In this article we will try to consider the issue of expansion from the psychological point of view and understand what exactly caused human expansion and why it would be more correct to call it not increased, but additional, like many other properties in a person.
No other mammal travels as much as we do. We are exploring new territories, even if we have enough resources. This was unusual for the ancient species of people. The Neanderthals have existed for hundreds of thousands of years, but have never spread across the globe. For some 50 thousand years we have filled the entire planet. This is just some kind of madness! When you board a ship and set sail on the ocean, who knows what awaits you there? And now we are already on Mars. Why can't we sit still?
Svante Paabo, Evolutionary Genetics Specialist
In this article we will try to consider the issue of expansion from the psychological point of view and understand what exactly caused human expansion and why it would be more correct to call it not increased, but additional, like many other properties in a person.
Expansion in space

The development of new territories is a necessary condition for survival in the animal kingdom: this is the phenomenon of migrations, during which a huge number of individuals die, and numerous conflicts over territories (pastures, hunting grounds) with the same consequences, and intraspecific struggle - all this one way or another serves life is part of the overall balance. Animals expand only by obeying their instincts, which direct them exclusively in strict balance with nature.
That is why it is impossible to talk about any increased or additional expansiveness in the animal world, since it is balanced in an animal, like any other component in its behavior. That cannot be said about a person. With the advent of additional desires, a person went out of balance, equilibrium with nature. It is this stable disequilibrium that determines its development. Accordingly, there are people who embody the conquest of new horizons, whose thought, for this reason, is not inside the conventional circle outlined by the horizon line, but outside this line. A person with a urethral vector is one without whom the territorial expansion of the human flock in primitive times would have been impossible. This is how this natural device works: everyone goes where he goes, and without a doubt, feeding on the feeling of security,which comes from him.
That is why the urethral leader of the primitive flock could say: "Come on!" - even when, at first glance, there was no need to go anywhere: food - full pantries, predators in the area were killed, the land has not yet been properly developed - it's time for a skin (anal, muscular) person to relax after hard work, to have a rest, to live, finally, truly, humanly. But the urethral person understands life “for real” differently, because his unconscious desires are aimed at solving not his personal, but general, group tasks. And the tasks of the group are as follows: to survive at all costs and to continue oneself in time (to give the following states, to develop), which cannot be done standing still. And at certain stages, even an insufficiently energetic forward movement begins to be equated with a static state, which has its own reasons.
Man is not a simple animal, because he has additional desires that are not satisfied by animal instinctive behavior, and rational conscious thought, designed to satisfy these additional desires, always carries an element of error - more or less. Therefore, no matter how much food there is in the pantries, no matter how warm and cozy the cave fire may be, and no matter how persistently a person's thought tells him that additional efforts are not necessary, nature still tries to show him that this thought is wrong, and any human group, that does not expand on the basis of the general (collective) priority of development, is doomed to perish. This knowledge of nature is present from birth only in the urethral man. Outwardly, it looks like a passion, dedication, increased activity of such people. If the olfactory person in the primitive flock embodied the urging whip of nature, then the leader, on the contrary, was her "carrot", set the general movement forward by the force of his animal altruism.

You can figuratively imagine how in primitive times, a human group led by an urethral leader conquered new lands rich in various resources and began to develop them: skin people directed their thoughts to quickly extract more benefits from numerous resources, build infrastructure, and establish trade; anal people were also forced to completely immerse themselves in their worries - to equip dwellings, schools for young people, to monitor the observance of traditions, etc.; muscular people were always happy with the simple work that they were given, their thoughts did not go further. The only person whose thought was directed beyond what was achieved, beyond the horizon, was the urethral leader - at that time (without looking up from the daily worries of the flock) he was already thinking about other lands and other conquests.
So the thought of the urethral person provides his additional desire, without the satisfaction of which all our expansiveness would be of an animal level, that is, it is due only to the urgent need to eat, conquer, rob, subjugate, etc. (like animals). And this additional desire "outward" grows with each new generation, expanding our common human expansiveness and bringing it to qualitatively new levels, because expansion, as already mentioned, is not only territorial. Expansion for the human group (as a whole) is any way out of the flags, that is, beyond the limits of the logic of development that the current situation sets it, and this can only be provided by the thought of the urethral content.
Expansion in time
A new type of expansion - expansion in time - appeared with the beginning of the historical (anal) phase of human development, about 6 thousand years ago, and consisted in promoting ideas. Ideas are a way to accelerate their development by their own thought, by their own control, and not only to obey the control of nature. This type of expansion was provided not only by urethral, but by urethral-sound people. Now it was necessary to develop not only because there is nothing to eat (or want to eat more and better), but also to achieve a certain common goal (ideal), to implement the idea.
It has long been noticed that a person who realizes an idea with his life feels life brighter and deeper than one who simply lives, although their living conditions may be the same. Until recently, this could be said not only about the sound engineer, but also about any other member of society, where ideological sound people showed themselves to a sufficient extent.. There is such an expression: "a place in the sun", which denotes the inner feeling of a person's balance with the world around him. If we talk about a separate community, then it was “a place in the sun” in those days that was given by developed, sound people realized in ideas. Any idea, as you know, is dead in itself, but, as if woven into the structure of social ties, it turned into a governing "material force" and filled the ever-increasing lack of natural governance: life became more joyful,life took on meaning (not in knowledge, but in people's feelings).
The idea was born in the head of an anal-sound person who for years patiently grinded and polished it to such a state in which it would meet general needs, reflecting the peculiarities of his time. After the idea was created, it was immediately picked up by a developed skin sound specialist and began to be implemented: to carry out agitation among the population, to organize small groups of followers around him. When a certain number of such groups - carriers of the idea accumulated, the urethral sound engineer came and immediately gave this idea to a huge community of people (creating, for example, a world religion) to make the maximum leap in development.

At the same time, the leisurely meditations of the anal sound specialist cannot be called something that would ensure collective expansion in the future; the same cannot be said about the local activity of the skin sound specialist. But the thought of the urethral-sound person was really capable of "looking into the future", socially expressing an idea so that it would have a strong and lasting influence on large masses of people. This was a real expansion in time.
There are many examples of the collective advancement of ideas in history, but religious and revolutionary ideas were of the greatest importance in it - these are world religions, and bourgeois revolutions, and at the end of the historical phase - the October Revolution.
Information expansion
Often, when speaking of information expansion, they mean propaganda, the struggle for the minds of people. Whether this is so is a controversial question, but a systematic view of this phenomenon allows us to conclude that it is not an information expansion in a global sense, since it is not provided by urethral thought, it is within its own chain of cause and effect, the logic of events. This is, in fact, sound propaganda behind the lines of a potential or real enemy (as it was very recently).
But then what is the real information expansion and who should make it today, in the midst of the skin phase of development, when there are no enemies and enemies anymore?
With the departure of the historical (anal) phase of human development (the end of World War II) and the onset of the skin phase, the role of individuals in history has significantly decreased. Today, only well-organized teams of talented people are capable of doing something really important. First of all, these are teams of scientists who create modern science and technology (mostly Western). But they nevertheless do not make any qualitative leaps, but only develop old technical ideas. The cutaneous phase is characterized by development in breadth, quantitatively rather than qualitatively, due to the disappearance of ideas in the sound vector, including ideas about technical transformations that arose in the minds of individuals during the anal phase of development.
With the disappearance of ideas, prerequisites are created for a new level of cognition in the sound vector - a person's direct cognition of himself, the internal states of his mental, and with it - of the entire deep essence of the surrounding reality. It is easy to guess that today the beginning of knowing oneself is system-vector psychology.

For comparison, one can compare those intermediate forms of sound cognition of oneself, which were created in the anal phase of development, with direct cognition in system-vector psychology. For example, the anal-sound philosopher in this matter proceeds from the comparison of simplified (abstract) philosophical categories of matter, consciousness, being, space, time, highlighting them in the surrounding world, and at the same time in himself; the anal-sound physicist is trying to unravel the secret of the formation of the Universe, splitting, for example, complex forms of matter to its most simple states; skin, urethral, anal and sound musician searches for the same simple states of harmony in vibrations that he “hears” around and writes on the sheet of music; the anal-sound programmer looks for them (states) in the interconnections of those huge arrays of codes,which he builds with his abstract intelligence, with a ready-made virtual product, and so on.
In system-vector psychology, the approach to cognition is simpler and many times more effective: a person simply "decomposes" into levels, of which he also consists, and the simple states that underlie each of these levels and create them are cognized directly, without any colliders and complex computers, but with the help of only one correctly focused mind of the student. This is the direct cognition of a person, of all types of desire to preserve his own integrity, which he has (and there are actually not so many of them). Here, our weak unconscious sensation of a neighbor (for the most part - dislike for him), which so far is a kind of formless mess of vague motives and relationships, should acquire a clear and clear (conscious) structure - by levels, by properties, by states - from bottom to top …

Such a qualitative leap in cognition is, in essence, an informational expansion of humanity into the world around it, and this leap can only be collective. But, based on everything written earlier, it is obvious that in order to accomplish this type of expansion, it is necessary to have such a condition as stable connections in the study group precisely according to the urethral principle. Only in this case it becomes possible (although not guaranteed) the formation of a collective thought going beyond the horizon, beyond the flags, that is, beyond the limits of private and general group rationalizations of the members of the collective. In other words, these collectives should be urethral-mental, consist of carriers of the urethral mentality.
In essence, the concept of expansion is quite broad, because by and large, even reading a book is a kind of "expansion". In this article, only an attempt is made to define with this word a certain general property that includes all the particulars - any active actions, the development of something new, unknown, going beyond the limits of one's narrow view of the world. But in the context of the development of a common whole, that is, humanity (including genetic scientists), which conquers new horizons with amazing speed, this phenomenon is purely urethral, and it was from this point of view that it was considered.