How To Overcome Fear And Become Yourself

How To Overcome Fear And Become Yourself
How To Overcome Fear And Become Yourself

How to overcome fear and become yourself

Having understood how to conquer fear in yourself, you are freed for life. And this is the main victory of all possible …

Is there anything more beautiful to be the creator of your life? What can prevent you from being yourself, breathing deeply, working playfully, creating, enjoying life, achieving, believing in yourself? Unfortunately, it can. And it interferes, even as interferes. This serious obstacle to happiness and harmony is fear. How to overcome fear and anxiety, how to get rid of these and other psychological problems, traps that interfere with life forever? Fortunately, the recipe exists!

Firmly settled in the human mind, fear fetters consciousness, like an octopus. Fear creates a lot of complexes, creates tension in the body, interferes not only with you, but also with loved ones, makes life excruciatingly difficult and painful. And the worst thing is that fear completely and completely subordinates the scenario of the life of its victim.

Having understood how to conquer fear in yourself, you are freed for life. And this is the main victory of all possible. For the sake of this victory, it is worth trying and doing everything in your power. After all, a life ruled by fear is not life, it is a half-life deprived of many opportunities.

How to conquer your fear, laziness and insecurity

Fear is multifaceted and has many children. His creatures make the life of their victim unbearable, tormenting both the victim and her loved ones. Panic attacks, a wide variety of phobias, tantrums, lack of confidence in yourself and your future, fear of loss and much more - all this is nothing more than a manifestation of fear.

If fear has become the master of your life, you cannot believe that you are capable of anything more than what is already in the baggage of your experience. Your possibilities are limited by your ideas about yourself, and not only yours, but also by the ideas of the people around you.

You are not sure of yourself. You don't believe you are capable of anything more. You are constrained in the idea of yourself and in your actions, even the simplest ones. You act insecure, and everyone around you feels this insecurity. You don’t believe that you are capable of anything, and therefore you don’t even try to do something. You don't know how to overcome your fear of people.

No matter how much your consciousness declares about your capabilities and desires, fear whispers to you that you are weak and can do nothing. “You have tried many times, it didn’t work out for you, you cannot, you cannot, you will never be able to do anything more. There is nothing to even try,”- as long as such convictions sit in the unconscious, you really cannot do anything. Laziness in this case is a consequence of uncertainty, that is, that very fear.


If you understand how to overcome your fear, laziness and insecurity will go away by themselves. Awareness of their great opportunities entails a desire to act.

Inner fear can be overcome only with the help of deep awareness of its causes. In other words, only by comprehending your psychic nature, getting to know yourself, knowing your true capabilities and real, innate desires, you can both defeat fear of people and get rid of other negative states. How to do it? With the help of systemic psychoanalysis.

The human mental is an amazingly interesting and, until recently, little-studied phenomenon. It seems to us that we live, think, make decisions with the help of consciousness. However, this is an illusion. Consciousness is just the "tip of the iceberg", which, without psychoanalysis, is only capable of coming up with explanations (rationalizations) for our behavior.

The rest of the iceberg is what is hidden in the unconscious. Our psychic nature, unconscious, unfulfilled, often unrealized lives by us, thinks, makes decisions. And she is afraid of us too.

Unfulfilled innate desires and mental properties (vectors with which we are born) give a wide variety of bad states. Fear is one of them. Fighting fears is useless, but you can't live with them either.

How to overcome fears? Realize what is hidden in the unconscious. Get to know yourself. Understand what you want and what you were born for. Allow yourself to be yourself. Allow yourself to live a real, vibrant and fulfilling life. Without fear.

Many have already done this. The results speak for themselves.

I went to the training because of fears and phobias that tormented me for 3 years. Especially the fear of death. At one time she was visited by doctors, fortune-tellers - to no avail. Psychotherapy gave only some relief of symptoms, but the problem remained. Then there were massages, moxibustion of acupuncture points and much more, but as you can imagine, to no avail. After passing 10 lessons of the first level of lectures on SVP, I found that the fear was gone … Svetlana V., Read the full text of the result

You can try what systemic psychoanalysis is completely free of charge at the introductory lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register here.
