Determination of the mental characteristics of the Ukrainian economy through the prism of system-vector psychology of Yuriy Burlan
System abstracts were published in the collection of materials of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Methodology of modern science". The conference was held on June 29, 2013 in Kiev. Works are presented in the section "Economic sciences: the state of market relations in Ukraine".
System abstracts were published in the collection of materials of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference
Methodology of modern science
The conference was held on June 29, 2013 in Kiev.

The results of the work based on the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan were successfully presented in the section "Economic Sciences: the State of Market Relations in Ukraine".
The full text, printed on pages 15-19 in the collection of conference proceedings, is presented here:
Over the period since Ukraine gained its state independence, fundamental changes have taken place in the country's economy. They were marked by the need to establish a market economic system based on the development of private property, entrepreneurship and market competition. However, in general, more than 21 years of market transformation of the economy did not bring significant results in terms of increasing economic potential, international competitiveness and the ability to meet the basic needs of the population of the state. In many areas, there was a rapid destruction of the development potential created in the past, there was an increase in economic contradictions, a massive impoverishment of broad strata of the population. The process of transformation of the macrostructure of the Ukrainian economy during the formation of the system of the market economy turned out to be extremely complex, contradictory and was accompanied not only by positive, but also pronounced negative trends [6].
Most researchers of the Ukrainian economy agree that in the current state of affairs Ukraine is very far from the efficient socially-oriented, humanized market economy, which was planned at the beginning of the transformation process. The modern economy does not correspond to the market, efficient, flexible, entrepreneurial type of the economic system of the European, American or South-Eastern type. There are assumptions of foreign researchers who believe that the Ukrainian economy is being formed as a kind of capitalism-crownism (Crownie - in English, friend, friend) or capitalism of blat, nepotism, friendly favoritism. There is also a judgment that the Ukrainian economy is acquiring the features of a predatory, predatory capitalism [5]. George Soros also adheres to this position. A common feature of all the considered approaches is that the Ukrainian economy is considered to be clearly different from the economies of the Central European type.
This situation is explained in a number of studies by factors associated with unsuccessful public administration and a slow transition from the planned economy of the USSR. However, this does not explain the lack of any progress in economic capacity building over the past 20 years. The structure of economic relations has not undergone any radical changes since the collapse of the USSR and Ukraine's independence.
One of the factors of inadequate functioning of market relations on the territory of the entire post-Soviet space, which is ignored by domestic market researchers, is the mentality of its population. This is due to the fact that economic research does not use the agreed concept of "mentality".
Mentality (from Latin mens or mentis - mind and Latin alis - others) is a stable set of mental and cultural characteristics inherent in a particular ethnic group. The mentality bears the imprint of historical traditions inherited from previous generations of styles and types of behavior, peculiarities of thinking, peculiarities of national character, worldview, religion. Mentality significantly affects attitudes towards work and wealth, exchange and distribution, entrepreneurship and property. At the present stage of development of society, the mentality continues to play the role of a “built in society” regulator of economic, political and cultural events.
In this work, using the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, the influence of mentality on the formation of the market economy of Ukraine will be revealed. Today, system-vector psychology is the newest and most promising branch of human science [7]. It allows you to reveal and explain the existing aspects of human behavior at all levels of interaction: in a couple, group, society. The creation of this science by J. Burlan is based on the discoveries of Z. Freud, K. Jung, V. Gansen, V. Tolkachev. [2, 8].
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows that the principle of the eight-dimensional properties of the human psyche [1] is characteristic not only of the person himself, but also of groups of people. Thus, this principle manifests itself in the properties of the mentality of any people.
Psychological properties are grouped into vectors and are manifested by stable characteristics in the behavior of both an individual person and the mentality of the entire nation.
According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, a large social organism is not capable of long-term preservation of its integrity if it does not unite around the task of preserving the mass and shape of living matter. The "lower vectors" are responsible for its implementation. Thus, there are four types of mentality: urethral, anal, cutaneous and muscular.
The countries of Western Europe are characterized by a “skin” mentality, which is characterized by an orientation toward accelerated innovative development of the economy, building a consumer society, and managing the law as the only regulator of economic and legal interactions between individuals and legal entities [3]. The market economy, which operates on the principle of "achieving maximum benefits for each market participant at the minimum cost of obtaining it" reflects the basic principle of the skin mentality.
Russia and the post-Soviet space, including Ukraine and Belarus, have a urethral-muscular mentality [3]. It is completely opposite in its properties to the skin. Its orientation is according to the manifestation of the urethral vector in a person - ensuring the future, unlimited and altruistic. These properties are manifested in rejection of the law, preference for interpersonal relationships over professional ones, unlimited and uncontrollable outside the established framework. In economic and legal relations, they are manifested by legal nihilism and disregard for the rule of law.
A characteristic mental property of post-Soviet peoples is paternalism - the expectation of support, protection, help, benefits from the state in the absence of initiative for internal changes. There is also resignation and patience of significant sections of the population. These properties are explained by the mental influence of the muscle vector. Muscle is a kind of fundamental vector in the vector base [1]. Its property is to provide for the basic needs of the body: eat, drink, breathe, sleep. If they are satisfied, then the population with such a mentality will not have more economic demands. Even with a deterioration in living standards: annual price increases, delayed wages, depreciation of the national currency - there are no protests and actions dedicated to economic reforms, as it regularly happens in European countries [4].
The presence of the urethral-muscular mentality explains the main problems of the formation of a market economy in Ukraine. Among them:
1. Significant spread of shadow activity (more than 60% of production is hidden) [6]. This situation is explained by the collective state of the representatives of the skin vector (24% of the total population), living in a contradictory urethral mentality. In an unfavorable environment, such people do not receive proper development and remain in an archetypal (underdeveloped) state [3]. This is manifested in the desire to appropriate someone else's property and avoid responsibility. Such a collective state provokes corruption and bribery at any level of economic interaction. One of the examples of such a manifestation in the shadow economy at the state level is the activity of "highly productive" intermediaries,who are agents for making transfers of income from large enterprises in the interests of individuals for the purpose of illegal personal enrichment.
2. The unacceptability of the principle of market relations on the basis of economic management in Ukraine is caused by the contradiction of the urethral mentality and skin mental relations underlying the market. They cannot be understood and used in the economic space of the post-Soviet society. Therefore, instead of an efficient market economy, economic relations took the form of the principle of enrichment as the highest goal, regardless of how it is achieved. Elements of economic behavior are observed that give it the form of a cult of pretentious and demonstrative wasteful consumption. This demonstrativeness is caused by the manifestation of the urethral mentality: it is characterized by boastfulness and demonstrativeness in front of others. At the level of economic relations, an example of this property is that a legal entity has significant costs in terms of content and re-equipment of the company's office in the absence of working capital for the purchase of raw materials for the next production cycle. Also an illustrative example of this property is the comparison of the level of costs for registration of jobs by Western and domestic officials in the conditions of exercising the same state powers.
A direct confirmation of the unacceptability of the principle of market relations is the general lack of results in the implementation of a unified economic strategy and policy for all developing countries since the mid-90s of the XX century, known as the "Washington Consensus".
An attempt to impose on the society of the urethral-muscular mentality contradictory properties in behavior have led to economic, political, social, spiritual and cultural problems during the last 20 years of transition to a market economy.
And although on December 1, 2005 at the IX Ukraine-EU Summit in Kiev it was officially announced that Ukraine deserves the right to be called a country with a market economy [5], this decision did not affect the above-mentioned problems.
Summing up, we can say that the choice of the direction of successful economic development of Ukraine can only be made taking into account its natural mental attitudes and guidelines. This can be done most accurately and scientifically by using the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.
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