"Intergirls": a generation of broken muses and a tsunami of abortions
How and why does a woman have the difficult fate of an "intergirl"? Why suddenly have decent parents, for whom the honor and dignity of their daughter are perhaps the main value, suddenly grow up such a child?
“Oh, you whore, how are you not ashamed ?! - the father shouted furiously, barely restraining himself so as not to use his fists once again. - I will strangle you with my own hands, such rubbish! Do you have any idea what you've done? What will people say now? How can I look people in the eye now? Raised a prostitute on my own head !!!"
Mom was sitting in the corner of the room, crying and nervously fingering my coat with her fingers, trying to somehow reassure my father in a quiet, timid voice, which he did not hear: “Vit, well, no need, Vit … she's still quite a child … Vit, calm down, We'll think of something, Vit, everything will be fine …"
I defiantly blew a bubble of gum, it burst loudly. She got up from the table and rushed into her room with the words: "How did you get me!"
In the evening my mother crept up to me and, sobbing, began to beg that I had an abortion before it was too late. After all, I'm only 15, and if I give birth, then my father will definitely not survive such a shame, and he will have a heart attack. Yes, he would have grabbed it quickly! At least he would stop making fun of my mom and me. I was so tired of his moralizing, humiliation and slapping on the back of my head, and my fist hit me on the back more than once.
And it's not my fault that all the men stick to me. You walk down the street, you don't bother anyone, and you’re not a super-beauty, in general, but after all, some guy is bound to cling to. Cafe mafe, this and that, as a result, you find yourself in his bed. It seems that she didn't want to, somehow it happened by itself. Do I have it written on my face "GIVE ALL"?
And in companies, if the partying begins, then you will definitely tumble in bed with some unfamiliar guy. Incredibly simple! How does this happen?
There was always something wrong in my feelings. There was no happiness from such a life, I wanted something more … But what? The atmosphere of the dashing 90s quickly suggested what exactly - money. To be independent from your parents, you need money, and preferably a lot.
So I came to prostitution. I put an advertisement in the newspaper and letters began to arrive at my subscriber address. I started dating men for money. Only my emotional state never improved.
What's next?
I soon began to notice that there was another life around me. The lives of my peers, who went to school, received grades, were happy about something. I noticed the first meetings between classmates, their love, tender hugs, walking by the hand. It was so naive and real, the way it should have been, but I never had it.
I began to be very afraid that my acquaintances or people close to me would find out about my adventures. This is such a shame! I was very ashamed that I was so crazy. And I, lowering my eyes, left another sex partner.
At some point, I realized that I was so dirty from such a lifestyle and fleeting relationships that I simply did not deserve to become someone's wife, let alone a mother. And I continued to have abortions, because I realized that I could not feed the child and become a good mother for him. Mom is sacred, but how can I become a saint for someone, if I consist of solid dirt? No, they don't marry people like me.

Now I'm 42. Behind 12 abortions and 27 years spent on other people's sheets. Sometimes for money, but more often because of "it just happened." The family did not work out, and they did not even offer marriage, although I really wanted to. I stopped dating men, dreaming of family and marriage. I went headlong into work and began to seize my suffering to everyone.
I live somehow … Sometimes I cry in the evenings about unborn children and my family life that has not yet developed. I take offense at my father, who mocked us. I take offense at my mother for persuading me to have the first abortion then. I take offense at men who saw in me only a sexual object. I take offense at life, at God and at myself for the fact that I could not become happy.
The murdered future of the bat girl
Unfortunately, this is just one of many stories with a similar tragic life scenario. How and why does a woman have such a difficult fate? Why suddenly have decent parents, for whom the honor and dignity of their daughter are perhaps the main value, suddenly grow up such a child?
Alas, many parents would bite their own elbows if they knew that the reason that their daughter decides to prostitute is their own psychological illiteracy. We naively believe that our children should be like us in everything. And we educate them accordingly. But nature provides for the genetic transmission of only external signs. The mental structure of our children can be radically different from our own.
Did you know that our body manifests itself with smells, and our soul - with emotions?
At the level of the body, our emotions are manifested by pheromones and are unconsciously felt by other people. Particularly bright and attractive are women whom Yuri Burlan's System Vector Psychology calls skin-visual. From birth, they possess both the properties of the skin and visual vectors.
The skin vector gives a woman agility, flexibility and slenderness. She is pragmatic and committed to property and social superiority. The visual vector endows its owner with a special sensuality, high emotionality, the ability to empathize and sympathy.
The skin-visual woman is not by nature a "husband's wife", because since ancient times she has accompanied men on hunting and war. She has no maternal instinct, as well as the desire to have a family and belong to one man. She is public and attracts the attention of a huge number of men. It is for this reason that she is not limited by natural shame, like the rest of the fair sex. There are few such women, less than 5%.
So was my daughter born a prostitute?
Not at all. We raise prostitutes from our daughters ourselves. The publicity of a skin-visual woman can be expressed in a completely different way and benefit both the owner of these properties and the huge number of people around her. Whether she will bare her body or soul, creating the strongest emotional ties, depends on the degree of realization of the properties of these amazing women.

During the Great Patriotic War, it was the skin-visual women who went to the front as nurses and saved our wounded soldiers from death, helped to survive. They were capable of active compassion and empathy, and became fearless fighting friends.
They also created culture in society, thereby reducing hostility between people. They extolled human life, love and beauty as the highest values, becoming idols and muse-inspirers of several generations of people.
The most striking and well-known examples are Claudia Shulzhenko and Lydia Ruslanova, Zoya Fedorova and Audrey Hepburn. Always arousing desire in men and envy in women, giving themselves to everyone and not belonging to anyone, gorgeous women.
Sensually developed skin-visual women in the state of "peace" also realized themselves through the giving of great love to children. Unable to give birth on their own, they were engaged in the upbringing of other people's children, surrendering without a trace to their profession of a teacher or educator.
Why did our heroine have a completely different life?
From muse to prostitute: different fates
The fact is that a prosperous fate for any person develops only under the condition of adequate development of all his inborn vectors in childhood and the correct application of properties in adult life. And our story clearly shows all the horror experienced by many skin girls who grew up in conditions of beatings and humiliation in the family.
The especially sensitive skin of such a girl is sensitive to even a light touch. And physical punishment inflicts irreparable damage on her psyche. The situation is aggravated by the verbal humiliation she endures from her father. The combination of these factors inhibits the child's psychosexual development.
And the skin girl begins to perceive her body according to the early primitive principle, as her only asset. The mental properties of the skin vector are such that such a person evaluates everything that happens to him in life through the prism of “beneficial - not beneficial”. And the woman begins to build relationships with men according to the principle "I will not give". This principle in a relationship can never become the basis for a couple to take place. By and large, it is always prostitution, direct or indirect.
Our heroine was unlucky: she had no chance of becoming either a great actress or a selfless teacher. The path to prostitution was paved for her as a child: the loss of a sense of security and protection from her mother, humiliation and physical violence from her father (punches on the back and slaps on the head) did their job.
About victims of violence
The visual vector of our heroine also did not develop adequately. Any visual child has an innate fear of death. Under favorable conditions, he develops into his own opposite - compassion and sympathy for other people. This primarily requires a sense of security and safety in your own family. An undeveloped visual vector is a person who has remained in a state of fear for life.
In adulthood, such women flutter like butterflies from flower to flower, from partner to partner, accompanying their path with short loves. They simply did not have time to mature to a long-term deep feeling called "love". In more severe conditions, they become an excellent bait for rapists, sadists, maniacs who unconsciously feel this smell of fear.
Usually a woman herself does not understand why she lives like this. Only by sensations she realizes that something is wrong with her life.
Where does the shame of the "shameless" come from?
Why is our heroine ashamed if, for understandable, systemic reasons, she behaves like a "shameless"? Deep down, a girl feels that unbridled sexual behavior is unnatural for a woman. Such a feeling gives our heroine the anal vector that she possesses, in addition to the skin-visual combination of vectors.
The main values of the anal vector are family, children, loyalty to one man, physical and moral purity. And our heroine lives her life, torn apart by internal contradictions. On the one hand, not a wife, not a mother, a fallen woman, on the other, a natural-born mistress, the most faithful wife and potentially the best mother.
The experienced bad experience makes her suffer, torment. She defines herself as a "dirty" woman unworthy of pure love and family. Makes abortions, considering himself not created for motherhood. Such a fate full of suffering drives her into the abyss of grievances, to which the owners of the anal vector are located. Grievances against parents, men, and fate further record this deplorable life scenario.
Generation of "intergirls"
And it would be fine if such a story was a huge rarity. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The dashing 90s became a turning point in the history of our country, when we, later than other countries and with huge losses, entered the skin phase of human development.
It was marked by the triumph of the values characteristic of this vector: benefits and benefits, property and social superiority, personal growth, individualism.
The values of the new era were in irreconcilable conflict with our natural urethral-muscular mentality, communal and collectivist.
At the same time, people who naturally possess an anal vector, like the father of our heroine, received the maximum damage. Potentially, these are the best fathers in the world: caring, attentive, honest, fair, madly in love with their children.
But such people do not know how to "spin" and "make money." They are the best masters of their craft, their photos were adorned with honor boards of any Soviet enterprise. And suddenly at one point all this turned out to be useless to anyone, and most men with an anal vector could not adapt to the new era. In conditions of the strongest social frustrations, they became the most cruel despots and sadists, rapists and even pedophiles.
How much damage can we make up for?
Millions of distorted destinies. The tsunami of domestic violence, which began in the 90s, continues to roll over our families in waves to this day.
In addition, the ability of our men to live normally in society and provide for their families in the post-perestroika times, lost by our men, gave rise to mass abortions among women. Why?
Because a woman naturally wants to give birth, but she needs protection and safety from a man. She not only has to be calm about the physical safety of her and her child. She needs to have a solid guarantee of material security, at least for the period of pregnancy and childbirth. This is how nature itself works.
When there are no guarantees, neither physical safety, nor material support, a woman loses her natural desire to give birth. Both mass abortions and the problem of prostitution will not go away from our lives until we can not only make up for the damage that our people have suffered over the past 25 years, but also provide a psychologically healthy atmosphere for raising children, a sense of security and safety in society.
The only way out
Fortunately, there is a way to solve such a global problem. And he is the only one - this is a systemic psychological study of the damage that we carry in ourselves and which does not allow us to take place and be happy. This opportunity has already been received and massively implemented by many listeners of the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.
Women are given the opportunity to work through any trauma they have suffered from violence, physical or verbal. On the other hand, men with an anal vector are able to realize the nature of their own propensity for violence during training and get rid of it forever. And also to take place in society, find your niche for the realization of your natural qualities and properties, free yourself from heavy frustrations and resentments.
Whichever side of the “barricades” you are in this story - as a victim or as a rapist - after the training, this horror will forever remain in the past. Register for free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan using the link.