How To Tell If A Person Is Lying: Learn How To Recognize A Liar At A Glance

How To Tell If A Person Is Lying: Learn How To Recognize A Liar At A Glance
How To Tell If A Person Is Lying: Learn How To Recognize A Liar At A Glance

How to tell if a person is lying: recognize a liar at a glance

None of us wants to be deceived. The trouble is that we often perceive others through ourselves. Here I am, for example, honest and truthful. All my life I speak the truth to my eyes. How can I understand and recognize these calculating liars, emotional dreamers and inborn talkers? How do I know that a person is lying if I can't even imagine myself in his place?

All around lies. Have sailed! Welcome to the information age. And it would be okay to lie only to the TV and officials on their Facebook and Twitter accounts. What if your own friend or wife is lying to you? And it's a shame to suspect in vain, and the feeling that you are being led by the nose does not leave. How to tell if a person is lying? How to protect yourself from lying in your family and at work?

We all have our own psychological characteristics from birth. And not everyone is lying. And the reasons that lead a person to lie are also different. Therefore, you need to understand people well, to see what kind of person is in front of you, in order to understand what he really thinks.

Look for motives, gentlemen detectives

What makes a person lie can be easily determined based on accurate knowledge of human psychology.

Here we have the owner of the skin vector: dexterous and agile, competitive and ambitious. It is based on the values of benefit and benefit. If he sufficiently realizes his innate qualities and properties, then such a person will not lie. He already successfully realizes himself as an excellent businessman, manager, process engineer.

And with insufficient implementation in society, the leatherman thinks in "small schemes", and lies precisely for reasons of benefit and benefit - these are the leading motives of his behavior. If it suits him to lie - why tell the truth? Only to your detriment! This is his logic.

How to recognize that a person is lying for reasons of his own benefit and leads you by the nose? The ability to determine exactly what a person wants and what is behind his actions is provided only by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, based on a clear understanding of the structure of the psyche.

In it you can find not only a description of the external signs of a person, but also learn to recognize his internal state, the level of his development and implementation. It depends on this whether a person will lie. By the way, not only leather workers can lie. Who else is on the suspect list?

Inspirational speaker: lying to be listened to

Surely you have met people who are going to listen to everyone around. Anecdotes and all sorts of stories from life, jokes on the verge of a foul with constant sexual overtones. The people around him huddle around this "speaker" in a flock, which every minute just explodes with laughter.

In front of you is the owner of the oral vector. With a sufficient level of development and social realization, he becomes a presenter on television or radio, speaks in the political sphere.

If the oral is not implemented enough, then his constant chatter can be very tired of others. And he cannot do without listeners, speaking to the audience is his innate need.

how to determine that a person is lying
how to determine that a person is lying

If they do not want to listen to him, such a person begins to invent fables on the go. He does not differentiate between truth and falsehood. All he needs is to be listened to. Writing non-existent details, he seeks to rivet your attention.

Emotional dreamer: he himself did not understand when he lied

And there are people - just a walking fireworks of emotions. These are the owners of the visual vector. Special emotionality and sensuality are given to them by nature, to establish emotional ties with other people. The realized owner of the visual vector is often engaged in work that is associated with helping the sick and the weak.

Lack of social realization leads to the fact that the visual connection forms, not compassion for others, but demanding attention and love for oneself. Then all of his imagination and huge emotional range are involved in the "one-actor theater".

You can hear a very tragic or scary story from this person, and there will be very real tears or fear in the eyes of the narrator. The spectator not only involves you emotionally, he himself begins to believe that all this really happened to him. Such is the incredible power of his imaginative thinking. So he gets the opportunity to achieve the much desired attention, empathy and sympathy for himself.

How to avoid becoming a victim of deception

None of us wants to be deceived. The trouble is that we often perceive others through ourselves. Here I am, for example, honest and truthful. All my life I speak the truth to my eyes. How can I understand and recognize these calculating liars, emotional dreamers and inborn talkers? How do I know that a person is lying if I can't even imagine myself in his place?

The Internet is replete with all kinds of outward signs of liars. They suggest carefully watching him drum with his fingers, avert his gaze, lick his lips or hide his hands behind his back. But, as you can see, lies are not always manifested in this way.

Tired of playing detective? There is an alternative: Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology allows you to get an accurate understanding of the human psyche from the inside. Many trainees of the training left their feedback on how easily they learned to understand not only the features of external manifestations, but also the internal motives of others:

Instead of fear of being deceived, you will receive absolutely accurate knowledge about yourself and those around you. Register for a free cycle of online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan here.
