How To Potty Train A Child: Features Of An Important Stage In The Development Of A Baby

How To Potty Train A Child: Features Of An Important Stage In The Development Of A Baby
How To Potty Train A Child: Features Of An Important Stage In The Development Of A Baby

How to potty train your baby

A child loses a sense of security and safety if he is mistreated: they shame, shout at him, beat him in the butt, humiliate and insult him. Basically, this happens just when the psychological state of the mother is not the best. A child naturally strives for development, and it is important not to interrupt this desire with his harsh reactions. The pot is what the child learns at an individual pace.

All mothers have to go through a difficult stage in their child's development - potty training. Sometimes this process turns into torture for both the mother and the child. Mothers shout, children get scared: “You have to write in a pot! In the pot !!! - yells a young mother, hanging over the child. - Once again you go by - I will put it in a corner, understand ?!"

How to make this process as smooth as possible? In this article we will look at how to potty train a baby and what is the main thing in this matter.

Plenty of pot tips and instructions

There are a lot of instructions on the Internet for teaching a child to potty with many different conditions and stages: the child should be able to these 20 points, "do not start, if you are too busy, the youngest was born" and 10 more points, "put on the potty, and let the child sitting for 5-10 minutes,”etc. The problem is that very few babies really fit into the instructions presented. Some are stubborn and persistently pee on the sofa and on the carpet, but not in the pot, others scream as soon as you take out the pot, others simply do not hear their mother at all - they are clearly not up to the pot, they solve some of their more important tasks …

Often in the instructions for potty training, a lot of attention is paid to technical issues and the achievement of the "main" goal - so that the child quickly masters the potty. After all, mom is busy and she always has no time.

This misses something more important - a sense of security and safety, which is the main condition for the normal development of the baby.

Mom's condition is a defining moment

What is a sense of security and safety, and why is it so important when potty training?

A small child is very emotionally and physically connected with his mother. He unconsciously reads all her internal states. If the mother is "pounding" with fear, if she is depressed, all the bad conditions of the mother are transmitted to the child, and this significantly affects his development. A child loses a sense of security and safety, or, in the language of "adults", loses ground under his feet, confidence in himself, in his mother, in the benevolence and safety of the world around him.

how to potty train
how to potty train

Also, if the family has an unhealthy psychological climate - for example, mom and dad often argue, dad drinks and beats mom - the child's development may be suspended, in particular, he may refuse to go to the potty for a long time.

Do not yell, do not beat, do not insult

In addition, a child loses a sense of security and safety if he is mistreated: shame, shout at him, hit on the bottom, humiliate and insult. Basically, this happens just when the psychological state of the mother is not the best. A child naturally strives for development, and it is important not to interrupt this desire with his harsh reactions. The pot is what the child learns at an individual pace.

You shouldn't even just make remarks to the child in a strict tone. The kid can get scared and next time he will avoid sitting on the pot.

When the mother has a calm, even state, it gives the child psychological comfort - in such conditions, it is much easier for the baby to master the pot.

How to potty train a nimble kid

So, with the main thing - the feeling of security and safety - sorted out. Now we will consider the features of interaction with babies with different mental properties.

If your baby is a fun bouncer and runner, if he does not sit still, most likely he is the owner of a skin vector. Such children are very active, constantly moving, they want to be the first in everything.

How to potty train them? Through their properties. Skin children love to receive some kind of reward for their good behavior. When you succeed in going to the potty, you can, for example, give it colored stars and, by attaching them to a magnetic board, rejoice with your child. There will be more and more stars, and the child learns to enjoy achievements. And when a lot of stars accumulate, you can reward your child with a trip to attractions or a small gift. Skin babies quickly recognize the benefits and benefits of potty peeing - so great results can be achieved by using the pleasure principle of potty training.

Potty training for the future professional

If you have an obedient, diligent, slightly slow child - this is the owner of the anal vector. For such babies, the stage of potty training is key in life, because it is at this moment that the foundations of their principle of pleasure are laid - there will be this pleasure from cleansing and purity, or, conversely, from stool retention, staining, postponing.

With such children, it is especially important not to harm in the process of potty training: not to rush the child, not to jerk, not to reproach, not to shame, not to panic. Such children are very sensitive to the reactions of their mother, because their mother is a super important person for them.

If a baby with an anal vector began to be stubborn when asked to go to the potty, this means that mom did something wrong. In this case, you need to provide him with a sense of security and safety and create conditions for favorable development. What kind? Initially, the mother herself should calm down, because, as we wrote above, her conditions are transmitted to the child.

train the pot
train the pot

For babies with an anal vector, praise from their beloved mom is very important. Therefore, do not forget to praise him, rejoice with him that he managed to successfully go to the potty. And if it didn't work out, don't swear, but just ask to write in a pot next time. Please be patient - it is more difficult for a slow toddler to adapt to innovations than a child with a skin vector.

It is very important not to rush the little owner of the anal vector, but to give him as much time as he needs to first get used to, and then calmly bring the cleansing process to the end. Remember that pulling such a toddler off the pot will create stress.

Give the baby a sense of security, show that you love him: hug, talk in an affectionate voice, make this important stage of development comfortable for the child.

How to potty train an emotional toddler

If your child is impressionable and very emotional, he is the owner of the visual vector.

Such children have a very developed imagination, and it will be interesting for him if their mother plays out some kind of scene or tells a fairy tale and weaves a plot about a pot there. It will be interesting and exciting for the kid to listen to his mother, and he, imperceptibly for himself, will make friends with the pot. Or, as an idea, you can walk to the potty with your favorite toy.

Also, visual children love everything bright, beautiful - and your baby, of course, will be delighted with a cute pot of a beautiful color. The main thing is not to go to extremes in this matter.

The main thing is not the pot, but the relationship with the child

When teaching a child any skill, it is important to remember that the main thing is not to lose the child's trust and emotional connection with him. It doesn't matter if he gets used to the pot sooner or later, the main thing is that this process goes as naturally and painlessly as possible.

If a mother understands her baby, she can find the best approach to potty training without any lengthy instructions. The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan will help you to understand your child and yourself, to make your relationship as trusting and productive as possible. Come to the free online training "System Vector Psychology". Register here.
