawn tree. Each year their number decreased until an even stump remained. Long-term unfulfilled desire - shrinks itself. This means that the energy of a person is also reduced. In her habitual state of "constricted feelings" Anya followed the well-worn scenario of life. The bulbs in her eyes began to shorten - they briefly lit up only from surprise or fear. But not from happiness.
A breakdown for a genius
Can you imagine Hemingway or Einstein in a state of chronic exhaustion? Or Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who is on board the Calypso and says: "Something purple, everything is so …"
Although it is we, the sound people, who most often feel like this when we are exhausted in our eternal search for Meaning.
Anna said so too. She has picked up this expression since adolescence. During that period, she became interested in programming and is still saving from meaninglessness in her work. True question "Why?" still looms constantly in her thoughts, imperceptibly for her takes away her meager strength. It leaves a bland aftertaste in the mouth: "I haven't done something very important in my life." She tried to live like everyone else. But from this her soul hurts, and the loss of strength is felt even more. She was already desperate to find what she was looking for.
Desires have one very interesting property: they don't disappear anywhere. Regardless of whether we have the skills to implement them or not. They can only grow if everything is in order. Or shrink, shrink, grow overgrown with dissatisfaction. This is especially noticeable on the example of the sound vector. He wants and does not receive, wants and does not receive - for years. So, a person who is potentially able to have the largest amount of pleasure, unnoticed for himself receives the largest amount of suffering. And he no longer knows how to find himself in life.
Desire is reduced, there is a breakdown. The unconscious puts the stamp "The project failed", the body obediently fades away, reacts with psychosomatics. Adds "casual" hobbies, unhealthy lifestyles, addictions - from carbohydrate to drugs.

Breakdown as salvation from oneself
When Anna tries to understand what went wrong in her life, she plunges into a heap of feelings and memories. The bitterness that I could not, the feeling of resentment for not allowing … and irritation. No, hate. She dreamed of turning the world upside down, making it better, but as a result? Unloved, misunderstood, engaged in mouse fuss. And around - a mouse fuss. From every laugh, every push from the outside - she shakes from the inside.
What would have happened if she had not been so powerless, so oppressed? Would she be able to express her condition by action? Shout out? Maybe hit? "I would kill!" - sometimes flashes in her mind. To which she answers herself with a faint smile. Whatever it is, she is closely stuck in a tangle of contradictions. Desires against weakness, frustrations against norms of behavior. Crawling to the coffee machine and back is her way. No matter how boiling inside. And it seems that it would be so good if all this simply did not exist.
Through a breakdown, a person seems to "shrink", and this is true in relation to others. And even mercifully. Can you imagine if all human dissatisfaction with life rushes to others with unlimited energy? You can hurt. The wisdom of nature is that it does not allow this.
Lack of energy - what to accept?
Our desires do not go anywhere, just a plus is replaced by a minus. We find ourselves in the usual range of life, our dissatisfaction is arrested by a breakdown - a natural regulator - like a cage. Later it turns out that no conscious tricks can bend the cage's rods, and the keys lie in the dusty boxes of the unconscious.
What to do to save yourself from the loss of strength? There are no uniform instructions for this, but there is more. Each person consists of a mass of desires, properties, skills, past experience, attitudes. To understand yourself is to realize and arrange all parts of yourself so that this "heap of everything" becomes a clear and clear picture. Where it is clear what I want and what needs to be done for this. Where the past does not hang in a dusty bag, but is rethought and accepted in its necessity and importance. Then the corrected mechanism switches from "I want - I do not receive" to the "I want - I implement - I enjoy" mode. It is enough to look into the eyes of a person to understand that this is so:
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