Fear Of The Gynecologist: Understand And Not Be Afraid

Fear Of The Gynecologist: Understand And Not Be Afraid
Fear Of The Gynecologist: Understand And Not Be Afraid

Fear of the gynecologist: understand and not be afraid

Why are others not afraid, but I have a fear of the gynecologist? For example, my friend does not understand what the problem is. “Well, she came and went. What is the difficulty? And I have a difficulty - I just can't bring myself to, I'm afraid …

I'm afraid to go to the gynecologist. What to do when fears don't let you live

“When will I go to the gynecologist? How much can you save? Well, that's enough, tomorrow I'll make an appointment. But tomorrow comes and there are some reasons: the boss does not let go of work, then there is no free time, then suddenly urgent matters appear. And now a year has passed and … And you understand that it is not a lack of free time, but something else. What is it? Thinking about it, you realize that it's all about fear. Yes, I'm just afraid of the gynecologist.

But why are others not afraid, while I have a fear of a gynecologist? For example, my friend does not understand what the problem is. “Well, she came and went. What is the difficulty? And I have a difficulty - I just can't bring myself to, I'm afraid to go to the gynecologist and don't know what to do.

To understand how to overcome fear of a gynecologist, it is important to understand the reasons. Often this is just one of the manifestations of a person prone to experiences and increased anxiety.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan as a science that studies the unconscious shows that fear of a gynecologist, and indeed of doctors in general, is experienced by people with special properties of the psyche - endowed with a visual vector. Their inherent superemotion and impressionability makes them fearful, they take everything to heart. At the same time, their fears can have very different expressions from fear of the dark to fear of the stage, aircraft, dogs - the list goes on. The most interesting thing is that they all have the same root - the fear of death. Once you disassemble it and realize how it will leave you forever, in whatever expression it tortured you before.

Fear or love. What do you choose?

With the help of system-vector psychoanalysis, you will be able to understand yourself deeper, find out what psychic properties nature has endowed you with, and how to realize them in such a way as to make your dreams come true. After all, the opposite feeling to fear - love - can bring into life not only bright colors, but also a feeling of extraordinary happiness.

The fact that these statements have real results can be seen right now. Below are just a few examples from over 400 reviews of fear management.

It turns out fears, anxiety "live in the throat." And when they leave it becomes easier to breathe. For years, I suffered from causeless anxiety, which often fell on me. Psychologists helped me, but it was as if one hundredth was leaving, and then fears came again. Half of the fears, my rational mind, gave a logical explanation. But what is the use of these explanations if there is no normal life. And causeless anxiety in the evenings. By the middle of the course, I began to notice that I began to breathe freely. The clamps are gone. And by the end of the course, I suddenly suddenly noticed that anxiety and fears left me … Diana Nurgalieva, Read the full text of the result Previously, I felt anxiety about any reason, worked myself up in advance, could not sleep, suffered from migraines, did not trust people in advance. I often turned to psychologists, they unsubscribed from me with sedatives. Fears go away during trainings … Oksana, Read the full text of the result

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