I'm afraid to approach. The special operation has begun, or How to start a relationship
It seems that in my head thoughts are only about the object of sighing. But in reality? Judge for yourself: our beloved is so dear to us, we so want the development of relations and it is so scary that at one moment everything will irrevocably collapse! In meanings, everything is about one thing - how not to miss your happiness and not get a lot of suffering. And not a single thought about what the other person feels, what his desires, experiences.
The object of love appears in the reach. The special operation has begun! The minimum task is to exchange a couple of phrases, the maximum is to bewitch. The problem is that "agent 007" has knees shaking, palms getting wet, his tongue twisted, and, in principle, he is carrying some utter nonsense …
Why is it so scary to communicate with a person you really like? How to overcome embarrassment? And how to develop relationships properly?
Why relationships fall apart when you're afraid of losing them
As luck would have it: the less we love, the more we like. And as the heart begins to flutter from falling in love, everything goes awry! Villainy rule?
Yuri Burlan's training "System Vector Psychology" reveals the reasons for this mechanism and offers an effective method for coping with irrepressible anxiety. The fact is that often flared up feelings for another person make us … focus on ourselves. And it imperceptibly drives you into a trap.
It seems that in my head thoughts are only about the object of sighing. But in reality? Judge for yourself: our beloved is so dear to us, we so want the development of relations and it is so scary that at one moment everything will irrevocably collapse! In meanings, everything is about one thing - how not to miss your happiness and not get a lot of suffering. And not a single thought about what the other person feels, what his desires, experiences.
And it's not surprising that such a love-illness does not lead to anything good. Or a dear, beloved, single person evaporates, or begins to avoid, or even suddenly shows acute negative emotions - irritation, anger.
All this is an unconscious human reaction to the hunt for him. Feeling that they want to put him on a pedestal and / or make him a source of his own pleasure, the object of love is trying with all his might to save his skin.
"We lived happily ever after …" What do the tales of love hide
But there are also stories with a happy ending! What is their secret? System-vector psychology knows - in mutual understanding and strong emotional connection.
This is the same feeling when you absolutely trust a person, you strive to share your thoughts, feelings with him and you know that you will not be judged or ridiculed, you know that they will understand. And having been completely frank, both feel that smiles do not leave their faces, their eyes glow with warmth, their souls are calm and easy.

This relationship is not difficult to achieve. The best tool for this is sincere conversation. Start with small doses, not shocking revelations, but something light and pleasant - about events from childhood, for example. And so, step by step, overcome the path from the starting point "strangers to each other" to the destination - "one heart for two."
This recipe, so simple and so effective, is applicable at the very beginning of a relationship. Instead of experiencing the torment of doubts and fears, you can begin to be interested in the inner world of the object of love. And feeling a sincere interest in oneself, understanding, acceptance and even love, the Most Important Person will not be able to resist.
Unusual love stories
But this is not all that is needed to carry out the special operation "Love of All Life". Yuri Burlan's training "System Vector Psychology" is a unique technique that allows you to see the desires of another person, practically read his thoughts. This is a huge help to a person who is determined to build a relationship.
Understanding the vector nature of his neighbor, a systemically thinking person always knows exactly what to talk about, and what topics it is better not to touch, so as not to hurt, not to escalate psychological stress.
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To be afraid or to love is everyone's choice. It is possible to take fate into your own hands and find yourself in a real fairy tale with knowledge of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.