How to overcome stage fright and become an audience favorite
With my family I speak freely on any topic, I like to be in the center of attention, but as soon as I find myself “on stage”, the fear of speaking in front of an audience immediately falls. Everything inside me is shrinking. I cease to control my body, voice, mind, I repeat words like a robot, without intonation, without comprehension. Hands tremble, sweat covers forehead. It would rather be over!
The heart pounds so that it can jump out of the chest. You need to go out in front of everyone and give a speech. But the fear of public speaking gripped me hand and foot. All instructions flew out of my head, everything that had been prepared in advance. Being in the spotlight, I get lost and nervous. The views of the audience are directed at me with passion - they will not forgive mistakes, they will notice any inaccuracy. A dry mouth makes a crow sound like a crow. Indistinct babbling only aggravates the situation, whether from horror, or from shame you want to sink into the ground. I also have problems with my stomach - before every public appearance I can't go far from the toilet. This is terrible. Oh!
How to get rid of the fear of public speaking. Understand the reason
With my family I speak freely on any topic, I like to be in the center of attention, but as soon as I find myself “on stage”, the fear of speaking in front of an audience immediately falls. Everything inside me is shrinking. I cease to control my body, voice, mind, I repeat words like a robot, without intonation, without comprehension. Hands tremble, sweat covers forehead. It would rather be over!
Friends try to cheer me up: “Don't drift! You dreamed of becoming an actress, get used to the role! Yes, I dreamed! Attract admiring gazes, and not grow cold with fear to go on stage, covered with sticky sweat. But I don't know how to change minus to plus, how to overcome stage fright. My fears do not obey reasonable arguments, and they greatly interfere with my life! Wise people say - if you want to know how to overcome fear of public speaking, try at least to understand the reasons for its occurrence.
How to overcome stage fright. Desire to please
The first time I experienced the fear of speaking in front of an audience was in school, when a guy I was secretly in love with laughed at me. I no longer felt irresistible, and the desire to be the center of attention was replaced by the fear of not being liked.
I remember that many of my friends graduated from school with a pronounced fear of publicity. Over the long school years, I had to answer at the blackboard quite often, and the “wild flock” of classmates least of all cared that someone there would earn the fear of speaking in front of the public - making fun of a mistake in class was a common and even funny thing.
Only one thing is not clear why some people care about everything - they do not and will not have any fears, but people like me, as if all their lives are doomed to tremble like an aspen leaf, even if it is necessary to speak with a stranger. What's the matter here?
How to overcome fear of public speaking. Homo sapiens' unconscious reactions
The answer to the question "how to overcome the fear of public speaking in front of an audience" was found by chance. After endless attempts to solve a delicate problem and regulate bowel function with "folk methods", I came across the article "Irritable Bowel Syndrome". It turned out that my fear of disgrace and my long-standing dependence on the opinions of others, as well as my inability to make decisions under stress, manifested themselves in a similar way. All this is inherent in the owners of the anal vector, who always strive to achieve perfection in everything they do. Non-compliance with the set bar causes them the greatest discomfort.

On the portal of systemic vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, there were many interesting articles about fears and their causes, from which I learned about the most emotional, suggestible and fearful person - the owner of the visual vector, in which I undoubtedly recognized myself. It turned out that fears are just an expression of my unfilled emotionality. And if on one side of the emotional amplitude - fear, then on the other - love. We are not doomed to be afraid! The more I familiarized myself with the materials, the more I became hopeful of understanding how to overcome stage fright.
How to get rid of stage fright? All in your hands
Very soon I got into the course of free lectures by Yuri Burlan, this event I will remember forever. Sitting at home in front of my computer screen, I caught myself thinking that the lecturer knew everything about me - secret desires, hobbies and addictions, even my thoughts. The deeper I became aware of my own characteristics, the more clearly I understood why I was afraid to speak in front of an audience that I see for the first time …
Everything I learned helped me to better understand myself, helped me see situations that caused tension in a completely different light. The best part is that after a few lectures I heard a change - the very first interview, for which I had been preparing for so long, passed easily and naturally. Confidence was added by reading the results on the portal of systemic vector psychology in the reviews section - 10,000 real people wrote and talked about the changes that happened to them.
Here are just a few excerpts from the reviews:
Before, in order to say something, I thought it over for a long time, made sentences, I was afraid to look stupid. Even considering the fact that I often had to appear in court, my confidence did not increase. It was easier for me to write, but speaking in public … a whole torture. And then I calmly, without thinking in advance, began to communicate with people. And the people around have become so good-natured !!! Yulia K., lawyer Read the full text of the result … fears that hindered life began to go away! Many thanks to Yuri for this invaluable knowledge! In particular, the fear of public speaking decreased, I began to feel freer on the stage.. The vision of the world has changed dramatically, I begin to feel people not as before (through the prism of my beliefs), but I really understand the motives of their actions! It's incredible! Anastasia B. Read the full text of the result
Hundreds of people managed to overcome such fears and phobias, in comparison with which my overcoming the fear of public speaking seemed a very feasible task.
Now I know exactly how to overcome the fear of public speaking in front of an audience, and it makes my life easier and more enjoyable. Make up your mind now and then you won't remember what you once feared - free online lectures are coming soon. Register here.