Fear of work: how to do the impossible
While luck smiles on the smart ones, the experienced and conscientious person is left to live with the thought “I want to change jobs, but I'm afraid”, coming to an unloved or low-paid service every day. And why? Because she is familiar. Because a tit in the hands is better than a pie in the sky …
The collapse of the NEGO of our time: I'm afraid to go to work
Do you know the fear of losing your job? In our turbulent times, this question is rather rhetorical. And yet there is some injustice in the fact that I am afraid to look for a job, and other people do it with passion and pleasure. And after all, they find the best jobs, get even higher salaries, make a career, although you cannot call them outstanding specialists - they don't have time to accumulate education, they don't have time to accumulate experience, they just jump from place to place, from a good salary to the better.
I'm afraid to look for a job - what is wrong with me?
But what about other, thorough, serious people? The work is not always happy. It happens that you work in an enterprise for five or ten years in good faith, but there comes a moment when you realize that it is in no way possible to live on such a salary. And some colleagues receive twice as much. How to overcome fear of your boss and demand a pay rise? What if they refuse? Or they will say: "If you don't like it, quit!" What to do then?
Looking for a new place? But where are the guarantees that they will not be deceived, that the team will be good, and the bosses will be fair? Looking for a new job is again agonizing to wait for calls from employers, to call on ads, bumping into the hackneyed "Send your resume, we will call you back." On the eve of the interview, toss and turn all night in fear of a new job, imagining tricky questions of personnel officers, apt and witty answers to which will come to mind only after the meeting.
Is it worth it to endure the difficult path of obligatory stories about yourself, filling out countless questionnaires, expectations, hopes and disappointments, in order to finally hear: “We have chosen another candidate” - the same, smart and unprincipled one who will not even joke about himself: “I'm afraid change jobs. While luck smiles on the smart ones, the experienced and conscientious person is left to live with the thought “I want to change jobs, but I'm afraid”, coming to an unloved or low-paid service every day. And why? Because she is familiar. Because a bird is better in hand than a pie in the sky.
Even the long-awaited call "You are accepted to our company, come tomorrow with your documents" is scary. The fear of not coping with the work, which is known to the slightest nuances and depths, does not allow to rejoice, there is one thought in my head: "I am afraid to start working!"
I'm a good worker, but somehow I'm afraid to work
How to overcome fear of a new job, is it possible to get rid of job-related fears at all?
The first step to freedom from fear is to understand their nature, the distinctive properties of a person who experiences fear of work, fear of a boss, fear of a new team.
It has been noticed that those who are used to coping with any task brilliantly are especially afraid of changing jobs. The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan explains that these are honest, modest, thoughtful, thorough people. They start slowly, but they finish what they started. They cannot handle several cases at once, but they do one thing, but professionally. They do not know how to sell, but they will teach others anything, even sales. Such people do not know how to demand an increase in salary and in position, they do not like to present their best sides at an interview - let their affairs speak for themselves.
In our time of speed, advertising and careerism, these modest and honest people often remain unclaimed, unappreciated, although the need for high-class specialists is great. Society always needs experts and teachers.
These are people with an anal vector. The special properties of the psyche make them conservatives, keepers of traditions, customs, and foundations. An enviable memory helps them preserve and pass on knowledge from generation to generation. The ability to separate the clean (right) from the dirty (false) gives criticality to views and judgments, endowing the carriers of the anal vector with special skepticism.
Having similar properties in the psyche, a person cannot but react to a possible loss of work with anxiety. The thought “I want to change jobs, but I'm afraid” is caused by the fear of change, fear of an unknown future. Any surprises are stressful for a person with an anal vector, he reacts to sudden changes with stupor, numbness, and just when delay is "like death"! The sluggishness inherent in this vector can hinder the conduct of negotiations, the rapid adoption of the most important decision, and harm the passage of the trial period.
Since Thursday I start a new life and I am no longer afraid to go to work
How can you cope with the natural properties of the psyche and overcome fear of work, overcome shyness, insecurity, inability to make a quick choice?
The trainings "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan have already helped many people to change the situation, to find their place in life. Systems thinking gives a clear understanding of how to overcome the fear of a new job, how to choose your company and YOUR BUSINESS that brings satisfaction. “I'm afraid of losing my job” - this phrase from the past will never darken your thoughts again. You will clearly know when and how to demand a raise in salary, how to make your bosses appreciate you at your true worth, because you will see and understand the other better than himself and know your own worth.
The most attentive listeners will receive the first results already at the free online lectures "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan. Three sessions will give an accurate recognition of the anal and cutaneous vectors in yourself and in the employer. You will learn how it works, and all your fears will forever remain in the past.
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