There are three ways out of depression. Will travel help?
On the one hand, the sound engineer strives for loneliness, solitude. On the other hand, she experiences great suffering from it. Sound loneliness is more like being superfluous, discarded. A non-sounded note, an extra puzzle, an unexplained meaning, a star thrown out of the constellation. Impossible pain is caused by the feeling and awareness of being detached from something important, from the First Cause - as if from oneself.
They say there are three ways out of depression - Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo. Is it really that simple? Why then, along with the increase in the number of trips, the number of people suffering from depression and even dying from it is increasing / not decreasing?
If you believe that depression can be cured by travel, then you have not had real depression.
If the trip really helped you to overcome depression, then either you just had melancholy, or at the same time you took the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan.
A person suffering from deep depression is unlikely to want, and it is simply unlikely that it would occur to him to go somewhere to improve his condition:
- firstly, there is no strength - even to go to the store and just take a shower;
- secondly, it is quite clear that this painful feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness of existence has nothing to do with the situation.
Night, silence, loneliness, maybe even a computer with games - the necessary minimum and possible maximum of a person in severe depression. The phone is already superfluous. Like anyone who breaks silence and personal boundaries.
In principle, the sound engineer - even in good condition - already has a feeling that he is different, a stranger everywhere - in his family, in his country. It is a natural state to feel special, above others.
If most people can find themselves and their happiness in simple earthly values, then the sound engineer does not succeed. His interests lie in the field of metaphysics, and only the same unique people can understand and share them. These people are not born like everyone else.
The only thing that could be worthy of the attention of a sound engineer in depression is the answers to sacred questions (exact meanings that bring him closer to understanding the First Cause of Being and justifying the world). The mighty sound intelligence is not designed for anything less.
There are three ways out of deep depression - these are answers to the questions: "Who am I?", "What am I doing here?", "Why is all this?"
Tormented by a dark, diffused feeling, a person himself does not always realize the reason for his suffering. Outside, everything can be fine. From within - pain, darkness, black hole. He is not always able to answer questions about what is with him, what he would like, even to himself. A person does not even know that the reason for his states is an unsatisfied search for the meaning of being.

Without understanding the structure of the psyche, we can only assume what is happening to us and our loved ones. We perceive the states of the other through ourselves, that is, as we feel ourselves. We are wrong.
For example, there are two people - a sound engineer and a visual engineer.
Impressions, beauty, movement, new meetings - the last thing the soul of a sound engineer, exhausted from depression, strives for. “How so ??? (The trip) helped me! - some will say, and we even know who. Emotional and sensitive, empathetic and kind, striving to love and be loved, boys and girls know for sure that the meaning of life is in love with a capital letter. And also in beauty, emotions and impressions.
It is their soul that is filled with meetings, new information, play of light and shadow, holidays and beauty - natural and man-made. They are charged with emotional conversations, warm looks, participation and the presence of people nearby. And it is they - the owners of the visual vector - as death perceive the break with a close, dear person (and just a creature).
Seeing a deeply suffering person who is ready to leave the life of a person, they sympathize with him with all their souls and think that they understand: “I also did not want to live when I broke up with my girlfriend.” But there is a big mistake here. The attitude towards death of the soundman and the spectator is not just different, it is the opposite. At first glance, these are the same suicidal thoughts.
The soundman rushes into eternity, he anticipates it, and bodily captivity seems to him the only obstacle overcome through suicide. In fact, this is a perception error: the very soul that is able to feel and realize infinity can only develop in the body, and suicide is the only complete antithesis to what the sound engineer was created for. The spectator is afraid of death from birth - he learns his happiness in love, and if this love is not enough, then life is depreciated sensually, the person suffers and thoughts appear: "When I die, you will regret that you did not love me."
Can both of them get along in one person? Maybe if both sound and visual desires live in a person, that is, he has both of these vectors. Often such a person desires a spiritual relationship, where the word “spiritual” is the key word. And less does not satisfy him.
On the one hand, the sound engineer strives for loneliness, solitude. On the other hand, she experiences great suffering from it. Sound loneliness is more like being superfluous, discarded. A non-sounded note, an extra puzzle, an unexplained meaning, a star thrown out of the constellation. Impossible pain is caused by the feeling and awareness of being detached from something important, from the First Cause - as if from oneself.
If the trip helped, then it was not depression
If a sound engineer could choose a trip to his liking, he would start by traveling to other worlds. Or galaxies. If depression has not yet overcome, he can go on a pilgrimage to "places of power" and ascend some Athos or Tibet. Just what will he find there? Meet the guru? In fact, and every sound engineer knows this internally, he himself is able to become a guru for himself and for others.
So, to whom does the trip help, and most importantly - how and from what?

At best, under the most favorable circumstances, travel is:
- new impressions;
- new acquaintances - new connections, perhaps new friends or even love, and maybe - new interests, a new profession;
- silence (whether it's the Rodin Museum in Paris, an oceanfront bungalow or a temple in Tibet);
- the main thing is concentration: new people, a different language, masterpieces of architecture or the beauty of nature.
There is such an expression - "returned as a different person", went "to another world" (most often unlike his native country). Traveling really changes and develops us. We accumulate images, form new neural connections, and wake up creativity. This is all joyful, pleasant and useful. Decorates life, stimulates. Does this give answers to life-meaning questions? Does not give. Therefore, if the task is to dispel the visual blues or even melancholy, diversify life and gain impressions - go ahead, it will work. The unsuccessful search for Zvukovik will plunge into an even more serious condition.
Want to take a sound engineer on a trip?
You need to know that when traveling with depression, a bad state can intensify:
- existing connections are weakened;
- the last forces are spent on moving;
- the feeling of meaninglessness increases and, as a result, the dislike for everything around you increases.
The constant desire of a person with a sound vector is to break out of a noisy life into silence and finally get the opportunity to plunge into oneself in order to get temporary relief. But the more a person immerses himself in himself, the more acute the same questions arise - "who am I?", "Why?". The answer does not come by itself, and the emptiness grows. In such conditions, any trip will not benefit either the sound engineer himself or his loved ones.
Do no harm
If we want to understand how to get a person out of depression, first we need to properly focus on him and listen to what words this serious condition is spoken out. One thing is incomprehensible discomfort, another thing is longing for love, and quite another thing is an unsatisfied search for answers to questions that are more important than one's own life.
What you need to know:
- depression is different;
- depression can even hide behind a smile;
- if a person says that he does not want anything, it is true;
- impressions, communication and emotions can help some and completely weaken others;
- other people are needed by everyone, only some - at a distance, at least sometimes.
We can feel an incomprehensible dissatisfaction with life - and we call this depression. We can languish from a lack of love relationships - and we call this depression. We can search and not find the meaning of life - and this leads to real depression.
What is capable of saving a genius will save all of humanity. Having found answers to their questions, the sound engineer is able to pull himself out of depression, and at the same time the whole world.
Three in one
Dissatisfaction with life, inexplicable failures, which we come to because of ignorance of the laws hidden in our psyche, can be replaced with joy and the ability to live harmoniously among people. To do this, it is enough to know and understand these laws.
You can get out of severe depression if you get an inner answer to the question about the meaning of being. Who am I? What am I doing here? What's the point? The search leads in one direction - to the Unconscious.
There are answers