NLP. The bird of happiness of yesterday
NLP as a direction in practical psychology was developed in the 1970s in the United States and quickly gained popularity in the world. A sufficient amount of detailed descriptions of various mental pathologies accumulated by science made the model of suffering almost exhaustive, while the model of success was still missing.
If we don't want to lose it all
we must learn to imagine
the moral meaning of events and actions, in which we participate.
G. Anders
History of the issue
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) as a direction in practical psychology was developed in the 1970s in the USA and quickly gained popularity in the world. A sufficient number of detailed descriptions of various mental pathologies accumulated by science made the model of suffering almost exhaustive, while the model of success was still missing. University teaching of psychology was based largely on theory, the lack of practical skills, techniques for conducting a conversation with a client in psychotherapy at that time was very great.
American researchers Richard Bandler (a specialist in applied mathematics and computer technology who is fond of gestalt therapy) and John Grinder (Ph. D., specialist in structural linguistics) decided to fill this gap. Combining their knowledge and abilities, Bandler and Grinder came to grips with psychotherapy. Based on the general semantics of Alfred Korzybski, the developers of NLP focused on the subjective experience of a successful person, which they intended to make available to anyone who wants to master it by reproducing a number of patterns, or modeling.

The catchy name of the new method, evoking associations with two rapidly developing areas of knowledge at that time: neurolinguistics and programming, immediately attracted the attention of researchers of the theory of knowledge (G. Bateson), practicing doctors and psychologists (F. Perls, V. Satir, M. Erickson). Bandler and Grinder did not see much sense in the theories of their "magicians" - as they called these outstanding people. The future creators of NLP decided to thoroughly study the practice of the masters in order to extract some rational seeds from it for further sowing them into the masses.
The study of the sessions of the masters of psychology was conducted directly, as well as on the basis of video recordings and transcripts of conversations. Everything was recorded: the linguistic constructions used, the tonality of the voice, gestures, facial expressions, even breathing. Nothing in the behavior of the therapist himself or in the patient's response could be overlooked. Analysis of the data obtained showed that with all the variety of approaches, there is a certain general pattern, a general model of the psychotherapeutic process, which only needed to be correctly algorithmized for subsequent reproduction by any person in order to transition (transfer) from a state of suffering to a state of norm, and then to a state of increased efficiency, that is, success.
NLP has come to be regarded as a new generation of psychology, a model of human experience, a panacea for failure in life. NLP promised to teach everyone how to manage their lives.
"Ability not from birth" is one of the slogans of NLP. With the right strategy, you can learn everything. It seemed a little more, and everyone will be able to get the properties and skills that previously could only be dreamed of, the properties and skills of the best representatives of humanity.
It is not surprising that this direction attracted many talented people seeking to penetrate the secrets of thinking with the noblest intentions - to help people get out of the streak of life failures and become successful. NLP was done by developed and realized sound specialists. With passion and diligence, they wrote out models and strategies for all occasions. We took the best from the most effective in order to give it to everyone.

State of the art
Over the past years, the number of algorithms (techniques, models, strategies) in NLP has increased dramatically. The method, which at one time brought tangible benefits to practicing psychologists, is increasingly being dissolved in various communicative practices and techniques. Despite the strong criticism of NLP from the Western scientific community (Sharpley, 1987; Heap, 1988; Eisner, 2000; Lilienfeld, 2003), in Russia this area is still popular, although interest in recent years and it got very cold here.
The strategies of geniuses, painted with scrupulous precision, do not help as expected when the magnificent Virginia Satyr came to the USSR in the last days before the disaster and shortly before her death, and when the lack of success and happiness became a personal tragedy for millions of Russians. Despite the abundance of literature on NLP and many success trainings claiming the use of the method, there are no stable massive positive results from the use of neurolinguistic programming.
NLP trainings are rapidly diminishing in goals and objectives. The psychological portrait of the "new nelpers" is changing accordingly. If since the inception of NLP it has been promoted by developed sound specialists with vision, in whose desires it was to learn the hidden and give their knowledge to people, now (and in Russia especially) we see around NLP only archetypal skin without a top, in whose desires it is to gain benefits at any cost. Developed Russian sound scientists, who once enthusiastically picked up NLP, are now either trying to engage in theoretical calculations (Yu. B. Gippenreiter), or are leaving (T. V. Gagin). Sound search in NLP no longer exists. There remains a promise to teach manipulation that sells well.
Any person seeks to receive more joy and less suffering. Other people bring us the greatest joy, as well as the greatest suffering. The inability to get along with them, resulting from a misunderstanding of the essence of the human psychic, leads to minor everyday troubles, and to the tragedies of the whole life. The path of NLP from the visible, the observable through algorithmization and embedding of the obtained useful model into any behavioral stereotype was justified at a time when exact knowledge about the structure of the mental unconscious did not exist and had to go groping, relying on the seeming similarity of the properties of all people.

Russia, which had fallen into the cutaneous phase, seized on NLP when worldwide interest in this area had already noticeably weakened. This happened for two reasons. The first reason was the strongest lack of psychological help in a situation where all life orientations collapsed. The second reason is the desire of archetypal leatherworkers, who have received carte blanche on the new Russian landscape, to manipulate people for their own benefit and benefit. The second turned out to be the most liquid due to the complementarity of the basic desire to benefit from the values of modern skin society.
The new Russian nelpers promise to teach anyone how to manipulate, and people who have no idea of how the human psychic works, what hidden mechanisms set in motion a cane “human” puppet, go to NLP trainings in the hope of learning how to manipulate people according to the proposed simplified scheme, i.e. e. as things. The fear of manipulation by other people is also effectively exploited by modern Russian NLP success trainers. If you don't want to manipulate, then at least learn how to defend yourself against manipulation by enemies! Fight, war, enemies, rivals - these are all basic concepts of a skin that ranks and strives for leadership by defeating rivals.
Realizing that the word “manipulation” does not sound too good for the Russian ear, NLP trainers reassure us, they say, we manipulate each other every day, and nothing. This is not entirely true. It is one thing when an attempt at manipulation is visible and understandable: "If you are not … then I am not …" Another thing is when there is a hidden manipulation of a person for other people's purposes. The question of the ethics of applying NLP techniques is still open. The conventional comparison with a surgeon operating on a patient under anesthesia is again inappropriate here. The anal-sound surgeon with vision is guided by the principle "do no harm" and the benefit of the patient. And what is the purpose of the skin manipulator without a top, once again converted to NLP, except for its immediate benefit?
Who to be with?
The euphoria of tempting promises quickly gives way to disappointment in reality. It turns out that not everyone can “build in the model”, but only those who have vector desires for this and the properties of the mind and body that provide them. There are no basic desires to get profit - there is nothing to "rely" on the embedded model of the seller. It just won't fit in, and it's good if it doesn't hurt. Samples of would-be sellers who try to work according to an imposed model that does not correspond to inner desires are a spectacle from the series "both painful and funny."

Manipulate a relationship "so that my partner does what I want" if it works out, then not for long. The pleasure of getting into oneself while completely ignoring the other tends to zero. The magic gingerbread of happiness in one single capsule of living substance does not work. We, as before, can only be happy together. This is set at the level of the mental unconscious and is not provided by any of the most advanced manipulation techniques. Only through understanding one's inner nature and sensing other people's desires, as one's own, lies the path to human pleasure.
The discovery of the eight-dimensional matrix of the human psyche and the mechanisms of its functioning (V. Ganzen, V. Tolkachev, Yu. Burlan) made manipulative techniques unnecessary. A person as a “thing in itself” and an object of manipulation is a thing of the past forever. Systemic knowledge of the mechanisms of vector synergy at all levels (person - couple - group - society) allows not only to achieve the optimal result here and now, but also to predict future development. Systemic knowledge is constantly growing. There is a lot of work here for people with advanced sound and vision, that is, those who are called to expand the boundaries available to the mind and heart of man.