Perfectionism: How to Say Stop to Yourself
Why is it so difficult to finish what you started? It seems that the work does not let go, forcing you to come back again and again and analyze, check, test, and, as luck would have it, there is always some flaw or the thought comes to mind that it could be done better, to remove something., and add something, and so every time …
When we create something of really high quality, we do not think how much time and effort it will take, the main thing is the result is a unique handmade item, a real work of art, a brilliantly written dissertation or a house built to last.
Putting our whole soul into the work, we strive to create something exceptional, unsurpassed, almost perfect, otherwise why would we take it? Around and so the sea of all kinds of fakes, cheap, somehow made things, somehow rendered services and therefore the same hastily obtained results.
High-quality work defines a master, speaks for itself, this is the calling card of a top-class professional, because talent without diligence, like desire without effort, is an empty phrase.
However, sometimes, in pursuit of the ideal, we fall into our own trap. Trying to create an absolutely perfect product, we begin to walk in circles: finding more and more flaws in work, new and new flaws, unsuccessful elements, weak points, we continue to grind and grind, improve and complicate, still not daring to complete the process and deliver, finally the point.
What is really going on? Guided by the best intentions to make a truly beautiful creation, we ourselves turn our work into Sisyphean work.
Why is it so difficult to finish what you started? It seems that the work does not let go, forcing you to come back again and again and analyze, check, test, and, as luck would have it, there is always some flaw or the thought comes to mind that it could be done better, to remove something., and add something, and so every time.
How do you force yourself to finish the job?
Is there a way to learn how to quickly switch from old to new, without losing product quality?
Perfectionism - a strong point or a weakness?
Striving for perfection, the ability to concentrate on one's activities, deep analysis and expert assessment are the properties of exclusively representatives of the anal vector.

Almost phenomenal memory, analytical thinking, attention to detail, scrupulousness and pedantry, desire and ability to constantly learn, systematizing the information received at the input, upon receipt - these and many other properties of the anal vector enable their owners to create the highest quality products, including works of art or critical scientific research.
Only analysts are able to perform extremely important, but boring for others or monotonous work of collecting, analyzing, organizing or storing information data.
The rigidity of mental processes, which allows you to concentrate on the task being performed, can also cause a person to find it difficult to switch to another object of activity. A psychologically conditioned desire for perfectionism, a tendency to detail allows you to think through every element of your work to the smallest detail in order to get the best result, which means deserved recognition.
For any person with an anal vector, the most coveted reward for his work is recognition, praise and respect of his colleagues, relatives and friends, friends and relatives, bosses and employees, and only then material encouragement. The reputation of a high-level specialist, the title of an expert, professional, master of his craft - all these are the most important values for every anal sex.
Having earned these or those titles, regalia or positions, the anal person considers himself obliged to correspond to such a high level, and therefore, to do his job in the best possible way, almost ideally. The trust placed in him must always be justified.
Completed work, brought to a point, brings the analys great satisfaction, but the presence of shortcomings, errors or malfunctions in this work completely kills this satisfaction, all efforts are wasted until the result of the work does not meet the high personal requirements of the master himself.
In parallel with the rise of his professional level, his personal bar rises, his own inner critic becomes more and more picky and demanding. This property can serve as a basis for improving one's own qualifications, its value as an employee, and can become the reason for fixation on a specific object of work in order to bring it to an imaginary ideal.
A stop-tap for the perfectionist, or how to break a vicious circle?
Observing with his own eyes and systematically understanding his own psychological properties, obtained from birth and realized throughout life through the chosen profession, hobbies, lifestyle, habits and the like, each person is able to adjust the direction of his life, to choose for himself those opportunities for realization that he lacked earlier. And most importantly, he is able to realize what in fact can bring him the most satisfaction.
For a person with an anal vector, this is a recognition of his work, which can only be obtained from a real result, from a completed product of his professional activity. Only social benefits brought into society, which can be measured, evaluated, felt, seen or heard, can serve as the filling of the innate psychological properties of the anal, like any other, vector, which means that it can be felt as pleasure, joy, meaningfulness, fullness of life.
Fruitless grinding, endless efforts to improve, but not achieve a result in their work do not bring any feelings, except for discontent, anger, resentment and other negative states, which are often rationalized by us as dissatisfaction with the result of work or the need to do better.

The saying “The best is the enemy of the good” takes on a special meaning here. The “best” as an endless striving for perfection, instead of completing the work, becomes the enemy of this very perfectionist, turning his activity into running in a circle, thereby depriving him of the opportunity to receive true pleasure from the result of his efforts and only increasing the inner emptiness from the unfilled properties of the psyche.
Each psychological property we receive from birth requires its realization throughout our life, rewarding us with satisfaction or feeling like suffering as a result of a lack of realization.
Under the influence of various circumstances, other people's beliefs or our own delusions, we sometimes go astray, make mistakes, trying to go nowhere, rationalize our self-deception, getting confused in thoughts and not realizing the real essence of what is happening.
A clear systemic understanding of your own internal processes, innate properties, desires and aspirations gives the clearest picture of your personal life path, the ability to understand yourself and accept others, achieve the best result, strive for excellence, but not make it an end in itself, but focus on the effectiveness of the created product, its benefits for people, for society, for humanity.
The pursuit of the ideal cannot be realized in a single project, work or creation, but it may well be embodied in the desire to live an almost ideal life. With maximum efficiency, realizing ourselves at full capacity, creating social benefits and bringing more and more amazingly beautiful, unsurpassed quality and highly professional results of our work, thereby bringing all of us closer to the society of the future.