Why Do You Constantly Want To Sleep? The Meaning I Have Lost

Why Do You Constantly Want To Sleep? The Meaning I Have Lost
Why Do You Constantly Want To Sleep? The Meaning I Have Lost

Why do you constantly want to sleep? The meaning I have lost

Why is 6-8 hours of sleep enough for one person to recuperate, be cheerful and energetic? And the other sleeps, sleeps, and can't get enough sleep?

"Each sleeping person revolves in his own world."

Heraclitus of Ephesus

Why can't I get enough sleep ?! I sleep 16 hours a day, but it's still not enough. During the day I walk as if in a dream: I can not concentrate, I think badly. Head as if in a fog. All day I dream of living until the evening, putting my head on the pillow, covering my head with a blanket, and so that no one touches.

How long does it take for a person to get enough sleep

Sleep is an integral part of any person's life. Just like water, food, air. We simply cannot live without them. In a dream, we give our body a break, restore our strength.

It is believed that the average person spends about a third of his life in a state of sleep. But it happens that a person suffers from insomnia for a long time or, conversely, sleeps 14-16 hours a day.

What does it depend on? Why is 6-8 hours of sleep enough for one person to recuperate, be cheerful and energetic? And the other sleeps, sleeps, and can't get enough sleep? Perhaps this is due to the activity during the day? Or with the physiological characteristics of each specific organism? Let's try to consider this phenomenon from the point of view of the psychological state of a person.

When life is a dream

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan distinguishes all people according to eight vectors, which endow a person with certain internal innate properties of the psyche. These properties determine the characteristics of each person, his psyche and how he perceives this world, that is, his true desires and aspirations.

Sleep problems may occur with the owner of the sound vector. Often, even at first glance, the sound engineer is different from others, he may look like a person out of this world. He's not really like everyone else. In everything. Each of his thoughts, each of his judgments is distinguished by immeasurable depth.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that sound people by nature have abstract thinking. Therefore, only sound scientists are able to be interested in infinity and the Universe. They strive to understand where we came from and where we are going, what is the meaning of human life.

Only 5% of people have such internal potential. If by nature a person is given some ability, then it must be realized. She shouldn't be "hanging around".

The sound engineer is not always directly aware that his main search is the comprehension of the meaning of being. But in any case, this is evident from the sphere of his interests. He can engage in physics, astronomy, programming, etc. Through them he seeks to comprehend infinity and seeks the answer to the basic question asked by nature itself: "What is the meaning of life?"

Some time ago, sound specialists had the opportunity to fully realize themselves and find answers in poetry, music, philosophy, literature, but today this is not enough.

Am I a person who dreams that he is a butterfly, or am I a moth who sleeps and sees in a dream that he is a person?

The sound person is constantly in a conscious or unconscious search for the meaning of being and comprehension of infinity. Not finding answers to his inner questions, he passes into such states when he has a feeling of the illusory nature of the physical world, the human body and human life itself. This is such a half-sleep when it is not completely clear how real life and the world around you. A person sometimes cannot even clearly distinguish between reality and sleep.

Such a state occurs in a sound engineer, when he feels the meaninglessness of his own life and humanity as a whole. And since he does not see or feel the meaning in life, he leaves it. In this case, the escape from reality takes the form of a dream.

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You can get up in the morning, but you still have to stop sleeping

In this case, sleep is no longer just a physiological process, when a person rests, recovers his strength. This is a kind of departure from life, the desire for static. "Why do something if everything is already pointless?"

Therefore, the sound engineer sleeps half a day. And getting out of bed, he does not wake up, does not join an active life. "What for? Is it all pointless? " Therefore, he has the feeling that he has not rested, has not slept. There is no strength to concentrate, to fully engage in work, in relationships, in life.

Often the sound engineer himself or his relatives try to "stir up" him, fill his life with those things that bring joy to other people. But, as a rule, he is indifferent to material goods, sports, travel and other things that may be of interest to his environment.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains this by the fact that the sound vector is dominant and, if unfulfilled, suppresses desires in other vectors that are in the vector set of a person.

Of course, sometimes the owner of the sound vector may be interested in something for some period. In adolescence, he can get carried away with fantastic literature. An older sound engineer may try to find himself in a new philosophical or religious idea. It can go into virtual reality forever in the form of computer games.

All these things soften the tension of the unfilled sound vector only for a short moment. The sound engineer does not find what he is looking for in them.

Until a person with a sound vector is aware of his nature, his properties and aspirations hidden in the unconscious, he will continue to suffer from meaninglessness, not experiencing joy and satisfaction from life. Every day he will move more and more away from people, immerse himself in his thoughts, withdraw into himself.

Try to wake up

No matter how much you sleep, you still can't get enough sleep if real everyday life seems meaningless. You can truly wake up only by finding the meaning of your existence. And then the desire for life comes to replace lethargy and indifference.

The only way for a person with a sound vector to gain meaning is to realize and understand their nature, their true aspirations and desires. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan is knowledge about man and his unconscious. Comprehending himself and other people, a person begins to comprehend the whole world around him: the meaning and reasons for the actions of other people and understand what is happening in the world and why it happens this way and not otherwise.

And understanding and meaningfulness of life makes it possible to receive joy and fulfillment from it. Then only a few hours are enough for sleep, because you want to live and have time to do as much as possible.

Starting to understand himself and the world around him, a person begins to live an interesting, joyful life filled with desires and meaning, in which there is simply no room for apathy or boredom. He comes out of hibernation once and for all. The first step in cognition can be made already at free nightly online trainings on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

You can register for them here:
