What Happens To A Person After Death - Is There An Answer To This Question?

What Happens To A Person After Death - Is There An Answer To This Question?
What Happens To A Person After Death - Is There An Answer To This Question?

What happens to a person after death

Most people don't like to think about death. Death is incomprehensible and unpleasant to them, so they try to avoid thinking about it. But there are two categories of people who still think about it. According to Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, these are people with visual and sound vectors.

Sometimes it rolls … Either everything is tired, or you don't know what you want … And then you think about death. And it happens that even thinking about it is scary. It cannot be that there is nothing beyond the line. There must be something. Why then life, if after death everything ends? I really want to know what happens to a person after death.

Why are we interested in what will happen after death?

There are no other theories about life after death. They talk about the human etheric fields breaking away from the body, about the eternal soul that weighs 21 grams, about the energy funnels and light at the end of the tunnel that await us when we move to another world, about the changes in sensations that occur at the moment of death. Only now no one has yet returned from there and has not told us reliably what is happening there.

There is certainly an answer to the question of what happens to a person after death. And we will come back to it a little later. To begin with, it is much more important to understand why a person cares.

It seems to us that the topic of death is interesting to everyone. However, it is not. Most people don't like to think about death. Death is incomprehensible and unpleasant to them, so they try to avoid thinking about it. But there are two categories of people who still think about it. According to Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, these are people with visual and sound vectors. A vector is a group of innate desires and properties of the human psyche.

Who is afraid to die?

A person with a visual vector has a huge emotional amplitude. In the days of early man, the first emotion of the viewer was precisely the fear of dying. A visual woman, who by nature possesses sharp eyesight, was the first to notice the predator and was greatly frightened. So she warned the whole flock of danger. And her fear saved everyone.

The spectator is born today with a strong fear of death. That is why visual children, having learned that life once ends, anxiously ask their parents about what will happen after death.. And if in the process of development this fear did not develop into a feeling of empathy and love, then such questions continue it excite in adulthood.

It is he who greedily absorbs any information about what happens when a person dies, with the hope that life will not end, but simply continue in a different capacity.

There is life after death

A person with a sound vector is sure of this. He does not identify himself with the body at all. The body seems illusory to him. As well as the surrounding world. For him, his inner states are much more real. That is why, somewhere in the depths of his soul, he knows that a person does not die when the body dies. This means that there is life after death.

For a person with a sound vector, the search for the meaning of life, answers to questions about the structure of the Universe and a person is the most important task and basic desire. That is why he is always interested in the questions of life and death, as the main categories of human existence.

The little sound engineer also asks his parents about what happens when life ends, but with a slightly different intonation - not with fear, but with inner shock, discovering infinity for himself.

Death - a way out or a dead end?

The question of what happens to us beyond the brink of life can also excite a person with a sound vector, who is visited by suicidal thoughts. The fact is that not finding answers to his questions about the meaning of life, the sound engineer can go into a deep depression, which will be accompanied by thoughts of leaving this world. It seems to him that in this way he can solve the problem of the suffering of his soul.

However, it is for the suicide that death is the last frontier, beyond which there really is nothing. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that a suicide completely erases his mark in the psychic, because he goes against the laws of nature, which created a person for the sake of pleasure. A person must live, realize his desires, contributing to the mental of humanity. If he refuses to live, then his contribution is canceled. Nothing remains of him.

Choose life

Is it worth thinking about what will happen when we leave this world? Better to live now, fully enjoying every moment. For a person with a visual vector, this becomes possible after undergoing training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

He learns to properly direct his emotional potential, and the basic fear of dying, and with it all the other numerous fears, leave him. A person with a visual vector, like no one else, is able to enjoy life and not think about what awaits him beyond the line.

A person with a sound vector will always worry about these questions. However, at the training of Yuri Burlan, he learns, among other things, about what the soul is, whether there is immortality and what awaits us after death. And suicidal thoughts will leave him forever, because he will receive answers to all his burning questions. This is evidenced by the feedback from the training participants.

Register for free online classes in systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan using the link right now and start thinking about life.
