Three Demons - Greed, Envy, Jealousy. We Get Rid Of Systematically

Three Demons - Greed, Envy, Jealousy. We Get Rid Of Systematically
Three Demons - Greed, Envy, Jealousy. We Get Rid Of Systematically

Three demons - greed, envy, jealousy. We get rid of systematically

There is nothing wrong with these desires themselves. Moreover, they are necessary for the survival of both the individual and society. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that everything mental, unconscious in the human species is common, while each person has his own species role - that part of the work, by performing which he contributes to the survival of the species.

Usually these qualities are not demonstrated, they are hidden from others. They believe that they were born like that and that they will now have to live out their lives. But three demons torment the soul with a red-hot iron - greed, envy, jealousy. And even if there is only one, there is no less suffering from this - both to the person himself and to those around him who experience the consequences of these passions.

It is unpleasant every time after spending a lot of money to experience oppressive anxiety from the persistent feeling that this was the last money in your life. Sorry for the money. It is unbearable to compare yourself to others all the time and feel that life has failed. It is impossible to live when it seems that your wife is cheating on you with everyone you meet. Eternal suspicions, interrogations, scandals do not at all decorate the relationship.

Perhaps for those who constantly experience such conditions, it will come as a surprise to learn that they all have something in common - one type of mental, which in Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology is called the skin vector. And perhaps the good news for them is that things are not so hopeless. Greed, envy, jealousy are manifestations of bad conditions in the skin vector, which are usually reversible and need to be corrected.

Desire to possess

A prerequisite for the emergence of such negative conditions in the skin vector is a complex of desires of its representative - to possess, possess, save, as well as exceed, dominate. The leather worker is an owner by nature, and it doesn't matter to him whether he owns a material thing or a person. My, my, give - his keywords.

There is nothing wrong with these desires themselves. Moreover, they are necessary for the survival of both the individual and society. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that everything mental, unconscious in the human species is common, while each person has his own species role - that part of the work, by performing which he contributes to the survival of the species.

Since ancient times, the skin man has been called upon to obtain and preserve food, and in the future, the material reserves of society. If he did not, the flock would die of hunger. Therefore, unconsciously for a leatherman, property is more expensive than people. Maybe you have heard this rhetorical question that people, especially visual ones, often ask leatherworkers: "Why are things more precious to you than people?" This is especially evident in moments of stress.

A skin mother during a fire, rushing to save money, can forget about the child. This is not cruelty or heartlessness - this is an unconscious reaction to severe stress, which throws a person to an early, archetypal level of development of the skin vector.

Thus, archetypal, every skin child is born. His first word: "Give!" He pulls everything towards him, for himself, grabs with his tenacious hands. With proper development, the owner of the skin vector begins to save money, create material benefits for society. It makes an economist, engineer, inventor. And if all the properties of the skin vector are directed towards realization outward, for other people, then he does not experience bad conditions, envy, greed, jealousy, the cause of which is the wrong implementation - only for himself. Let's see how it works next.

Three demons - greed, envy, jealousy
Three demons - greed, envy, jealousy


If a person uses his desire to save money, to keep supplies only for himself, then he becomes greedy. And with an increase in the level of non-realization of skin properties, greed can become pathological. A kind of Plyushkin appears before us, dragging everything into the house. You can't ask for a penny from him. He counts everything and saves - money, electricity, water, food, words, emotions. He is also called stingy, stingy.

In Russia, such people have a special attitude - they are not liked. It is a shame to be stingy. And this is due to the Russian urethral mentality. The mentality sets the people living in the same territory, common values, attitude, worldview.

So, the Russian people are mentally generous. In our country, even the most greedy skinner should at least pretend that he is generous. It is customary for us to waste money, set rich tables for guests, and receive on a grand scale. Why people with skin are often under stress, because "unreasonable", from their point of view, spending money causes them internal discomfort.

Western people, carriers of the skin mentality, are often considered by Russians to be greedy, because they always count money. Western people do not consider themselves as such - they only realize the values inherent in them. Being thrifty with them is a good quality, approved in society. Therefore, thrifty leatherworkers feel much better with them.

In any case, developed and realized people with a skin vector adequately relate to saving, they are characterized by healthy calculation, but not greed.


This quality comes from the skin desires to possess, compete, dominate, excel. Turning again to the ancient species role of the skin hunter, we see that without these desires he would not have survived.

To kill a mammoth, he had to run fast, compete with prey - who is faster, more agile, stronger. He needed to organize muscle hunters so that they act in concert. By his specific role, he is an organizer, a leader, so the desire to take a higher step in the social hierarchy is normal for him.

If his logical, cause-and-effect thinking did not compare, did not look for the best result, we would never get a stone ax and a wheel. So it turns out that the leather worker is constantly competing, comparing and wants to be the first in everything, to have the best possible.

But when he does all this just to obtain a personal result, envy appears. But even envy can be constructive and destructive. I want, like a neighbor's, and even better, and I do everything (study, earn, buy) in order to have it - this is constructive envy. I want it like my neighbor's, but I can't afford it, so I crash his car - it's destructive envy.

In the West, we are often faced with constructive envy, and in Russia with destructive envy. And again the reason is the difference in mentality. Skin values are not accepted by us, they are opposite to our mentality, therefore, in Russian people, as a tendency, skin qualities do not fully develop, in particular, healthy competition.

We often have black envy. Seeing that the other lives better, we do not have the desire to do something in order to live the same way. We have a desire to make him feel as bad as we do.

Greed, envy and jealousy
Greed, envy and jealousy

In the West, envy is white, and with them it is the engine of progress. The result of such envy is the high level of material well-being that characterizes the developed Western countries with a skin mentality. Everyone competes with everyone and achieves better results.


Jealousy also arises in the skinner as a reflection of the desire to possess, but in this case he considers another person to be property. And your property must be protected and protected from others. So there is total control over a half or a close person or friend: “Where have you been? What did you do? Why without me?"

In addition, the skinner judges through himself. After all, it is the skin person who has not been realized in society that has a desire to “take sides”, “renew” relationships. The lack of change and novelty in life, which he loves so much, pushes him to search for more and more new sexual partners. Therefore, he thinks that the other person is also prone to betrayal, suspects him of what he himself is "sinful", even if in thoughts.

Stress factor

So, earlier we thought that a person was born this way - greedy, envious, jealous, and therefore it is impossible to get rid of these qualities. As we can see, this is not the case. But any skinner can become possessed by these "demons" under stress.

Each vector has its own reasons for stress. As a rule, these are situations that hit the significant values of the vector. For a leather worker, this is, for example, material losses, a big waste of money. In such cases, he may feel painful greed, a desire to keep his wealth to himself, he will begin to limit himself. In this case, the correct filling of the skin desires will restore balance. Even an elementary massage, which is so loved by a person with delicate and sensitive skin, can provide temporary relief. A more effective way out will be the realization of skin properties "outward".

Failure to realize the properties of a vector is a big stress. Lost his job, which means that social status and material wealth so important for a skin person - envy can worsen. Monotonous work that requires concentration on one thing can cause total control of the house and jealousy of your soul mate - you need to realize your desires at least in something.

Is it easy to get rid of "demons"?

The recipe for driving out "demons" is simple - the correct filling of their desires and the realization of their properties outward. Success in society is important for a person with a skin vector. When he achieves it, earns good money, he feels full, stress goes away. A person stops being greedy, envious and jealous.

How to get rid of greed and jealousy
How to get rid of greed and jealousy

Some may argue: Russian leatherworkers who achieve success often increase their momentum even more - more money, more house, more beautiful wife. And again the reason is in the mentality. In the urethral mentality, there is no perception of limitations, so it is very difficult for a skin person to feel the boundaries of reason. Despite the fact that the skin properties often remain underdeveloped, we so often observe an ever-increasing greed, the desire to grab more for ourselves.

In the West, dermal people are able to limit themselves, therefore they are quite balanced in their desires, they do not strive to stand out with their wealth - they are moderately economical, moderately envious, moderately jealous, not so flaunting their status. And our leather workers often strive to demonstrate their high status.

This is how an explosive mixture of skin desire to dominate and a mental feeling of being urethral leaders is manifested. We grab more, and even show the whole world how rich we are. But do they love us for this? A Russian tourist in the West is always welcomed and politely smiled, and hated behind his back.

Therefore, to get rid of "demons" Russian leatherman can only be helped by the knowledge of the correct direction of the implementation of the properties of the skin vector, as well as about the features of the urethral mentality. After all, the urethral mentality is not ostentatious luxury and golden toilet bowls. This is just an indicator of underdevelopment or incorrect implementation. The urethral mentality is, first of all, a huge potential for mercy and justice, giving back to other people. And when this knowledge is revealed to a person, he begins to receive pleasure from life much more than brings endless consumerism and the accompanying black envy.

Awareness is the path to happiness

The path "for oneself" always leads to problems. You can't rejoice alone. And in order to live among people, one must learn to think not only about oneself, but also about others. Then you will be loved and appreciated, and material wealth will only be a pleasant addition to a happy life.

System-vector psychology helps to understand your feelings and conflicts, to understand yourself and other people. Understanding your desires helps to realize them correctly, not to do it to the detriment of another. There is an understanding that we can only survive together. And to live when you are surrounded by happy people is easier and more pleasant. The feeling of joy for another is always more pleasant than black envy.

That is why, when a person finds out how the mental works, greed, envy and jealousy completely disappear from his life. People who have undergone training in system-vector psychology write about this in their reviews:

To get rid of the internal "demons" that poison our lives, prevent us from getting joy from communicating with people, come first to the free online trainings of Yuri Burlan. Register using the link.
