Gender Identity Disorders or How Not to Raise a Gay Boy from a Boy
Some parents try to make their son a “real man” early: “Why are you a nurse! Wipe your snot! Don't be a girl! They use tough methods of upbringing, send the child to traditionally male sports, teach how to fight and give change. To their surprise, their efforts are not always useful, but, on the contrary, can lead to the opposite result.
Gender identity disorders in men are not as common as reported by LGBT people. Nevertheless, we have repeatedly heard how young fathers discuss among themselves the signs of male and non-male manifestations: from the acceptability of pink shirts and male manicure to Conchita Wurst's performance at Eurovision. And the unequivocal conclusion of some of them: "God forbid, my grow up like that - I will kill!"
It is for such fathers that our article is intended - for those who want their sons to grow up as real men, without any sexual dysfunctions. In it, we will tell you how to raise a boy so that he does not grow up as a homosexual, transvestite, or does not want to change sex.
Gender identity disorders. Who is to blame: nature, breed or upbringing?
Apologists of free morals believe that society should not encroach on human freedom of choice and impose gender identity on a child from childhood: he himself has the right to choose who he will consider himself to be - a boy or a girl.
Others argue that a person's gender identity is innate and is due to a lack or excess of sex hormones in the fetus even during fetal development and nothing depends on upbringing.
Defenders of traditional morality frighten the degeneration of humanity and defend the idea that all deviations in sexual orientation, when a boy does not grow up as a husband and father, and a girl as a wife and mother, is due precisely to improper upbringing and licentiousness.
Parents, especially dads, in modern conditions of absolute accessibility of information are concerned about how to protect their child from possible violations of gender identity. Some try to make a "real man" out of their son early: "Why are you a nurse! Wipe your snot! Don't be a girl! " They use tough methods of upbringing, send the child to traditionally male sports, teach how to fight and give change. To their surprise, their efforts are not always useful, but, on the contrary, can lead to the opposite result. Masculinity is not acquired, and some boys become even more timid, tearful, some even develop neurological disorders, such as enuresis or tics.

I just want to exclaim: "Well, is this a man ?!"
Probably, we will not open a secret if we say that nature is not mistaken and does not put girls in the bodies of boys. Gays, transvestites and transgender people are not born (we are not talking here about extremely rare cases of physiological abnormalities). And those who claim the opposite are incompetent or defend someone's interests. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals the mechanisms of formation of gender identity and sexual orientation. And full-time passing of the training "System-vector psychology" has already helped many parents to correct their upbringing in time in order to avoid the occurrence of a violation of the sexual identity of their sons and help them to realize themselves in life.
Why do they become homosexuals?
Even with a strong desire, not every boy can be made a homosexual. To do this, a boy must have a number of innate properties, which, with developmental deformities, as well as various kinds of psycho-traumatic influences, give a sad result - a violation of gender identity. So what are these properties?
This is the presence of certain vectors or their bundles, which are set at birth and determine the abilities, inclinations, desires, interests.
If you look at adult male homosexuals, two categories are striking. The first one is “brutal bearded men” (you can also do without a beard), who protect and take care of their partner. The second - those who accept custody, more refined in soul and fragile in body. They have completely different innate properties, so the mechanism and reasons for the formation of homosexual preferences will be radically different. There are more complex options, when the anal, skin and visual vectors are combined in a person, however, the root mechanism of the formation of disorders is the same.
The first category of men is the owner of the anal vector. And the second category is men with a skin-visual ligament of vectors, thin and vulnerable, who, with imbalances in development, can behave homosexually, or they can pretend to be a girl and change into women's clothes, or even want to change their sex.
Homophobe and homosexual
In men with an anal vector, there is no violation of gender identity: he always feels like a man and only a man. Normally, men with an anal vector are the most stable and reliable part of society. Their values are a strong family, loyalty, devotion, professionalism, traditions, love for the Motherland and patriotism. Their specific role, the task entrusted by nature itself, is the accumulation and transfer of experience to the next generation.
And in order for them to cope with their task, by nature they are given a specific libido - undifferentiated, aimed not only at women, but also at adolescent boys. Indeed, in order to teach children, they must be loved. This part of the attraction (to one's own sex and to children) is unconsciously inhibited, that is, suppressed, and in culture it is sublimated, that is, it is transformed into selfless love for children and for one's profession without the slightest shadow of sexual attraction or any kind of sexual desire. violations. No one, except a teacher with an anal vector, will be able to explain to adolescents the principle of the mechanism for so long, in detail and patiently, no one else will have the perseverance and perseverance to automatism to practice skills with them, bringing yesterday's schoolchildren to the level of professionals.
And vice versa, professional insolvency or lack of demand forms a deep inner dissatisfaction in such a person. If a bad experience of intimate relations with a woman, resentment, sexual dissatisfaction is added to it, then frustrations accumulate and the taboo on attraction to the same sex can be violated. A man begins to experience attraction, which he consciously cannot cope with. Homosexual attraction in such men can also arise as a result of disorders of psychosexual development. The way out of this impasse in the West is legalized homosexual relationships. We repeat again: men with an anal vector do not have gender identity disorders. Their homosexuality is a change in the direction of their sex drive.
The recipe for the prevention of homosexuality for parents of boys with an anal vector is quite simple: do not jerk, do not rush, praise for the cause, help in the implementation of his hobbies, help choose a profession that is in demand and respected for his characteristics - that is, create all the prerequisites for him to develop normally and could take place in life. Read more on how to raise a boy with an anal vector in this article.
But much greater risks lie in wait for parents when raising boys with visual-cutaneous ligaments.

Gender: gentle boy. Or maybe a girl?
Clever, quick-witted, big-eyed, kind, artistic, gentle, vulnerable and fearful, beautiful, like a girl, he is a skin-visual boy and resembles a girl in character from childhood. For a boy, he seems too gentle and impressionable. And since childhood, he loves playing with girls more than with boys, does not know how and does not want to fight, cannot stand up for himself.
And an ordinary, normal father, that is, the best father in the world with an anal vector, has a strong desire to make “this slobber” out of “a real man”. And, as we said, from such tough and aggressive pressure it gets even worse. Often it is because of such a confrontation between the father and the anal vector and the skin-visual son that sexual identity disorders occur in boys. They start to like dressing up in women's clothes, or even a desire to change their sex arises. Where do these reactions come from? Let's consider further.
When fear is all over
Skin-visual boys are really special, they are born with the greatest sensitivity and the greatest fear. Unable to kill ("mammoth"), they cannot defend themselves. The presence of the visual vector makes them so. The fear of death inherent in them comes from those time immemorial, when it was easier to eat such delicate and useless individuals from the point of view of primitive man than to feed them. Their fear is absolutely unconscious and is expressed in various manifestations: fear of the dark, fear of being alone, fear of heights, doctors, strangers - whatever. The visual vector endows its owner with a wonderful imagination, so fantasy always tells who to be afraid of.
Skin-visual girls in the primitive flock were not eaten. Their good eyesight made them useful as daytime guards. And therefore, until now - if a skin-visual boy is constantly in a state of fear, he has an archetypal involuntary desire to pretend to be a girl. He puts on women's clothing and feels relief - a sense of security and release from unconscious fears.
It is from the fear of being eaten that all kinds of violations of gender identity in boys originate, they begin to think that nature has made a mistake by placing them in a male body. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan clearly reveals the phenomenon of transgender desires and shows why the desire to undergo sex reassignment surgery can occur only in a man with a cutaneous-visual ligament of vectors.
In the same way, a skin-visual man, eaten by an unconscious feeling of fear, seeks protection and finds it in a man with an anal vector, who (in the conditions described above) unconsciously feels sexual attraction to him. This is how homosexual couples develop.
Can you make a "real man" out of him?
From a boy with a skin-visual ligament, you can grow a real man without any disturbances. The question is, who do we consider a real man?

If we mean the ability to earn money, have a wife and children, support your family, then there is no doubt that men with the optic cutaneous ligament of vectors can do it no worse, and in the modern world sometimes even better than other men … But in order for this to happen, they need to be brought up in a special way.
Their innate fear of being eaten can and must be overcome. But not through hard training: they can't even offend a fly, so they are not fighters. The only way is to develop their visual vector in culture, turning their special emotionality into the ability to sympathize and empathize, transform fear into love.
In order for a skin-visual boy to develop the correct gender identity, he must be raised as a boy, but among girls. It will be useful to send him not to the karate section, where other boys will offend him, but to ballroom dancing, to a music school, where, in comparison with girls, he can still feel like a man, a gentleman. And even better - in a theater group, where his emotionality will develop through playing roles.
It is very important not to scare him from childhood, not to read scary tales, not to show horror movies: the root of gender identity disorders in boys is fear. On the contrary - to read classical literature as much as possible for compassion and empathy for the heroes. Tears of pity and sympathy develop the soul and in no way harm masculinity.
And if you are still in doubt, tell me, the Olympic champion in figure skating, skin-visual Yevgeny Plushenko, who went on the ice at the games in Sochi and won with hellish pain and an iron plate in his back, is he a "real man" or not?
If you want to figure out how to properly educate a teenager in order to avoid violations of gender identity, not to harm him and raise him to be successful, happy, come to the free introductory lectures of Yuri Burlan's training "System Vector Psychology". Register using the link.