How To Get Rid Of Panic Attacks. Doctor's Recommendations

How To Get Rid Of Panic Attacks. Doctor's Recommendations
How To Get Rid Of Panic Attacks. Doctor's Recommendations

How to get rid of panic attacks. Doctor's recommendations

The reason for everything is a sudden strong feeling of fear, under the influence of which the adrenal hormone, adrenaline, is released into the blood. This is a natural defensive reaction in response to a danger signal. But the trick is that there is a signal, but there is no real danger!

How to Get Rid of Panic Attacks? This question worries everyone who has experienced this painful condition at least once. Suddenly a surging feeling of danger, unaccountable horror, a frantic fluttering of the heart when it seems that it is about to jump out of the chest … A person helplessly gasps for air - it feels like he is suffocating. Someone is covered by a hot wave, someone is thrown into a shiver, and there is only one urge: to run, to be saved. The first thing that comes to mind during an attack is that you are dying. The fear of death is so strong that it deprives you of your mind, and it is no longer possible to apply all kinds of advice from psychologists in the fight against panic attacks in such a state. It turns out that the fight against panic attacks was lost in advance? Or is it possible to get rid of panic attacks in another way?

How to overcome panic? Understand what's going on

Consider, from a medical point of view, what actually happens in the body during panic attacks. The reason for everything is a sudden, strong feeling of fear, under the influence of which the adrenal hormone, adrenaline, is released into the blood. This is a natural defensive reaction in response to a danger signal. But the trick is that there is a signal, but there is no real danger! But about the unconscious reasons for the uncontrolled feeling of fear a little later, but for now let's analyze what happens to our body during a panic attack. And why advice on how to calm down quickly during panic attacks often simply does not work at a critical moment.


With the ingress of adrenaline into the blood, a chain of reactions is triggered, the main goal of which is to mobilize the internal reserves of the body and ensure survival in an emergency situation - to flee: the frequency and strength of contraction of the heart muscle increases, pressure increases, blood flow in the muscles increases and decreases in internal organs, breathing becomes more frequent … As a result, the readiness of the body to overcome obstacles increases. But since all these changes are not used for their intended purpose, hyperventilation of the lungs already for the second time leads to dizziness, a feeling of lightheadedness. It is clear that a person in such a state does not think of any ways to quickly calm down during a panic attack, even if he has read hundreds of them. And if they do come, he simply cannot cope with a panic attack in this state.

All of the above reactions are nothing more than a part of perfectly normal physiology when they occur at the moment of serious danger. A person, without realizing it, can, for example, jump over a large obstacle or cross the required distance in a matter of seconds - make the maximum jerk that his body is capable of to rescue. Understanding the physiological characteristics of the course of panic attacks gives some sense of relief and partly answers the question of how to calm down during a panic attack. The only thing that remains to be curbed is the very feeling of fear, which is the main culprit behind the occurrence of panic attacks.

There are various methods of psychotherapy, many of which you have probably already tried. The result, as a rule, turns out to be short-lived or absent altogether. And this is understandable. How can you explain how to cope with a panic attack if you do not understand the main thing: the causes of the disorder? Real relief from panic attacks is only possible when the root of our uncontrollable fear is known.

Sometimes people are looking for medication to cure panic attacks, but the use of drugs is not sustainable. Medicine is also quite helpless in dealing with the issue of getting rid of panic attacks. The use of sedatives, antidepressants is an attempt to stop the effects, but this has no effect on the root of the problem. By suppressing a person's reactions, antidepressants and tranquilizers can only aggravate the condition, because the huge potential of emotions, the excess of which is poured out with a feeling of uncontrollable fear, is suppressed - instead of being used as intended. That is why until now there has been no effective remedy that would tell you how to deal with panic attacks.

Today it is safe to say that it is possible to get rid of panic attacks on your own! The new direction - System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan - brought many discoveries to those areas where there were no clear answers until now. The causes of phobias, panic attacks, depression, autism, suicidal thoughts - all this is part of the laws of the psyche clearly described in System-Vector Psychology. No more doom - there is ignorance! System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan gives everyone the opportunity to look into the unconscious and understand how our psychic works, what gives rise to our reactions, feelings, thoughts, desires. Possessing the necessary systemic knowledge about himself, everyone is able to find and eliminate the causes of their negative experiences, clearly understand how to get rid of panic forever.

The first step to getting rid of panic attacks on your own is to understand the root causes of uncontrollable fear. The fear of death, which is the basis of panic attacks, reaches a huge amplitude only in a certain type of people with a visual vector. To understand why nature needed such a super-reaction, let's go back when the human community was just beginning its development path.

How to get rid of panic fear. Life-saving emotions

Primitive flock. Men go hunting. One unsuccessful call, another … Halt. We settled down to rest. What if predators suddenly attack? Man does not have such fast legs or sharp fangs to escape certain death in the mouth of a lion. I need a day guard. It was this function that was performed by a slender, flexible girl with special vigilance and increased emotional excitability - the special properties of the visual vector. Her task was to notice the approaching danger in time. But this was not enough! What was needed was an overreaction to danger, a fright of such force that her cry "Oops!" and the smell of fear (yes, all emotions have their own smell) instantly raised the hunters who were taking a nap at their halt. A weak or delayed reaction of her fright would be tantamount to death for herself and for others.


Only people with a visual vector have a huge emotional amplitude and impressionability. Once it was necessary for the survival of the flock - so that, with incredible intensity experiencing the fear of death at the sight of a predator, warn the flock of danger. But over time, as the ways to resist the forces of nature have improved, the need to be so scared has disappeared as unnecessary. Today, such panic attacks and intense fear, on the contrary, prevent us from living normally. And we are looking for how to cure a panic attack, because such reactions are inappropriate in the modern world.

Modern society has other tasks. Nature has foreseen this too, endowing the visual person with the ability to transform the emotion of fear for oneself into a feeling of love and compassion for others. Fear and love are two poles, in the delta of which the emotional amplitude of the visual vector is realized. The real way to get rid of panic attacks on your own is to learn how to switch fear for yourself into empathy for another, into a desire to save his life.

The more positive emotions, empathy and love for people we, spectators, experience, the less space is left for fear. How it works, how to get out of the state of fear and how to defeat panic attacks, is discussed in detail at the online training on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. Already in the first lectures on the visual vector, you will be able to thoroughly work out the causes of panic attacks and phobias. Deep awareness of the nature of fear allows you to change your inner state so much that already during the training a person feels incredible relief.

Understanding yourself, your characteristics and desires helps to naturally direct your emotionality in the right direction. As a result of awareness, fears go away, and along with them, panic attacks disappear from your life - as if they had never existed. Understanding your nature, the ability to realize the potential given from birth guarantees the stability of the results in the future. Many people have already managed to become, finally, the winner in the long-term struggle against panic attacks. They left their feedback on overcoming panic attacks for those who need help right now.

Here are just a few reviews of people who got rid of panic attacks after undergoing the training "System-vector" psychology by Yuri Burlan:

“… I had panic attacks. Most often, they began closer to the night, although they could occur at any time of the day. Nightly panic attacks were accompanied by an ambulance call. A panic attack began with a sudden feeling of fear of death, acute lack of air. The limbs became icy and wet, the pulse went off scale for 140-150, often reached a fainting spell. After each panic attack, I recovered for a long time.

All visits to specialist doctors ended with antidepressant medication. I was afraid to go to bed in the evening, I was afraid of the dark, I was terrified of dogs. The feeling of fear came up suddenly. This could happen in transport, in a crowded place, during work or leisure. Panic attacks became more frequent.

I underwent a brain examination, MRI diagnostics was performed, I visited an endocrinologist, a neurologist, a cardiologist - no violations were found. Not a single specialist could answer my question, what should I do, how to live with it further? I was completely desperate. I began to look for answers to questions on the Internet, came across the portal on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, read articles and soon attended free lectures by Yuri Burlan.

After attending free lectures on Systemic Vector Psychology, I was able to fall asleep without antidepressants. Without delay, I signed up for the full course. Already at the level 1 training, I suddenly remembered that I had not been scared for a long time, and had not attended panic attacks, had not felt a sudden panic fear of death for a long time.

The panic attacks are gone and this is a lasting result. I live without them, I'm not afraid of the dark and dogs for 3 years already …"

Anna Vinevskaya Read the full text of the result “… Gradually I learned to cope with sudden panic attacks - a feeling of acute fear for my life, when you are suddenly thrown from the heat into cold sweat and then shakes for a long time with a large tremor, it darkens in my eyes, and my hand itself reaches for the phone to dial "03" - help me, I'm dying! Now it's just ridiculous to remember this! " Nina Belyaeva Read the full text of the result

Yuri Burlan's training is an opportunity for a new look at the world, a new life, where there is no place for panic attacks. If you are concerned about how to deal with a panic attack right now, while awareness has not yet become a natural part of your life, remember:

  • A panic attack is just a storm of unspent emotions that, in the absence of other, more constructive options, are realized in such a primitive way - in the form of a sudden, acute fear of death. Various emotional losses and stress in relationships only contribute to this.
  • Think about the physiological response to fear - there is no real threat to your health.
  • In order not to fuel your panic, at the first sign of fear, switch your attention from yourself to another - focus on the other person, pay attention to the expression on his face, try to feel what state he is in, what thoughts and feelings he may have, what desires.

Of course, if you are interested in how to overcome panic attacks forever, these simple tips are just an auxiliary tool, one might say, a crutch, which is tiring and inconvenient to use and which you will not need after completing the training in System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, because awareness of yourself and others will radically change your inner state. You no longer have to strain to apply the next technique - your thinking, perception of the world will change and, as a result, your emotions will become a source of joy, not suffering.

There are hundreds of reviews on overcoming panic attacks and fears today. Watch one of the videos where a young woman talks about her results: getting rid of tantrums and numerous fears after undergoing Yuri Burlan's training:

Know that your impressionable heart is not doomed to be afraid, it is capable of loving and experiencing real joy from life. The choice is yours!

Start getting to know yourself already at the free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan! The unique information about the subconscious, the friendly atmosphere of the training and the opportunity to ask your questions online right in the broadcast chat makes the training an important and memorable event. Register for lectures now!
