Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone: The Lazy Are Asked Not To Worry

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone: The Lazy Are Asked Not To Worry
Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone: The Lazy Are Asked Not To Worry

Get out of your comfort zone: the lazy are asked not to worry

Breaking an old habit can be very, very difficult, and creating a new one is even more difficult. What prevents us from changing, although we understand the need for development and growth? Why do more and more people these days choose to stay in their comfort zone, preferring it to the risks and difficulties of building a new one?

Life is by no means static. She is in a process of incessant change. Moreover, we humans are creating these changes. Why do we need this? If this were not so, we would remain a human flock, practically indistinguishable from an animal.

What prompted us to get out of the comfort zone, to change and develop? Difficulties that were created for us by nature. Man was created to have pleasure, and in ancient times there was little pleasure. Natural disasters and human insecurity in front of them, constant hunger and dependence on a successful hunt, every second danger posed by predators and stronger neighbors - that's what made a person constantly change, look for ways to at least survive. Better yet, get more pleasure out of life.


This is how the stone ax appeared, which made man a more successful hunter even in comparison with the "armed" fangs and hooves of animals. Then came the bridge, an engineering invention that saved time on long foraging trips. Then the wheel … And it rolled …

Of course, even in those days it would have been possible to choose the lowest level of comfort - to stay in a cave, hide in it from predators and enemies, and … die of hunger. Nature in those days did not give us a chance, pushing us out of our comfort zone in search of food. The question "How to get out of your comfort zone?" did not stand. We had no choice - we had to move, change in order to survive.

However, times passed, and forced evolution was replaced by the possibility of a person's choice: to develop further or stay in the state that he was able to achieve not by his own efforts, but as a result of the contribution of his parents - the mental and educational experience they gained. We are out of the control of hunger, we are no longer in danger of mortal threats from the forces of nature. The time has come for conscious development, conscious changes.

And this is where many problems arise, because any change is an effort, it is work. Breaking an old habit can be very, very difficult, and creating a new one is even more difficult. What prevents us from changing, although we understand the need for development and growth? Why do more and more people these days choose to stay in their comfort zone, preferring it to the risks and difficulties of building a new one? Let's look at the problem of our unwillingness to change through the prism of knowledge gained at the training "System-vector psychology".

What is a comfort zone? How to get out of your comfort zone?

"I have everything. I need nothing!" - such a state suggests that you are in a comfort zone, when everything is fine, you do not want to change anything. It is characterized by a lack of motivation for action. And it is becoming more and more difficult to find it in the modern world, as mentioned above.

As a rule, in such conditions, people are encouraged to be active by a natural desire to realize their properties. When this happens, they feel more interest, more joy, more satisfaction in life. The main unconscious motive becomes the experience of pleasure when a person is engaged in some kind of activity that brings a tangible result for him and those around him.

The quick and pragmatic logical mind of a person with a skin vector pushes him to invent technical innovations that make society easier. A huge emotional amplitude and the need to give sympathy and compassion makes a person with a visual vector in the rain and snow rush to the aid of sick and lonely people. The desire to realize his abstract intelligence pushes the sound engineer to discover the secrets of the Universe.

So if it seems to you that you have reached the ceiling of your development and there is nowhere to move further, then most likely you do not know your true desires. Because, once having felt the taste of the realization of your own desire, given by nature, you will receive such pleasure that will push you towards the highest goal of life and do it again and again, overcoming any difficulties and obstacles. Getting out of your comfort zone for the sake of realizing your true desire is not so difficult.


How to get out of your comfort zone? Habit is second nature

However, there is a category of people who, by their properties, find it very difficult to change, no matter what motivation they may find. These are, first of all, people with an anal vector who are drawn to past experience, because their specific role is to accumulate this experience and pass it on to subsequent generations. Anything new for them is stress. They are attached to everything well-established, traditional and hardly give up their habits. The modern world of the skin phase of human development is alien to them and opposite in values. That is why nowadays anal sexes so often find themselves in a situation where, not wanting to change, they sit on the sofa and no force is able to move them.

People with a muscle vector are also difficult to change. Monotony is their natural property. A once-well-established life of manual labor is what they need. To tear them away from their native land means to deprive them of powerful nutrition, including microelement, which can even make them sick. In a strange and unusual place, they toil. Here are the origins of muscle laziness, which in this vector is a manifestation of neurosis.

Does it make sense to step out of your comfort zone?

Another sufferer of the modern consumer society is a person with a sound vector. How far from everything material! How hectic and senseless the lives of most people seem to him! He is looking for meaning and does not find, because the meaning does not lie in the plane of the physical world. Self-knowledge, spiritual development - that's what could bring him out of depression and endless sleep, drugs and suicidal thoughts. But he does not know that this is his destiny, and therefore no longer searches for anything and does not want anything. Where to develop? What for? Why change something? And he remains in the comfort zone, degrading more and more.

The training "System-vector psychology" is good in that it provides guidelines for development, for moving forward even in such difficult cases. After all, the implementation is provided for any properties. All properties are essential for the survival of society. Awareness of these properties, of your potential - this is what gives a powerful motivation to get out of your comfort zone and take action. Indeed, in this world we manifest ourselves only in action. Only action has value.

Getting out of your comfort zone gets in the way of laziness

But there is also a common problem that occurs on the path of those who want, but cannot leave their comfort zone, building various rationalizations, why this is so. This is the presence of such a quality as ordinary laziness. There are two forces in the human psyche that determine the fullness of vital energy: libido and mortido. Libido is the desire for life, sexual power. Mortido is the death drive.

During life, these two forces are in a different relationship with each other. In childhood, libido predominates, and we see that the child practically does not need to be nudged into action. He himself actively moves, learns the world with interest. With age, mortido gradually gains more weight. And from about 27 years of age, the desire for death begins to prevail. This is manifested by an increasing unwillingness to move, the fading of desires, a loss of interest in life. We begin to make great efforts to change something in our life. Less and less want to leave the comfort zone. It is becoming more and more difficult to overcome laziness, because this is nothing but a manifestation of mortido.

How to get out of your comfort zone? I know the password, I see the landmark

Is it really impossible to fight this? After all, the manifestation of these forces is a natural law. However, a person who is aware of himself can do a lot. He is able to see that, having left his usual comfort zone, he will find himself in a new one, in which there will be even more pleasure from life. He is no longer afraid of temporary difficulties that will have to be overcome on the way. He makes a clear path. He knows where to go. He sees the goal. He understands that a carrot is sweeter than a stick. He realizes that by changing himself, he changes the world. The reward for such a person is a balanced biochemistry of the brain and a lot of pleasure.

Not very clear yet? Yuri Burlan's training "System Vector Psychology" will clarify the details. And if you still believed that your usual comfort zone is all you need in life (well, maybe a little tweak), believe me, you will want more. And you will become capable of this more. It's just a matter of practice.
