Systemic Preventology
More and more often at psychological and pedagogical conferences the word "preventive medicine" is pronounced. I propose to understand what it is and what it is eaten with.
The ultimate meaning of the universe or the ultimate meaning of history is part of human destiny. And the human destiny is as follows: to be fulfilled as a Human. Become Human.
M. Mamardashvili
More and more often at psychological and pedagogical conferences the word "preventive medicine" is pronounced. I propose to understand what it is and what it is eaten with.
In a broad sense, preventionology is understood as the science of early prevention of various types of addictions, social diseases and other types of deviant behavior. In a narrow sense, preventive medicine is divided into narcological, clinical, respectively, it is defined as a set of preventive measures aimed at preventing drug addiction, alcoholism, various mental illnesses, etc.
It should be noted that preventive medicine is a new direction in psychological science, but at the same time the need of society for its development can hardly be overestimated. Statistics with the increasing rates of development of various forms of deviation in the youth and children's environment speaks for itself - something needs to be done and done urgently.

Life itself poses a serious challenge for the whole society, especially for specialists who directly encounter the new generation in the course of their professional activities: how to preserve the health of children, how to protect the main foundation of the state - human potential from degradation. Here on the scene, according to common sense, preventive medicine should appear.
Solve the problem or prevent it?
In my opinion, preventive methods in psychology are the aerobatics of a psychologist, if, of course, they work. They work in practice, and not just sound in reports and beautiful speeches. Can you imagine not solving the problem, not changing the attitude towards it, but preventing it?
You, of course, ask: is this possible in principle? A person still does not complain about anything, society sees no reason for concern, but the psychologist sees, realizes the risks and works on them, directs the development of problematic tendencies in the right direction.
This possibility exists. Only for this it is necessary that in the arsenal of the psychologist new knowledge on human psychology, the most practical and modern, which makes it possible to distinguish people by their mental properties unmistakably, appears.
So, system-vector analysis provides us with the necessary tools so that, without tests and questionnaires with average results, similar to the average temperature in a hospital, accurately and quickly enough, it is easy to diagnose any person.
Step one: distinguish who is the "bird", who is the "fish"

Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology examines human nature through an eight-dimensional matrix of vectors, that is, stable psychotypes that each of us is endowed with from birth by nature.
Knowledge of the vector set of a person, and now most people are born multi-vector (the complication of the landscape in comparison, for example, with primitive times, when people were single-vector), allows us to see: what mental characteristics he has, what are his life priorities, type of thinking, sexuality etc. Understanding of human nature within the framework of eight vectors with different levels of development and different implementation in society ultimately determines a systemic view of the life scenario of any person.
Each of us comes into this world no longer as a blank board, where society can write whatever it wants, form the qualities that it wants. We are born endowed with nature with different innate inclinations, which are given initially at a basic level and need to be developed and realized.
It must be admitted that already from birth, the starting opportunities for children are unequal, unequal, while no one says that one has a better vector set, while the other has a worse - they are simply different. To be able to distinguish one child from another is the basis for proper education, the basis for the development of his talents to the fullest. The lack of the ability to distinguish children according to their vectors by parents and teachers leads to the fact that they do not fulfill their inner desires, do not feel understanding and support from their environment, which means that they experience a feeling of dissatisfaction, unfulfilled life gnawing from the inside.

It is known that nature does not tolerate emptiness, and children, not receiving satisfaction of their true needs, not experiencing pleasure, so to speak, by legal methods, try to get at least some pleasure from life with everything that comes along. Most often, they begin to use drugs, alcohol, become gambling addicts, criminals, since these are quick, affordable ways for the new generation to get their "piece of happiness" today.
Parents do not understand, teachers scold, classmates do not respect, but drank (used drugs) - and immediately it became easier, there was a feeling that everyone loves you, the whole world is beautiful.
Fight against windmills
It turns out that the fight against the spread of drugs, drinking alcohol, crime among children and young people cannot give effective results, because it rests on prohibitive measures, and not on understanding the essence of the problem.
Prohibitions alone will not help here (any smoker has seen a health warning sign on a pack of cigarettes, but it does not stop him, any student knows that drugs are bad, any supplier and distributor of narcotic and psychotropic drugs knows that this is an article of the Criminal Code, etc.., however, very few people stop it). Only the absence of an internal need in people for surrogate fillers of mental voids will solve the problem with any harmful addictions and negative behavioral anomalies.
I'll make a reservation right away, we are not talking about legalizing drugs - of course not. We see that, for example, if a weapon becomes available to everyone, then there is a greater chance that it will be used. Yes, we need the right laws, restrictions, punishments, but we should not put this at the forefront of solving the problem of deviant behavior among young people.

We must not forget that the child goes into deviation (we are not talking now about cases when the cause of deviant behavior has a purely organic basis) due to the fact that his internal needs were not developed and implemented properly, optimal conditions for development were not created for him.
All children are born different, and each requires its own individual approach. It does not occur to us to open different locks with the same key, but many of us are trying to bring up different children with the same "proven experience of previous generations". They are trying to create a kind of universal "master key" for the inner world of each child. The consequences are obvious, and they are much more terrifying than broken castles: broken children's souls, destroyed successful life scenarios.
Are reports more important?
Prevention of deviant behavior of the new generation in our usual sense is probably good only for the reports of officials. It is convenient to report, because they ask from the institutions responsible for prevention, basically two parameters: how many activities were carried out and how much money was spent. We used all the funds allocated by the state, carried out a large number of events - that's great, that's good. Nobody measures the real benefit, the result of such prevention, and therefore prevention is becoming more and more formal, for "tick".
It is possible to change the situation with the full-scale implementation of preventive medicine based on the discoveries of system-vector psychology. Only a systemic preventive approach at all stages of personality development can give good results.

As an example: quite recently, society, the media literally broke spears in disputes in an attempt to find an answer to the question: what happened to a teenager from a Moscow school, brought up in a complete, socially prosperous family, who killed a teacher and a law enforcement officer, took hostage your classmates? Various versions were put forward: the boy was mentally ill, he was brought to a nervous breakdown, the magnetic storm had such an effect, etc. At the end of the discussion, the conclusion sounded: it was impossible to foresee that this would happen, let alone prevent the unfolding tragedy.
A systems psychologist could solve a similar problem - from the very beginning to see that the future killer possesses an anal-sound bunch of vectors, and in this case, for the boy, outcast in the classroom, overprotection at home would invariably result (as it happened) in deviant behavior. If in time the psychologist managed to work with the parents on their attitude towards the child, with the class teacher, with the sound person himself, everything would have turned out differently.
I must say that if you know how to distinguish between the vectors of a child, then you can see areas of risk in his development. So, for the same representatives of the sound vector - depression, drugs, suicide, for leather workers - alcoholism, masochism, theft, etc.
It's not just about family
Raising a child as a full-fledged member of society is not a private matter for his parents. Society, the state, in fact, should be interested in that as many children (preferably all) develop and realize their abilities at the highest level, become people in the full sense of the word.
What is needed for this? First, educators, parents, teachers learn to distinguish children by innate inclinations (vectors). Secondly, create a zone of success for each child. Thirdly, to develop factors of protection against the formation of negative forms of deviation, and not to direct all efforts when the trouble has already come.

Of course, preventive medicine does not allow you to quickly generate reports on the work done, it will be individual for each child, it will sometimes be invisible at first, but its effect is to reduce the number of children with deviant behavior.
It is clear that the creation of favorable conditions for each child will require large financial costs from the state, for example, on affordable and extensive additional education at all age levels and for all categories of the population, but this will still be less than the amounts that will then need to be spent on eliminating consequences of deviations.
In addition, I recall an example that Leonid Semenovich Shpilenya, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Director of the Center for Preventology and Advanced Training for the Prevention of Drug Addiction, cited in his report at the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Children with Disabilities and Children at Risk" Northwestern Federal District: “When a flight attendant talks about safety rules on the plane, many mothers are outraged at how you can first put on a mask for yourself, and then for a child, not realizing that if they follow this rule, then the child will have a chance to survive, and if the parent does otherwise he will die, then he will not have this chance."
So it is with preventive measures: if adults create a safe environment in society, the conditions for achieving success by any person, they themselves will be successful and healthy, both physically and mentally, they will learn to speak the same language with children, then children will become better automatically. Children will not see predominantly negative examples of life scenarios (as they do today), and they will not have to walk a crooked path to feel happy.

So, the causes of various deviations have a common root, and therefore it is necessary to carry out not separate prevention (prevention of crime, drug addiction, etc.), but to introduce systemic preventive medicine.
The void in the child's soul must be filled, and for this it is necessary to change the society - to understand that yes, the role of parents is great in the development of the child's abilities, but it is not worth shifting the entire degree of responsibility only to the family. Moreover, it is necessary to create a system of counterbalances to the negative influence of the family so that the children of dysfunctional parents can grow up as human beings.