How to get a job interview and get an invitation the first time
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals the riddle of a Russian person who always needs a little more than formalities, and in our case, more than qualifications, a set of knowledge, skills and abilities when applying for a job. And if you are a specialist of seven spans in your forehead, you still need to pass an interview in a psychological sense for compliance with the “person of the company”. And that means you need to become your own right at the interview.
This information will be useful to those who are about to leave work soon, have already left or are looking for their first place. Most often, the question of how to get through a job interview is a person who prefers constancy and does not strive for competition. In search of offers, he goes to the Internet and suddenly discovers that there are not so many vacancies on the labor market, the demand for them exceeds the supply.
Against the background of high competition, his knowledge is not as deep or extensive as required, in the ads unfamiliar terms, and interviews in some companies are conducted in English. Not an easy situation, but you need to start somewhere.
A person sends a resume first to carefully selected job ads, but for some reason does not receive invitations for an interview. After a couple of weeks, she is already responding to vacancies that are less suitable. With each day of expectation, the mood drops, uncertainty increases, fear grows: "Really nobody needs me?" Finding a job turns into waiting for at least some kind of interview - a desperate vicious circle.
Finally, our candidate is invited for an interview, and a new phase of painful thinking begins. The more interesting the position and company, the greater the excitement. Realizing that there are many qualified specialists, the applicant wants to prepare and pass an interview in order to finally complete the search, live and work in peace.
Preparing for an interview correctly - four steps to the result
- Step 1. Carefully study the company's website, learn everything about its activities, mission, projects - HR managers love it when a candidate understands where he came, and they will certainly ask at the interview: "What do you know about our company?"
- Step 2. Find reviews of former employees on the forums, you can write to them, find out what they were asked about at the interview and how to answer, whether tests and cases are given. Inquire about the corporate policy of the organization.
- Step 3. Read the advice of HR managers, what they pay attention to during the interview: the appearance (clothes, hair), the candidate's punctuality, openness. What is recommended to bring with you (documents, recommendations, portfolio, etc.).
Such information is not difficult to find. But the applicant still has other problems:
- From excitement, thoughts are confused, it is difficult to answer simple questions, how not to be disgraced?
- What if I have unexpected questions during the interview and I need time to prepare?
- How do you know what kind of response a manager needs?
- What if I answer all the questions correctly, but the manager just doesn't like it?
By the way, the staff members themselves do not know how to explain why they like one candidate at the interview and the other not. They call it among themselves "chemistry", while the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan knows and scientifically explains this phenomenon. And therefore, the fourth step in preparing for an interview is to get acquainted with system knowledge and take it into your arsenal.

Pass nine rounds of interviews and not get a job?
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals the riddle of a Russian person who always needs a little more than formalities, and in our case, more than qualifications, a set of knowledge, skills and abilities when applying for a job.
It is in the Western world that the requirements have long been standardized: no distinction for gender, age, etc. A photo in a resume is considered bad form - no preferences, no "chemistry".
But here everything is different, despite the laws and codes. And if you are a specialist of seven spans in your forehead, you still need to pass an interview in a psychological sense for compliance with the “person of the company”. And that means you need to become your own right at the interview.
Mirroring, which psychologists advise to use during an interview, will not help if you do not know what is behind the restraint of the interlocutor's movements or his sullen gaze.
We answer correctly and go through an interview
Traditional question: "Why did you leave your previous job?" - baffles many. How to answer it to different interviewers? The answer may not be the only one if you need to successfully pass this or that interview. In this case, each of the possible answers will be truthful and fall into the lack of the questioner.
For example, the applicant in the last place did not have the opportunity to study, was not allowed to go to the session, the management underestimated him, the salary was not raised for successful work, the achievements were not even noted with a word.
Let's choose one of two answers to what to tell the interview manager who just tortured the candidate with questions not only about work experience, but also about family, about children, about parents, and even about success during school:
- I left because despite the high-quality projects I completed, not only was I not judged fairly, but I was not given the opportunity to improve my qualifications, which is very important in my work.
- I left because I no longer saw growth for myself within the company. I would like to receive a higher salary and advance in a new place.
It is easy to choose if you understand what meanings the interlocutor pronounces. In our case, the manager is interested in information about the candidate's family, his past, education, and these are all the values of a person with an anal vector. Talking about a career and a high salary means causing an internal contradiction in the staff member, while the expression of a slight resentment at the injustice of his superiors and the inability to improve his professional level at work will immediately resonate with him. He himself loves to study and respects the professionals in his field, and this is typical only for people with an anal vector.
An example of how not to do it
Recently, at an interview, I saw a vivid example of a mismatch between the mental properties of a company director and a candidate for the position of head of the IT department.
A successful director, leader, entrepreneur is always a person with a skin vector, who has competition in his blood. He is aimed at success, profit from work, quick results, easy switching, dynamic mentally and physically. It would seem that at an interview, two managers should easily find a common language, because they have the same desires and properties.
But the candidate, having in addition to the cutaneous vector also the anal one, demonstrated the opposite qualities. He gave detailed answers, got bogged down in details, not always bringing the started phrase to its logical conclusion - the director simply did not have the patience to listen to the end.
If the candidate knew how a person is arranged in his mental state, a failed interview would not have happened. There were no objective reasons for the stress, the specialist has excellent professional training for work and the necessary qualities to successfully lead the programmers department.
For me, as a professional, it always hurts when people make annoying mistakes due to an elementary misunderstanding of the interlocutor and cannot realize their capabilities. I would recommend all job seekers to use Yuri Burlan's methodology.
For work with personnel, system-vector psychology is of great importance and cannot be compared with any approach or training. For example, seeing a candidate come in and sit in front of me, I understand how to interview him, which positions he is suitable for, and which are closed for him.
An interview is a reason to realize yourself
Do you want your interlocutor to become an open book for you, and the question of how to get through that only needed interview for a suitable job is no longer in front of you? It's easy to master.
Take now the final, most important step on the path to a successful interview, register for a free online training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan by the link.