How to beat laziness is the secret of a happy life
What if you like lying on the couch more than anything else? How to defeat laziness in this case?
Again the morning falls out of hand. Thoughts about work and other body movements are boring. Too lazy to even open your eyes. You have long been tired of watching such an author's movie about your own life. But how to defeat the laziness that eats away at you like metal rust?
Laziness over a thousand possibilities of your happiness
You've tried a thousand ways to defeat laziness. I tried to act step by step, convinced myself, encouraged myself, introduced deadlines, as popular magazines advise. But deadlines, contrary to their assurances, do not stimulate you to get started, but only undermine your self-confidence.
It smells of laziness in your apartment. Laziness follows you in the street. You seem to be unplugged from the outlet of life and sincerely wonder how some people work without days off and vacations.
What's wrong with them? What turns them on in the morning, inspires them to stay awake at night, and keeps them energetic?
Defeating Laziness: The Rule "I Want"
Psychologists say the main problem with laziness is that we don't know how to motivate ourselves. But why convince yourself? For an after-dinner bar, a weekend movie, or a summer vacation?
But if we are talking about something that gives us pleasure, we do not need a motive. So laziness is a story about our desires.
Defeating laziness: instructions for sofa lovers
What if you like lying on the couch more than anything else? How to defeat laziness in this case?
According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, the sofa and everything else in which we hide deeper from life is our response to the inability to realize our "wishes". Laziness tells us that it is time to change the route of life.
I want - I don't get - I suffer - I want even less. The less I want, the less I suffer. Laziness helps us deal with this pain. The more laziness, the less we remember what we have received less. As a classic could say, I am lazy - it means that I exist in the wrong coordinate system.
How to get out of the sticky paws of laziness? The secret of “successful” (as popular magazines would call) motivation is not self-hypnosis and not the right goal, but to get pleasure from what you do. To feel how life runs through our veins and fills us. We are capable of much when we realize our desires and are not led by others.
Laziness is a story about the last time we really felt like ourselves. Therefore, fighting laziness really means getting to know your real self and finding out what drives us. For thousands of people who have undergone training, these words are not an empty phrase. They figured out what prevented them from living to the fullest, and how to get rid of it.
This is a chance to make your life more pleasant, more interesting, happier and finally stop harassing yourself for being lazy. Register today so you don't oversleep it!