Laziness as it is. Slow Idle Mine
Laziness is a phenomenon that was born with us. No wonder that folk wisdom has created hundreds of proverbs about laziness. The Russian people generally favor this phenomenon. Remember only the fairy tale about Emelya, who lies on the stove and solves all the problems … Positive hero. Just do nothing.
Russian proverbs about laziness: "Laziness is older than us", "What's on the lazy's yard, so on the table", "Laziness does not feed a man", "Lie on the stove and eat rolls", "Sleep long - live with debt", " You sleep more, you sin less "," Lazybones and the sun does not rise at the right time! "," Lie on the beds, not seeing a piece."

Laziness is a phenomenon that was born with us. No wonder that folk wisdom has created hundreds of proverbs about laziness. The Russian people generally favor this phenomenon. Remember only the fairy tale about Emelya, who lies on the stove and solves all the problems … Positive hero. Just do nothing. If only everything would be decided by itself.
But the problem of laziness is still more than relevant today. With the growth of material well-being, when there is no need to fight for a piece of bread, for a roof over their heads, people become less and less motivated to do something in this life. Laziness to live, laziness to work, laziness to even just get off the couch. Someone is looking for an answer to the question "How to overcome laziness?", And someone waved his hand and made a choice in favor of a sofa. And life flows, flows by.
If we look at the proverbs about laziness under the magnifying glass of systems-vector psychology, we can understand the causes of laziness and see ways to get rid of it.
"Laziness was born before us"
Laziness is really as old as the world. One of the main reasons for the emergence of laziness is the ratio in a person of the forces of libido and mortido, discovered by the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud and his students. Freud used the term "libido" for sexual desire, or sexual instinct, and used it to describe various manifestations of sexuality. Mortido is the energy of decay, opposition to life and development, the desire for a static state.
Both of these concepts were developed in system-vector psychology. By libido, we no longer mean just sexual attraction, but the vitality that drives a person. Laziness is a manifestation of the strength of mortido, the desire for the extinction of vitality, activity, the desire for immobility, static.

When a child is born - libido, vitality, he has maximum. The power of Mortido is also present, but it is very small. The kid is actively crawling, reaching for the toy. He does not need to be nudged - the libido pushes him towards development.
But as we grow up, the balance of power between libido and mortido changes. Until the age of 16, the power of libido prevails over the mortido, but when a person goes outside, into society, these two forces are balanced. And a gradual decrease in libido begins. From the age of 27, mortido begins to prevail.
"Don't eat for three days, but don't get off the stove"
From puberty, a person must already make an effort to move through life, to develop. He himself has to make a choice between life and death.
In the archetypal flock, everything was simple: if you do not want to follow the mammoth, you will die of hunger. Or a leopard will come and eat you. This was the first, muscular phase of human development, when a person was guided by only one task - to survive and continue oneself in time. Hunger was the main driving force of man.
Approximately 6 thousand years ago, the night guard of the pack - the sound engineer, listening to the sounds of the savanna outside, for the first time separated himself from the outside world and asked the fateful question: "Who am I?", Thus marking the transition to the anal phase of development. Then a person first arose the need to know himself, and, as a result, science, philosophy, and religion began to develop. A new element of collective management has also appeared - the idea. You can sometimes hear the expression: "Ideas rule the world."

It was so, but now it is not. In the cutaneous phase of human development, into which the world stepped after the Second World War, we got out of the direct control of both hunger and ideas. We no longer suffer from constant food shortages and do not have to fight for it. There are no more ideas that would be able to lift us to feats. What compels us to make efforts?
"Our wicked woman has no clothes, no shirt"
The desire to receive pleasure has not disappeared anywhere. It cannot disappear, because it is the essence of man. We are all very different, but we are the same in one thing: we want to experience pleasure. Everyone wants to be happy in their own way. This is the very lever that makes us move, develop, make efforts.
When a child is lazy, does not want to do something, it is necessary to push him to the action that he likes. Give him a little task in accordance with the natural inclinations that he has. With the help of system-vector psychology, these tendencies (vectors) are easy to read even at the age of three. While the child has a great libido, you need to immediately teach him to move in the right direction, to enjoy the right actions.
The desire for pleasure has grown many times over among the modern generation. And this can be used in education. The child must be taught to receive pleasure where it leads to the common good. The habit of making efforts in childhood will serve the adult person well by eliminating the problem of laziness at the root.
"Day after day, and the ax is in the stump", "I am not looking at work, but at the sun"
Knowing the manifestations of laziness is half the solution. There is laziness in all vectors. But for some it is more, and for some it is less. Paradoxically, the more libido, the more potential laziness, the less libido, the less laziness. From this point of view, the greatest laziness can be in the urethral, and the smallest in the muscles. But all of them have their own characteristics.
The force of libido in the urethral child from an early age is so powerful that it pushes him to external realization, to action. He gets used to acting and remains active for the rest of his life. But in his life there are periods when he fills his desires and begins to be lazy to the fullest, completely not feeling guilty for his own inaction. When the desire accumulates again, he takes off and begins to actively act.
This is the reason that the Russian people favor laziness. The carrier of the urethral mentality, when the situation does not require active action from him, is lazy for his own pleasure. How to defend the country - we stand as a united front in a single impulse, and the rest of the time you can lie on the stove.

Muscular is the only vector in which laziness is a manifestation of vector neurosis, its minus property. Neurosis arises in childhood from overstress, overpressure, when the child abandons his desires, because there is no possibility of their fulfillment. For a muscular child it can be separation from his own people, the loss of "WE", loneliness, isolation, separation from his native land, from the "umbilical cord". He is very attached to the ground, even at the level of trace element composition, and when he moves to another place, he may experience health problems because of this. But the most important thing is that he will toil, not find a place for himself, be lazy, especially in the absence of proper education, the development of his vector.
And in order for the muscle to never be lazy, you just need to accustom him to physical labor from childhood, from which he gets great pleasure. Then he becomes a real workaholic.
"I want to swallow, but I want to chew"
Approximately in the middle between the urethral and muscle vectors, by the strength of laziness, is the skin vector. His libido and mortido are almost balanced, so it's easier for him to organize himself and get out of laziness. The leatherman has no time all the time, he is always on the move. But if he begins to be lazy, then this is manifested in pathological economy in everything, even in the smallest things. He strives to make as few movements as possible and reduces his consumption to a painful state.
"Work - with teeth, and laziness - with tongue"
It is not for nothing that such a proverb appeared in Russian folklore. If the oral is lazy, then all his actions will consist in shaking the air. He will speak flamboyantly, build grandiose plans in words, but the matter will not progress further.
"People reap, and we lie under the border"
Laziness manifests itself very hard in the olfactory and anal vectors. In the olfactory person, laziness is due to the fact that when he experiences a state of melancholy, a complete absence of emotions and movement, he is completely devoid of smells. For him, this is the state of greatest security, because then he becomes invisible to others. Such a child can lie motionless for hours on the bed, and even the mother will not see him. He is lazy in body, striving to fulfill his specific role - survival at any cost.

If the parents do not interfere with this behavior of the child, then a real parasite will grow out of him, which will use others for his selfish purposes, consuming only in himself, without giving anything out. Having a powerful volume of mental, he will not become a great scientist, politician, financier, saving the flock, and at the same time himself with it. He will use his potential in the negative direction - for example, become a big thief.
Therefore, for the olfactory child, laziness can turn into very large unpleasant consequences. Its best prevention is overpressure, pushing him out into the world, to the kindergarten, to the school, where he does not want to go at all. If other vectors in such a situation get neurosis, then the olfactory develops in the best way.
Anal people are prone to laziness in two situations: at the stage of starting a new business and in case of resentment. Their mental is directed to the past, and the factor of novelty is stress, so it is very difficult for them to start doing something. They can constantly postpone the case under various pretexts, justifying this with objective reasons, but in their hearts tormented by a sense of guilt for their inaction.
Resentment in the anal vector, accumulating like a snowball, leads to complete inaction in life. In puberty, a person goes into society, tries to adapt to the world. And it often fails at this stage. The world is now far from being in the most healthy state, so it is very easy to blame others for the fact that all the problems are from them (“wherever you come, there are only bastards everywhere”), and retire on the couch, experiencing resentment. This kind of laziness is very common among people with an anal vector, who now find it very difficult to fit into the existing social life, due to the cutaneous phase of human development.
"The head is good, but laziness is rolling"
If we talk about the cutaneous phase, then one more point should be noted. Now everything is determined by the quartel of information (sound and visual vectors), and therefore the topic of laziness of the mind becomes relevant.
Today, more than ever, it is important to strain the mind, develop the neural connections of the brain. These abilities are most clearly manifested in the sound and visual vectors, the first of which is prone to abstract thinking, and the second to cognition of the material world.
Do you know the well-known formula in business: 80% of efforts are required to get 20% of the result? It was like this, because the result was determined by the efforts of the lower vectors. Now the formula sounds like this: it takes 20% of the effort to get 80% of the result, since the result comes from the upper vectors. But, unfortunately, this is still in theory, because sound and vision are in a deplorable state. We have superstitious, undeveloped visual audiences and depressed, unadapted audiophiles.

And all why? Because thinking is very energy consuming. It's harder than digging the ground. So we are too lazy to move our brains.
Thinking is the specific role of the sound vector. Having a developed sound, one can get the greatest pleasure from life, but, unfortunately, the carriers of the sound vector do not know about this. Having learned about this at the training, they never return to their negative states.
You have to learn to think: read complex texts, learn foreign languages. People who constantly exercise their mind live longer. They are not afraid of Alzheimer's disease. For sound specialists, whose specific role is the development of the mind, this will be the most complete realization, bringing true pleasure from life.
For spectators, cognition of the material world will give an excellent realization of their intellectual potential and will forever get rid of superstitions and beliefs that are the result of mental laziness.
"I would go to fight, but I am lazy to get up"
In our psychic, there is always an unconscious calculation: we go where we will get more pleasure. When we are not aware of this calculation, then very often we make mistakes.
For example, a skin-visual boy decides to go into business, to earn more money. But this activity is completely at odds with his natural way of getting pleasure. He tries very hard. And although now he is very bad, he hopes that in the future it will be good. But it will not be good, because he chose not his goal. In such a situation, it is very possible for laziness to arise, when at some point he simply cannot bring himself to make efforts.
Tell yourself: “Don't be lazy! Go and do it! - will not help. You must initially make the correct calculations. You need to know your vectors, your natural ways of getting pleasure, and when they are realized, laziness will have no chance.
"Either weave, or spin, or sing songs"
Any person experiences laziness of soul and body. But famous creative people, whom we often see on television, are true professionals in their field, are not lazy. They also work on vacation, receiving realization from their actions. And this is the highest pleasure for them.
And the muscle … He worked for a week at the factory, and on weekends he works in his farm: he repaired the fence, chopped the firewood, repaired the roof - he had a good rest! Implemented both at work and on vacation.
"Looking at someone else's work, you will not be full"
Man is a social animal. We are collective in mind and body. It only seems to us that we can live on our own. A leather worker, for example, although he keeps his distance, cannot live without people: there will be no one to organize and restrict.

When a person is alone, it is more difficult for him to cope with laziness. And if he is among people, then they do not allow him to be lazy, push, support. Man is the one who manifests himself in the physical world. We interact within the view, we get within the view. Any right action has a reward - pleasure. But since this action is correct and manifests itself in the material world, then material reward also becomes our reward.
"What are you doing?" - "Nothing." - "What is he?" - "I came to help"
There is also collective laziness. The flock either follows the mammoth or dies. If the group is lazy, then it disappears. Passionate groups survive, in which there is a priority of the general over the particular.
Awareness of our interdependence, the fact that true realization is possible only in giving back to society, will not allow a person to be lazy and justify his inaction. And the understanding of oneself and other people, which system-vector psychology gives, will help to get out of the vicious circle of blaming others for their own problems and not to take oneself out of the brackets of what is happening.
"Lazy and not worth the grave"
Laziness is a natural phenomenon, but there is a recipe for it:
- to be aware of their natural properties and, fully realizing them, learn to enjoy life;
- to be aware of the natural properties of others and help them, realizing their natural properties, to enjoy life;
- to find out empirically that when you do something not for your own sake, but in return, you get much more pleasure from life.
Adopting this recipe, you will see that laziness will visit you less and less. You can check it yourself at the training "System-vector psychology". Raises even the most inveterate sofa-sitters!