Stephen Hawking. The Story Of One Amazing Life

Stephen Hawking. The Story Of One Amazing Life
Stephen Hawking. The Story Of One Amazing Life

Stephen Hawking. The story of one amazing life

There is a category of people for whom the search for answers to such abstract questions is a vital necessity. Their inquisitive mind cannot calm down by solving simple urgent problems. They look at the stars and try to find answers to these questions in the infinity of the Universe …

Where did the universe come from and where is it heading? Was it created or did it appear on its own? Or maybe it has existed forever? Which came first - a chicken or an egg? Does time exist and will it ever have an end?

There is a category of people for whom the search for answers to such abstract questions is a vital necessity. Their inquisitive mind cannot calm down by solving simple urgent problems. They look at the stars and try to find answers to these questions in the infinity of the universe. According to Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, these people have a sound vector - one of eight sets of innate mental desires and human properties.

Stephen Hawking, an English theoretical physicist, professor of mathematics and popularizer of science, is one of the brightest representatives of the sound vector, who has most fully realized its sound purpose.

From the biography of Stephen Hawking

Stephen William Hawking was born on January 8, 1942 in Oxford (Great Britain) into a family close to academia. His father, Frank Hawking, worked as a researcher at the Hampstead Medical Center, and his mother, Isabelle Hawking, was a secretary there. Stephen also had two younger sisters and an adopted brother, Edward.

Since childhood, Steve moved in an atmosphere of scientific interests. Before his birth, his mother, obeying some inner impulse, bought an astronomical atlas. The whole family enjoyed watching the stars with great pleasure. Hawking was considered extremely intelligent, but eccentric and strange people, which suggests that Stephen's parents may have a sound vector. Perhaps that is why they understood the innate characteristics of their son from childhood and tried to develop them.

Mother noticed that Steve was attracted by the stars from childhood. He was very capable and knew how to notice things that others did not see. At home, various mind games were often played, but to Stephen they seemed too simple. Once he somewhere got hold of the most difficult game "Dynasty", which could be played for hours, and it never ended. No one could stand this marathon. But Stephen liked the game. As his mother said, he had a complex mind.

Stephen Hawking's youthful photos also show signs of a sound vector in him: a high forehead, a deep, inquisitive look.

At school, he did not differ in academic performance, he was the third from the end. However, this did not bother him too much. He had many interests. He loved to dance, at the university he was engaged in rowing. He was rather an adventurer. You could never know exactly what he would do next.

At Oxford University, his non-standard mind, the speed of solving problems amazed not only his fellow students, but also his teachers. What was given to others with great difficulty, he mastered, it seemed, in one breath. He was not a very diligent student, but took on a gigantic volume of his abstract intelligence.

There is a story when students had to answer 13 questions from the book "Electricity and Magnetism" in preparation for exams. Only two people answered 1-1.5 questions, and it took them about a month. In a few hours (at the last moment) Stephen "managed to answer only 10". It was then that classmates realized that they were with him "from different planets."

Stephen graduated from university in 1962 and then worked as a researcher in astronomy, applied mathematics and theoretical physics over the years. He studied the theory of the Big Bang that gave birth to the universe, and also developed the theory of black holes. There was a hypothesis that black holes absorb everything without emitting anything outside. However, Hawking proved theoretically that black holes emit radiation, later called "Hawking radiation", and eventually "evaporate."

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Beyond physical capabilities

It is difficult to say why nature sometimes sends such difficult trials to a person. However, in the case of Stephen Hawking, it is likely that if it were not for the terrible diagnosis - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, humanity might have lost one of the most brilliant scientists of our time. Stephen's mother believes that if he had not been completely immobilized, he would hardly have been able to concentrate so much on his research work, because by nature he was very mobile, had many interests. In a sense, Stephen Hawking's illness created the conditions for the maximum concentration of his unique intelligence.

So, when Hawking was 21 years old, doctors told him that he was going to have a complete loss of mobility, that only the heart, lungs and brain would remain in working order. He was given only 2.5 years of life. The first reaction, of course, was shock. The promising, capable young scientist at one point lost interest in life and fell into a deep depression. However, two factors brought him out of this state.

The first is the strongest sound desire to know this world. Once the brain is able to work, the sound engineer can live a fulfilling life. Because for a person with a sound vector, the body is always felt as something secondary, illusory. And even if it is immobilized, it does not prevent it from thinking. He already spends most of his life in his inner world, and not in the real one. Hawking's entire subsequent life confirms this. In any state and in any conditions, he thinks with concentration, making his discoveries.

As Stephen Hawking's mother said, his illness became less of a misfortune for him than it could turn out to be for another person, because he could pretty much live in his mind. From the point of view of System-Vector Psychology, there was a forced reduction of other desires of the body and the correct alignment of priorities. Sound desires are the strongest. However, often the need for other vectors does not allow a person to fully concentrate on the search for the meaning of life, is distracted by simple earthly and everyday affairs, which is why the sound is not fully filled and suffers from non-realization.

Stephen Hawking, in this sense, turned out to be a happy person - circumstances forced him to focus on the most important thing. That is why his life has become so fulfilling, and he still continues to work fruitfully, contrary to the forecasts of doctors. This is the secret of his courage, an extraordinary thirst for life and knowledge, which amaze everyone who comes into contact with him.

The second factor that influenced his decision to go to the end was the belief in him of his bride, and then of his wife Jane Wilde, a woman with an unusually developed visual vector, which is characterized by a high degree of empathy, responsiveness and sacrifice. Her whole life with Hawking became a great service to the scientist and his ideas, even to the detriment of her own realization - she was also talented in the field of studying Romance languages. It was she who helped her husband to succeed, because she replaced his arms and legs, in every possible way contributed to the realization of his scientific talent. And she even gave him three children! A developed woman is always behind the success of a successful man. Stephen Hawking's serious illness not only did not alienate Jane, but prompted her to the most selfless and devoted service to her beloved.

How many more blows of fate he had to endure! In 1985, after suffering pneumonia and surgery on the trachea, he completely lost his voice. However, friends gave him a special computer that synthesized his voice. Only one facial muscle of the face remained mobile, opposite to which a sensor is attached, which transmits signals to the computer. So the scientist got the opportunity to communicate with others. And in 1991 he was hit by a car while crossing the road in a wheelchair. He received multiple injuries, but after a few days he returned to work. His fortitude seems inexhaustible.

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Facets of talent

Stephen Hawking has been a very mobile person since childhood. He was characterized by fast movements, gestures, facial expressions. His interests were always varied, he loved dancing and sports. This is how Stephen's skin vector manifested itself. Even now, with complete paralysis of the whole body, he continues to remain very active, constantly appearing at lectures, scientific conferences, social events in his wheelchair, thanks to which he moves independently. In 2007, he even tested the state of zero gravity on a special plane, and in 2009 he was going to fly into space. True, the flight did not take place. Numerous photos of Stephen Hawking during that period of his life show how intense life even an immobilized person can live - if he lives for the sake of others, for the sake of a great goal.

The skin vector also influences his scientific views. He says that the universe has logic and follows certain rules. The universe has a purpose. While studying very abstract things, he still tries to make his research have a practical application, benefit humanity, help him survive. As a developed person with a skin vector, he manifests himself as an inventor and experimenter. The scientist is not afraid to guess and make mistakes. Often he even makes a bet about the correctness of his next hypotheses. This is also a manifestation of his skin adventurism. He doesn't always win, but science does.

The skin-sound bunch of vectors makes him carry his ideas to the masses. As Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology says, such people are inductive, infect others with their conviction. They can even be fanatics of the idea, in the good sense of the word.

Stephen Hawking popularizes complex sciences - quantum physics and cosmology, because he believes that the future of humanity depends on new scientists, those who are now growing up. One of his most famous books for the general reader is A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes, written in a simple, understandable language. It became a bestseller because it helps to understand very complex things, to think about what this world is like. Thanks to the scientist, the concepts of a black hole, singularity, new ideas about time are more and more included in the everyday life of an ordinary person, and directors are happy to make films on these topics. This is how we gradually get used to living in a larger world.

Scientist Stephen Hawking could not have taken place without the anal vector. His secretary noticed that he reads very slowly, much more slowly than his assistant. This is due to the fact that Stephen simultaneously memorizes huge amounts of information, because he will no longer have the opportunity to return to reading again. To work, he needs an excellent memory, as well as the ability to structure, analyze information. All these abilities are determined by the presence of the anal vector.

When Stephen Hawking began to lose control of his hands, he needed to master a completely new set of tools for solving research problems. The only thing he could do was solve them with the help of the images that he imagined in his mind. In this he was helped by the visual vector, which gives a person a figurative intelligence. Hawking operates with images and diagrams like no other, and this is his advantage. Due to the fact that he has a unique set of tools, he can solve problems that no one could solve before. The combination of abstract (sound) and figurative (visual) intelligence forms all the intellectual power that the scientist demonstrates to us.

Living the dream of discovering the secret

Stephen Hawking is a unique person. Completely limited in physical capabilities, he is completely unlimited in the capabilities of his mind. Thought cannot be limited. What seemed to us unthinkable 100 years ago is commonplace today, thanks to the flight of the imagination of seekers, science fiction writers, scientists.

Like any sound person, he has a special relationship to the idea of God, the Creator. As a child, his father read the Bible to him, and at school he was one of the best in Theosophy, because he knew all the Biblical characters well. However, as Stephen grew up, he became, first of all, an atheist, a scientist who relies solely on knowledge, on the reserves of the human mind. And, nevertheless, the idea of God constantly passes through all of his works as one of the possibilities of creating the universe. In his book A Brief History of Time, he tries to answer Einstein's question whether God had any choice when he created the universe. In fact, he is trying to figure out the Design. And yet, his conclusion is as follows: the Creator had nothing to do here, the Universe without beginning and end.

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Stephen Hawking believes that the secrets of the universe can be revealed, because people do not yet know where the limits of knowledge lie. He writes: “If we truly discover a theory that fully explains the universe over time, its general principles should be clear to everyone, not just a few scientists. And then all of us, philosophers, scientists and ordinary people, will be able to take part in the discussion of why we and the universe exist. And if we find the answer to this question, it will be the greatest triumph of the human mind, for then we will know the plan of God."

The ingenious sound mind asks the main sound question and poses large-scale tasks: neither more nor less - to cognize the plan of God. And this is indeed the salvation of humanity.

If your dreams are about the same, you can learn everything about the sound vector and the possibilities of its implementation at the training System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register for a free online training at the link:
