When everything is bad: a crisis of spiritual search
Spiritual search determines the sound engineer in everything: he chooses the appropriate profession, reads certain books, communicates with those people who are interested in the same questions. In each of his movements, a latent unconscious desire for comprehension and an inner feeling that he can find the meaning of life are felt.
Nothing else pleases me. Although until recently everything was fine: at work - successful projects, at home - a loving family, on Fridays - meetings with friends. There was a feeling of happiness. And now … Everything remains the same, only that happiness has disappeared somewhere.
Why has everything changed? Why is everything so bad, although it would seem that life is going like clockwork?
In this article we will analyze:
- Properties of the human psyche with a sound vector.
- Causes of "sudden" dissatisfaction with life and depression.
- A specific action that solves a problem when things are bad.
Beyond material reality
The state of dissatisfaction with life for no apparent reason (for the uninitiated observer) is characteristic of a person with a sound vector. It happens that, being well-off in the universal human understanding, the sound engineer feels the insignificance of his life. Everything that used to bring pleasure in one way or another becomes completely empty and small. The whole world is compressed into one meaningless space, where meaningless people live who are engaged in meaningless affairs. A logical question arises in his head: “Why is everything so shitty, if before I was almost happy under the same conditions? And what to do when everything is bad?"
The desires of the sound vector are directed towards the immaterial. He tries to know himself, asking questions: “Who am I? Where did you come from and where am I going? Why was I born on this earth? What is the sense of life? . Even as a child, he baffles his parents, asking about infinity, space and other Galaxies, about parallel universes, about time, about what was before the beginning of time and what will be after.
Spiritual search determines the sound engineer in everything: he chooses the appropriate profession, reads certain books, communicates with those people who are interested in the same questions. In each of his movements, a latent unconscious desire for comprehension and an inner feeling that he can find the meaning of life are felt.

The sudden silence of the soul: where does joy go?
A modern person often has several vectors (varieties of properties of the psyche in the terminology of system-vector psychology).
If the set of vectors contains a cutaneous one, then a person strives to reach heights in his career and, as a rule, he succeeds, thanks to logical thinking, dedication and flexibility. Solving complex logic problems, he conquers one peak after another, is a valuable person at work and receives a high salary, which gives a sense of fulfillment.
If there is an anal vector, then it sets a different pace of life. Such a person finds value in the family, in honor and respect. He is a professional in his field, because an analytical mindset and perseverance allow you to get to the very essence of the subject, natural memory - to cover huge layers of information. And at home, in the arms of a caring wife among the kids running around the room, he feels happy.
Thus, the desires of other vectors are fully satisfied. In a state of complete satisfaction, there is not even a shadow of the feeling "how bad I am," because deep mental needs are filled.
And if, in addition to this, a person also has a sound vector, then at the same time, while a person realizes himself in a profession, family and social life, a shortage accumulates in the sound vector. The desires of the sound vector are immaterial and are often not even realized by a person.
When the desires of the sound vector are not realized for a long time and require filling, the requests of all other vectors fade into the background. After all, the sound vector is dominant. Now, neither family, nor career, nor friendly conversations can restore his joy in life. His psyche craves answers to questions from the field of metaphysics, and therefore the sound engineer cannot find satisfaction in the world of material things. It is at this moment that the feeling appears when everything is bad, despite the fact that nothing happened.
Looking back at the world around, at the lives of other people, at what they consider valuable and important, the sound engineer asks the question: “Is that all? Were born to make money, have children and then just die? The brain and heart refuse to accept this, because it does not leave the inner feeling that this is not all.
He takes up books, trying to find the answer in philosophy, theology, astronomy, physics, turns to religion, esotericism, and it seems that he is about to grope for something worthwhile. If a person is carried away by some idea in which he hopes to find answers to deep questions, the sound crisis recedes a little. A person again for a moment feels the joy of life, again knows how to laugh and makes plans for the future. But after some time, when the meaning is still not found in the next "teaching", the sound desire returns and this time with a vengeance. It deprives a person of sleep, gives rise to endless questions, torments his soul, pushes him into loneliness. This vicious circle repeats, each time leaving less joy and more and more suffering.
Unconsciously or consciously looking for answers to these questions, a person realizes that they are nowhere to be found. And there is no one to ask either: some argue that the meaning of life is in children, others in love, and still others in life itself. But this does not satisfy the sound request, since it does not respond to it at the sensory level. But you want not only to know the answer, but also to live it every second sensually and meaningfully.
The lack of meaning gives the sound engineer a feeling of universal torment, leading to a depressive state. And, it would seem, no bad chance contributed to this, but the inner emptiness and the inability to fill it lead to deepest dissatisfaction. A person seeks to somehow rectify the situation, get out of this state, but cannot understand where it came from - nothing happened.

Wandering in the darkness of my own self
When everything is bad, what to do here? It remains to look for the answer again. And a person finds from the mass of information what is characteristic of a sound engineer - advice on concentration, on getting rid of thoughts. All forums and psychological sites offering meditation and breathing practices are dotted with such advice. And since the sounder is egocentric by nature, he willingly performs a number of recommended exercises, hoping for salvation through immersion in himself. But the thing is, it doesn't work. This only aggravates loneliness and sense of meaninglessness.
The sound engineer, born of an absolute introvert, is focused on himself, he monitors his own states, listens to his feelings. For him, the whole world is in himself. The more he withdraws into himself, the more meaningless and illusory the external reality seems, the people around seem stupid and life becomes uninteresting. Plunging into oneself, a person with a sound vector is faced with the obsessive noise of his own thoughts. They swarm in the head, like bees around a hive, and none of them can be “caught” and thought out to the end. It becomes unbearable and sometimes even frightening.
Desires and possibilities
The sound one is the only one of the eight vectors that actually wants and, therefore, can cognize itself, comprehend the meaning of life, the Design. Meanings, words, silence, concentration, soul, thought processes - this is his system of values. He was born for this, and only he has such a request and talents for implementation.
The truth is that you can know something only by difference. The entire material world consists of them: white and black, sweet and sour, hard and soft. Everything has opposites. And if the sound engineer looks inside himself, he cannot distinguish, cannot cognize himself, since he does not have a system of differences.
Going outside is the only way to know yourself
At the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan, a complete system of differences in the human psyche becomes available. The sound engineer learns to see the world no longer through the prism of the egocentric "I", but in eight dimensions. This changes all perception, and puzzle after puzzle, a true picture of the surrounding reality is formed. Here is what the participants of the training say about their life BEFORE and AFTER:
Knowing yourself is the main key to understanding and changing your states. The opening of the unconscious will become that fulcrum that will not allow one to fall into despair and will give a clear understanding of what to do if it’s bad, and how to break free from the tenacious paws of depression. You can see the world not gray and empty, but meaningful, start revealing its secrets in causal relationships and, finally, get rid of bad conditions at the free online training of Yuri Burlan.