The Laws Of Combining Vectors In A Person. Overview

The Laws Of Combining Vectors In A Person. Overview
The Laws Of Combining Vectors In A Person. Overview

The laws of the combination of vectors in a person. Overview

The lower vectors are either contradictory or complementary. Complementary vectors are always complementary, like two halves. For example, urethral and anal are the future and the past. What is in the urethral is not in the anal. Completely different from each other, opposite, but complementary in their opposite, i.e. complementary.

Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second Level on the topic "The laws of combination of vectors in a person":

The lower vectors are either contradictory or complementary. Complementary vectors are always complementary, like two halves. For example, urethral and anal are the future and the past. What is in the urethral is not in the anal. Completely different from each other, opposite, but complementary in their opposite, i.e. complementary.

In different quartels, there are also opposites, but not complementary. For example, the cutaneous vector in the quartels of space is opposed to the quartels of time - both anality and the urethra. The ability to change is skin, special conservatism is anality.

Quartel of time - anality and urethra. If a person has urethral and anal vectors, he is holistic, powerful. He is able to exit the turn more smoothly, not as sharp and reckless as the urethral one.

But the skin with the urethra or the anus are opposite opposites. These are people with the strongest contradictions, it is much more difficult for them, but developing and realizing themselves, they have more opportunities, their coverage is wider - there are quarters of both space and time.


Today the world belongs to anal-skin people with a high temperament, developed and realized. The anal-urethral person is a colossal force, but it is the anal-skin one in the modern consumer society that is "maneuverable tanks".

The quartel of space is fundamental, basic. This is skin and muscle, it is a limited space, shape, skin, and "filling" it with muscle. The skin vector was the first to create combinations with the upper vectors, and to this day the most developed life scenarios of the upper vectors are based on the skin.

The skin is opposed to everything, and in the same way, muscle is absolutely complementary to everything. Muscle fills everything connected with it. The muscle with the skin will have a strong skin, with the urethra - a strong urethral, etc.

Quartel of information. Sound and sight are one integrity, the world outside and the world inside, the knowledge of the physical and metaphysical world.

Energy Quartel. Smell with orality. It is always two in one, the ideal of complementarity, and at the same time the opposite. The peak of speaking in orality - and the unique absolute "non-speaking" in the olfactory vector, they are complementary, complementary to each other.

Examples of counter combinations. Sound and orality is a very contradictory combination, but when implemented, it is consistent. This contradiction is manifested not only in one person with such a combination of vectors, but also in a couple, and in a parent-child relationship, and in a group.

Sound and smell are two introverts, but one is all in itself: “Huh? Me? ", And the other with a piercing piercing gaze follows all the" stinkers "of the pack. The word as it is is sound: literature, poetry, philosophy, translations into other languages. The sense of smell is wordless, it is a complete exclusion of the word.

The combination of orality and vision is also contradictory. Sight is culture, and the oral is no culture, swearing. Culture and anti-culture.


Smell and sight is an unheard-of contrast. Smell is only about surviving at all costs and reproduction. And sight - neither live nor die.

Complexes. The urethra is able to develop, bring to perfection the upper vectors, since the urethral libido is very powerful. But there are also erroneous scenarios here.

The urethra and sound can give a severe suicidal complex. They can become outstanding people, or they can commit suicide.

Urethra with a sense of smell - passionaries, changing geopolitics in space, in time, in information.

Skin and sound are either fanatically devoted commissioners or crazy fanatics.

Skin and vision - victimology complex, widow complex, butterfly complex.

Skin and orality are very dangerous when undeveloped, unfulfilled. Querulant complex, brawler's complex. There is no reception against such people.

It is difficult for owners of muscle with upper vectors. The potential of the upper vectors is great, but the muscle attraction is not enough to develop them, so they are weak.

The muscular-visual man is large but kind. A woman unconsciously expects a feat from him, but he is weak in character, he is not a hero, not a hunter, not a murderer. Mattress complex.

The muscle sounder will exhibit sluggish schizophrenia. Until one day his inner voice tells him to kill someone, such can commit extended suicide.

Muscular olfactors are a scary thing. The monotonous smell of muscle, hidden by your own sense of smell - and you won't see it, even if you walk by. Such, due to the inability of the sense of smell to develop, becomes a serial killer maniac.

Anality and vision - without them there would be no design or art. From the first processed marvelous stone to sculpture, haute couture, cinematography, photography, all art is created by anal-visual men. In a bad scenario with skin-visual mothers, anal-visual mothers can fall prey to the good boy complex.

Anality with sound are the first people on earth who felt their uniqueness, separation from the rest of the pack. These are all writers, philosophers, and today also programmers. On the basis of resentment and lack of fullness of the sound vector, they can become moral and ethical degenerates, capable of killing large groups of people without batting an eye.

Other vector bundles …

Continuation of the notes on the forum:

Julia Chernaya wrote. March 19, 2014

A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on a full oral training in system-vector psychology
