Classes With An Autistic Person At Home And In A Group: An Effective Method, Confirmed By The Results

Classes With An Autistic Person At Home And In A Group: An Effective Method, Confirmed By The Results
Classes With An Autistic Person At Home And In A Group: An Effective Method, Confirmed By The Results

Classes with autists at home and in children's groups

Shouts and scandals, loud music, abusive words are destructive for the sensitive ear of sound children. As a result of the trauma, both the conscious and sensory spheres of the child suffer. It is not only the ability to learn through hearing that is impaired. The child's ability to react emotionally and empathy is significantly reduced. Therefore, the main task of correctional and developmental classes for autism is to restore the child's ability to learn through hearing and help him restore emotional contact with people.

Correctional classes with autists require parents and psychologists to take an integrated approach to the problem. An autistic child can be characterized by a whole range of disorders: emotional detachment, motor and speech stereotypes, aggression and stubbornness, reduced hearing ability, and much more. How to take everything into account and provide maximum assistance to a child with autism?

In the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, there is a methodology for the rehabilitation of children with autism, taking into account the individuality of the child. This scientific approach is today confirmed by unique practical results.

In this article, we will look at how to build a set of developmental activities for autism so that the therapy is of high quality and effective.

Purpose of the session with an autistic child

The main goal of correctional classes with a child with autism is to eliminate the consequences of the mental trauma that led to the development of the disease. To do this, first of all, you need to determine the causes of the development of autism.

Vector system psychology reveals that autism occurs exclusively in children with a sound vector. From birth, sound children are endowed with special properties of the psyche: immersion in oneself, a delayed response, concentration on their inner world. Such a child receives signs of autism with a traumatic effect on the psyche through the ear, its most sensitive zone.

You can read more about this here.

Shouts and scandals, loud music, abusive words are destructive for the sensitive ear of sound children. As a result of the trauma, both the conscious and sensory spheres of the child suffer. It is not only the ability to learn through hearing that is impaired. The child's ability to react emotionally and empathy is significantly reduced.

Therefore, the main task of correctional and developmental classes for autism is to restore the child's ability to learn through hearing and help him restore emotional contact with people. For this, it is very important to exclude the traumatic effect of loud sounds.

However, there are also secondary tasks. The sound vector is dominant, so the trauma in it leads to a whole cascade of disorders in the development of all other vectors given to the child. For example, a child with a cutaneous vector may have tics and obsessive movements, hyperactivity, and “field behavior”. A child with an anal vector demonstrates aggression and negativism, rejection of everything new, ritualism.

Correctional classes with autistic children should also solve the following tasks: help the child overcome sensory disintegration and level numerous pathological symptoms.

Such a complex methodology of training with autists, based on knowledge of systemic vector psychology, can be implemented even at home, through the efforts of parents. It can also be adopted by speech therapists, defectologists and teachers in a kindergarten or other preschool educational institution, at school.

classes with autists
classes with autists

Games and activities with autists to develop sound perception

Interesting musical activities with autists help restore the child with autism's ability to focus on sounds:

  1. "High Low". High and low sounds alternate (live or recorded). If the sound is high, the child raises the handles up (shows how the rain is dripping). If the sound is low, the child puts the handles down and shows how the bear stomps.
  2. "Fast slow". The child holds a soft toy or doll in his hands. Fast, dance music and slow, lullaby sounds alternately. To slow music we swing toys, to fast music we show how they dance.
  3. "What makes noise." Several quiet instruments are required: maracas, bells, wooden spoons, etc. First, the child learns how each of them sounds. Then the adult turns away and plays. The child's task is to guess which instrument was playing.
  4. It is not uncommon for children with autism to have a good and even perfect ear for music. In this case, you can purchase a set of eight bells, intoned according to the scale. We teach the child to distinguish notes by ear and put them in order. You can use various songs and nursery rhymes about notes.

The ability of a child with autism to focus on sounds must be gradually transferred to the plane of conscious speech perception. This can be done in various tutorials. At the age of 3 - 4 years, it can be a "geometrical" - a set for studying shapes and colors. First, ask your child for a square or triangle. Then complicate the instruction: "find the red triangle, green square, etc.".

Remember that the choice of benefits both in preschool age and at school should primarily depend on the real level of development of the baby, and not on his physical age.

Games and activities for children with autism: developing the emotional sphere

Restoring the sensory sphere of a child with autism is also a major challenge. Parents and specialists often observe that an autistic child poorly recognizes the emotions of others, and may respond inadequately to them.

To develop the emotional sphere, you can use the following games for autists:

  1. Games and nursery rhymes for emotional contamination and imitation. If the child speaks, then it is preferable that they are built in the form of a dialogue.

    Adult: We are cabbage

    Child: We cut, we cut

    Adult: We are cabbage

    Child: Salt, salt (we accompany all actions with finger movements).

    The arsenal of such games is very large - they can be found in manuals for preschool age, kindergarten or other preschool educational institutions.

  2. Board games for the recognition of emotions. These can be subject pictures of emotions, to which are attached "emoticons" with different facial expressions. The child selects a suitable "smiley" for the picture.

    You can use paired pictures, one of which characterizes the emotion, and the other - the resolution of the situation. For example, in one picture, a baby bruises his knee and cries, and in a couple she suits the one where he is treated and soothed. In one picture, a child with a bouquet - and a card for her birthday is suitable for her.

    There are many interesting children's manuals on this topic today.

  3. Musical tasks aimed at recognizing the mood in music. To begin with, you can simply choose a ready-made picture for the music that sounds. Use vibrant and recognizable music pieces. If a child with autism likes to draw, you can draw a picture yourself that expresses the musical mood.
correctional classes with autistic children
correctional classes with autistic children

System-vector psychology explains: the development of the sensory sphere is necessary for every child. However, there are children for whom this is most significant - they are carriers of the visual vector. They are given the maximum emotional amplitude from nature. If the sensory sphere does not develop adequately, such a child demonstrates tantrums, multiple fears, and panic attacks.

Therefore, games for emotional development should occupy an essential place in therapy for such a baby.

Another important criterion for the emotional well-being of any child is the psychological state of the mother.

The baby gets a feeling of security and safety only if the mother is in a calm, balanced state. Without this, the success of any therapy for a child with autism is always questionable.

Correctional classes for autistic children: taking into account individual symptoms

Each kid is endowed with his own unique set of vectors. The presence of a sound vector gives general properties to all autists. However, in their other properties, they can differ significantly from each other.

For example, the owners of the skin vector are mobile, flexible, dexterous. With the development of an autism spectrum disorder, such a child may have special problems: motor disinhibition, obsessive movements, "field behavior" (for more details, see the article "Motor stereotypes and excessive tactile sensitivity in a child with autism: reasons and recommendations for parents").

Therefore, activities for autistic children with a cutaneous vector should include:

  1. Enough games for skin sensing. This is work with sand, water, plasticine or salt dough, cereals, etc.
  2. Enough outdoor games, for example, motor imitation. Such a baby is not able to sit for a long time in one place.
  3. Useful massages and water treatments, "dry pool", "dry rain", etc.

The owners of the anal vector, on the contrary, are slow and diligent. It is not difficult for them to sit over books and didactic aids for a long time. However, with an autism spectrum disorder, such a child may have severe lethargy, show aggression and negativism.

In a lesson for autistic children with an anal vector, be sure to consider that:

  1. This baby takes more time to complete any task. In no case should you rush or rush him, this only aggravates the inhibition.
  2. Everything new is stress for the owner of the anal vector. Therefore, you should not introduce several new tasks into the lesson at once. Add them gradually, one at a time, and give your child time to adapt.
  3. If the lesson follows a certain ritual, it will be easier for the child to cope with it. Negativism will decrease significantly if the work ahead is made more predictable. You can solve this problem using visualization: for example, all tasks are on the table in a pile on the left. As you progress, we shift them to the right edge of the table.
  4. You can use a visual assignment plan. For example, in the form of pictures or cards, which depict the corresponding actions (music lessons, drawing, etc.). As you progress, lay out a row of cards.
  5. Give preference to "sedentary", board games and assignments. The owners of the anal vector are not inclined to outdoor games.
methods of training with autists
methods of training with autists

Group lessons with autistic children

All the games and activities described above can be used both at home and in group activities with autistic children. The focus should be on developing the sensory and conscious sphere of children with autism. Sensory games will provide additional and significant help.

In the conditions of group lessons, the child must be assisted by an adult, preferably a mother.

However, it should be remembered that the development of a child should not be limited only in the format of individual work or in a group where only children with autism are present. The main task is the gradual adaptation of a child with autism to the environment of normo-typical peers.

Rehabilitation of children with autism: a methodology confirmed by the results

Classes with an autistic person at home and in a children's team are of great importance. The joint efforts of parents, psychologists, speech therapists and defectologists bring positive changes. However, full rehabilitation is possible only if:

  1. The mother of the child is clearly aware of the innate psychological characteristics of the baby. Takes into account them in education and training.
  2. The child's mother gets rid of her own psychological traumas and negative states and is able to give the child the maximum sense of security and safety.

This result is achievable. Here's what the people who received it have to say about it:

Give your baby a chance for full rehabilitation. You can get started with the free online training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.
