Can't live without touch
I want to feel this pleasure constantly, but he is burdened by manifestations of tenderness. You cannot live without touching, and he seems to completely fail to understand this. Doesn't she love? Often such thoughts come at moments when it seems that the husband is not attentive enough, caring and affectionate …
She constantly thinks about him. I look forward to his return home in the evening, and even more - weekends or holidays, when finally it will be possible to forget a little about household chores and take time for each other, talk heart to heart and, of course, enjoy his tenderness.
It's nice to seem defenseless in his arms, to hear the beat of his heart, to feel his breath, the warmth of his hands. A gentle kiss on the neck, as if by chance a touch with your fingertips, a light stroking or strong embrace of a loved one penetrates with sweet discharges of current.
His touch gives pleasure and peace. There is peace next to him. A warm wave covers you, you relax and fall asleep sweetly.
I want to feel this pleasure constantly, but he is burdened by manifestations of tenderness. You cannot live without touching, and he seems to completely fail to understand this. Doesn't she love? Often, such thoughts come at times when it seems that the husband is not attentive, caring and affectionate enough.
The relationship between spouses is a special kind of contact. Everyone has their own idea of the manifestations of care and tenderness. We do not even suspect how different our perception is, and with it our desires.
Why is affection important to us?
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that our features are given to us from birth and are conditioned by sets of desires and properties - vectors. There are eight vectors in total: urethral, anal, cutaneous, muscle in the lower group and sound, olfactory, visual, oral among the upper.
Carriers of the cutaneous vector, one of the four lower vectors, are approximately 24%. You can often find such people in our environment.
Their especially sensitive area is the skin - soft, velvety. Massages, moisturizers, nourishing masks, scrubs, body wraps, baths, stone therapy, solariums - we are not ready for anything to take care of the skin, pamper ourselves and have fun.
We are ready to lie on the beach for hours, basking in the sun on the warm sand, enjoying and rewarding the envy of everyone around us - a bronze tan!
Hugs come from childhood
Our psyche is laid down from birth, and its manifestations can be observed already in early childhood. For carriers of the skin vector, touch is much more important than for everyone else, since it directly affects their sensitive area - the skin. For them, an indescribable pleasure from an early age is delivered by the arms of their mother, stroking her before bedtime. All illnesses and failures are “cured” with one touch of her tender lips, gentle hands, giving a state of peace, security and safety.
One has only to climb on her knees, burrow into her chest, cuddle harder, drown in her arms, and you already forget about your bruise, scratch, as if they were not there.
At a more mature age, when your mother hugs, you feel support, relax for a moment, because you know that here you are under a reliable wing, you can breathe out, relax. After a minute's respite, you seem to gain strength and are ready to be independent and strong again.

We know a lot about caresses
In adulthood, the needs of the representatives of the skin vector do not disappear anywhere. They still not only crave touch themselves, but are also happy to give reciprocal tenderness. And believe me, they know a lot about this!
It gives them pleasure to explore every millimeter of the partner's body, to feel his reaction to a variety of caresses, of which they have so many in stock that it is difficult to imagine.
It is pleasant for them to take a bath together, to pamper their partner in a soft terry towel, to massage with all kinds of fragrant creams … And one day ice will appear in your bed! And the colder it is, the hotter the kisses of a loved one after it!
And every time the owners of the skin vector surprise with something new, unusual, spicy. And every time it is a hymn of love and tenderness, which they are ready to give to their loved one, because they know by the example of their own feelings what pleasure it is!
Love is different
It is no secret that a wide variety of people have a completely different idea of what is "nice". It seems to us that our needs and experienced emotions should be clear to our partner as well, however, individuals happily live in a couple, harmoniously complementing each other, and not psychologically repeating each other twin brothers.
Perceiving another person through ourselves, we often set ourselves the goal of rewarding him with what is dear to us. But often the expectations of a partner are far from our ideas about his happiness.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan provides an understanding of not only our own characteristics and manifestations of love. Mastering systemic thinking, we get exact knowledge: what kind of happiness it is for our soulmate.
Representatives of the cutaneous vector perceive touch as evidence of disposition and physical attraction. However, a couple with them are often people with an anal vector, for whom love for you is expressed differently.
Yes, they are clumsy, in your opinion, rude, clumsy. Their caresses seem to you monotonous, boring, repeated over and over again, like a worn-out record. And he loves you and therefore cares: he helps to carry heavy bags from the grocery store, repairs the faucet in the bathroom (well, not right away, putting it off more than once, but completing the job!) For your joy and saving the family budget. And one evening after a hard day at work, a pleasant surprise awaits you - a festive dinner for no reason, prepared by the hands of a loved one.
The manifestation of love and care for a partner is unique for everyone. For some, this is intimate conversations every evening, for others - silence together, for others - new trips with a change of impressions, for the fourth - Sunday lunch at home with friends and family.
Believe me, they love you no less than you love, they just express love in categories that are important in the value system of another person.

Understanding each other is the key to happiness in a couple
The relationship between a man and a woman, including the sexual component as part of them, is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon.
Happy paired relationships are determined not only by physiology (manifestations of our lower vectors), but also by spiritual unity, emotional communication, which, as a result, are reflected in intimate relationships.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps you, your partner, to distinguish between different types of sexuality, to reveal the reasons for the formation of the characteristics of representatives of each vector.
A deep understanding of the psychological characteristics of a loved one makes it possible to take a fresh look at the relationship in a couple, at the manifestations of care and tenderness, and with this there is a willingness and desire to give the partner everything he needs so much. And the husband suddenly begins to understand how necessary and significant his touch is for you. And you, in turn, discover his innermost dreams, which you did not even suspect, but he did not dare to say.
Your joint contribution to the pairing relationship will make the pleasure of physical contact the peak of enjoying each other, because you are not only together in your body: you truly understand each other. And this is a different level of relationship in a couple.
Knowledge of system-vector psychology will allow you to experience a new sensuality of pair relationships, their depth, sincerity. This is evidenced by the reviews of thousands of people who have undergone Yuri Burlan's training.
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