Motivation. How to get your employees out of place?
… So why, then, HRs knocked off their feet in search of an answer to the question of how and how to motivate an employee? How to achieve greater efficiency and get the most out of such a costly resource in every sense, like a person?..
The word “motivation”, which has been fashionable over the past few decades, has been used more and more often, even in everyday life. As Vicki says, “Motivation (from Lat. Movere) is an incentive to action; a dynamic process of a psychophysiological plan that controls human behavior, determines its direction, organization, activity and stability; a person's ability to actively satisfy their needs."
Everything seems to be clear and accessible. So why, then, HRs knocked off their feet in search of an answer to the question of how and how to motivate an employee? How to achieve greater efficiency and get the most out of such a costly resource in every sense, like a person?
There are many theories of motivation. They outline the basic principles that an employer must pay close attention to in order to make the right decision. The main goal of any business is to reduce costs as much as possible, increase efficiency and get as much profit as possible in the end.
This is natural and good when it is not done at the expense of archetypal antics of the skin vector. But now we are talking about companies that are really ready to put a lot of effort into finding an approach to valuable personnel and motivating them so that employees give their best 200% for a tidbit of something valuable.
And this is where several problems arise. First, all these theories of Maslow, Vroom, McGregor, etc., which are described in thick textbooks on economics, for some reason do not work. More precisely, they work, but somehow with varying success. Recruiters draw up numerous questionnaires with sometimes strange questions, with some kind of tests, attract psychologists, etc., etc. Does this give anything? Probably gives something. But the problem remains!
Indeed, in order to motivate an employee, you need to understand well the needs of the person. A specific person. His desires and mental characteristics. And another difficulty lies in the fact that a person often cannot answer to himself the question of what is really valuable to him. Because there are so many false landmarks around, imposed from the outside, which he involuntarily adopts at his own expense.
The second problem employers face is reaching a certain ceiling beyond which a promising employee cannot rise. Motivate him, don't motivate him, offer, tell, encourage or punish - it doesn't matter. The return will remain the same. And it is not clear what to do with this? Such a rise, such hopes, such ambitions - and a sudden stop line, beyond which he can no longer go. Or doesn't he want to?..

Silence, beauty and a new car
Let's try to disassemble it systematically. Having even basic knowledge of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, we understand that, despite the external similarity, inside people are very different mentally from each other. 8 vectors, which imply 8 different groups of desires, which are sometimes completely opposite to each other.
It is necessary for people who have an ambitious skin vector to use incentives in the form of higher wages, a corporate car, career advancement and other things that emphasize status and superiority over other employees. In other words, the bonus system works perfectly for them. It is with them that you need to apply the logical benefit-benefit language that they best perceive.
As for people with an anal vector, status is not about them. They would be honored and respected. To present a diploma and a medal with the whole team. A well-deserved trip to a sanatorium for the whole family. A letter of thanks signed by the CEO himself. This is another matter. This is what we need to talk to them about. And, most importantly, be honest. Without embellishing. They promised - you need to do it on time. Otherwise, you cannot avoid resentment, which is fraught with the loss of a valuable professional.
Urethralists do not need to be motivated, their energy is rushing over the edge. They do not go to work for hire, but blaze their own way, creating their own companies, in which all employees are most often satisfied.
The olfactory person is also not particularly motivated, he decides what and when to do. He is always at the top, next to power, finance and the leader. A gray eminence who instills fear in his subordinates. It happens that he is the head of the personnel department in a huge corporation. From the first second, he understands who you are and what you are. Whatever you say about yourself, he knows in advance what is on your mind. Feels. And inspires awe.
Muscular people need normal working conditions and a good example. They don't work for corporations. They are prone to hard, monotonous physical labor. Their needs are minimal. Provide normal working conditions, take care of the stable satisfaction of basic needs, and with a competent manager, you will consistently carry out all construction plans on time.
Working conditions are no less important for people with upper vectors responsible for intelligence. For example, how to motivate a sound engineer? He generally gives the impression of an asocial and non-contact introvert at interviews. Talented - no doubt about it. But how to establish a dialogue with such? How about getting feedback? And even more so, how to motivate him if there is a persistent feeling that he is far from everything earthly?
It's simple. The best motivation is the work schedule. Understanding the peculiarities of the psyche and realizing how valuable these personnel are and will help bring the business to new heights, you can create an individual work schedule for the IT department. Provide programmers with a separate soundproof comfortable room, where noise from the outside will not penetrate. Conduct dialogues through correspondence, agree on deadlines and tasks in the same place. And shift the operating mode for several hours to "+". Not from 9 am, as is customary, but let's say from 11 or better from 12 noon.
Viewers, on the other hand, would like a creative atmosphere. You can motivate them with trips, trips to the spa, some pleasant bonuses and certificates. They love changing pictures and impressions, enjoy communication and everything beautiful. Based on this, you can come up with many original ways to motivate a person with a visual vector. By the way, the anal-visual ligament will require one approach, the skin-visual ligament will require a completely different one. You can learn about this only at the training, deeply realizing the differences and properties of each vector.

As for people with an oral vector, they have a great desire to change their taste sensations. How can they be encouraged? For example, going to an unusual restaurant, unusual food, drinks. To announce a competition among salespeople, the main prize of which will be a trip to the island at the end of the year, where shark fins, unique in the world, are served in their own juice. A joke, of course, but the direction of thought is clear.
Lovers of talk, they choose a profession in which they can talk a lot and for a long time. Sales employers have to fight for this kind of talent because they don't need to be trained to sell, they have this gift inborn. Therefore, you should not save on salaries and bonuses, a couple of such oralists can pay off your business in full, replacing a staff of several dozen people.
Move in any way
As for the second problem, there is also an interesting point related to the fact that each person has his own potential, has his own bar. Having reached which, he will not budge, no matter how you motivate. And this is also important to know.
Motivation is based on what a person considers significant to himself. It's not about what he declares to you, but about what properties and desires are inherent in his psychic. The article contains sketches. Food for thought for those who are not yet familiar with the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. This knowledge provides colossal discoveries in various areas of our life. They answer the most intimate questions about ourselves. Most importantly, they are easy to apply in practice. This is a competitive advantage. Know from the inside what a person needs and be able to give it to him. It is worth considering …