Will I Be Able To Become A Businessman? People Born For Business - Who They Are

Will I Be Able To Become A Businessman? People Born For Business - Who They Are
Will I Be Able To Become A Businessman? People Born For Business - Who They Are

Will I be able to become a businessman? People born for business - who they are

Where to start for a future businessman? From the most important thing. Determine how exactly he is suitable for this role. The presence of education, intellectual abilities, the opinion of the mother and wife are absolutely irrelevant here. What does it have?

Modern life has become like a race for success, and whether we like it or not, we find ourselves drawn into it. Success today is expressed by a high status in society and a corresponding income.

Values such as honesty and decency fade into the background. It seems that when a person has a lot of money, nothing else matters. There are new words in the Russian language, such as "rogue". So they say about low-income people. Today it is not so shameful to deceive and steal as to be a "rogue".

To earn respect in society, you need to make a lot of money. Getting a well-paying job can be difficult, especially if there are no connections. And then there is only one way left - to open your own business.

Fortunately, there are plenty of examples around when people go into business and achieve success. Their income is high, while from the outside it seems that they are not heavily processed. While you hunch at work all day, they have a free schedule. Wanted - came, wanted - left. And if you look closely at what kind of people these businessmen are, you cannot say that they were smarter or more educated than many.

And so you sometimes think, looking at some acquaintance who is successful in business: "Why am I worse than him?" They grew up in the same yard, went to the same school. You studied even better than him. And then my wife and friends are pushing me: “Start your business too. You're so smart! You can do it".

Will it work or not? That's the question

“You don’t know until you try,” the saying goes. Indeed, than walking around and thinking “if it works, it won't work”, can you still try and find out?

However, not all so simple. To open a business requires money and a lot. Starting capital can be borrowed from a bank or relatives. But you don't want to lose everything and stay in debt?

In order not to expose yourself to unreasonable risk, it is better to get acquainted with the basics of the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan. This will save you time and money and will save you a lot of frustration.

So where should a future businessman start? From the most important thing. Determine how exactly he is suitable for this role. The presence of education, intellectual abilities, the opinion of the mother and wife are absolutely irrelevant here. What does it have? Inborn abilities due to vectors.

A vector is a set of desires and mental properties that determine the character of its owner. A vector gives a person a predisposition to a particular type of activity. To do business, you must definitely have a skin vector in your psychic nature.

The owners of the skin vector are pragmatic, rational people. They are endowed with a flexible psyche that can easily adapt any changes. These qualities are simply necessary in a business where you need to be able to quickly assess the situation, calculate the benefits and adjust to any market fluctuations. The owner of the skin vector simply “feels through the skin” what is beneficial and what is not.

The carriers of the skin vector among us are about 24% of the population. Can any of them become a successful businessman? Let's take a closer look at the structure of the psyche of a skin person.

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Born a thief can become a businessman

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan makes it easy to navigate the laws of the human psyche, so as not to guess, but to know exactly what to expect from this or that person, what are his innate talents and what are his weaknesses.

The skin vector, like everything else in systemic vector psychology, is cognized in opposites. The guardian of the law is either a thief and a swindler. A successful businessman, owner of a large company, or a loser and loser. All this is the range of manifestations of the skin vector.

What determines what scenario the life of a skin person will follow? First of all - from the family, and secondly - from the environment.

In a newborn child, the psyche is in an archetypal, undeveloped state, characteristic of an early man. A person with a skin vector is born as a getter who knows no restrictions, or simply as a thief. In the process of growing up, the psyche of a skin child goes all the way of development from a thief to his complete opposite - a lawmaker. If, of course, adults do not interfere with him.

A skin child should never be hit. Otherwise, his development will be slowed down, and he will forever remain a thief. Another negative scenario prepared for a beaten skin child - he will grow up a masochist or become a pathological loser.

However, if the leatherworker still managed to develop in the slightest degree, he could already become a businessman. After all, what we call business in Russia is nothing more than ordinary trade. Commodity-money-commodity. Trade, aka exchange, is one of the earliest activities of the skin man. Almost any skinner can handle this task. You don't need much intelligence here. That is why we often see former C-students become business tycoons.

Businessmen are different

Nature has given leatherworkers a pragmatic mind. It is this kind of mind that is needed to generate profits and super profits. In this they have no equal.

However, it should be borne in mind that today there are practically no single-vector people. A modern person often has 3-5 vectors in his psychological set. This means that along with the manifestation of skin qualities, it can also contain the qualities of other vectors. This gives its own characteristics to the business.

For example, if in addition to the skin businessman is also endowed with a visual vector, then it will be easier for him to establish contacts with the right people. On the other hand, the visual person tries to build emotional connections with everyone, and this runs counter to the values of the skin businessman, whose motto is "Only business and nothing personal."

The visual vector is the most impractical. In his actions, he does not rely on logic, but gives in to emotions. It gets in the way of business. Such a businessman has to control himself all the time.

The sound vector endows its owner with powerful abstract intelligence. Combined with the cutaneous vector, this can give a business a crazy takeoff. For example, such as Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, achieved. On the other hand, the sound vector is not aimed at money. Money for him is only a means to promote ideas. It often happens that an idea is born first, and money comes later, as in the case of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

If these sound specialists had not had a skin vector, they would never have been able to realize their ideas, let alone make money on them. Indeed, one of the main qualities of the owner of the skin vector is the ability to organize people and processes. True, for this the skinner must develop to a higher level than a simple merchant.

To develop organizational skills in a dermal child, he must be disciplined from childhood. If he learns to be organized, disciplined, then in the future he will be able to organize others, that is, he will become a successful leader.

There are many more vector-based features that sometimes help business, sometimes get in the way. If you are considering whether you should go into business, find out first if you own a skin vector. This is the most important thing you need to have in your arsenal.

If you suddenly find out that you do not have a skin vector, do not be upset. Each person is endowed with his own special talents, having realized which he will be able to achieve success in a field suitable for him. It is not at all necessary to be a businessman to secure a decent income, status and respect for people. This is evidenced by the results of people trained by Yuri Burlan.

Sign up for free online lectures on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, and you will learn a lot of interesting things about yourself. For example, which job suits you best and how to raise your income level regardless of your vectors. Register for free classes using the link:
