How To Get Rid Of Loneliness And Depression - An Effective Psychological Method

How To Get Rid Of Loneliness And Depression - An Effective Psychological Method
How To Get Rid Of Loneliness And Depression - An Effective Psychological Method

Depression from loneliness: how to get over the fact that no one needs you?

Cope with depression and loneliness for the owner of the sound vector is quite realistic. This is made possible by focusing on the structure of our psyche. On the one hand, in the depths of our unconscious, the sound engineer finds answers to his most secret questions, and depression leaves him. On the other hand, as a result, loneliness goes away.

Oh loneliness, how cool your character is!

Sparkling with iron compasses, how coldly you close the circle, not heeding the useless assurances

B. Akhmadulina

Depression from loneliness - can there be a more bitter feeling of longing and hopelessness in the world? Realize that out of a whole host of seven billion people, by and large, no one needs you? There is no one to share your thoughts and aspirations with, no one to brew a second cup of tea, no one to try to prepare a special dish for the holiday. There is no one to even say hi to when I got home.

The notorious loneliness in the crowd is not at all easier, depression rolls over with a vengeance. You may be full of people around you, but you feel like nobody really cares about you. No one is able to understand what is happening in your soul. No one even notices this inner loneliness of yours. The reason for the depression that you carry in yourself is not clear or interesting to anyone. It seems that even if you lie down and die in the middle of the crowd, no one will notice.

What if I am depressed from loneliness?

First of all, it is worth figuring out where in your case the beginning of the vicious circle is. Some people develop depression against the background of quite objective loneliness: there are no friends, there is no loved one with whom you can share your joys and sorrows. In another case, depression is primary, and loneliness is secondary: that is, depressive states take place on their own, but as a result of their living, a person is fenced off from the world and acutely feels a sense of separation from others.

To figure out exactly how to cope with depression and loneliness in your case, the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan will help.

Depression and loneliness: two sides of the same coin

There are people among us who are naturally introverts. Concentrated on their thoughts, they strive to comprehend the metaphysical: “What is the meaning of my life and the idea of the existence of mankind as a whole? Where did we come from and where are we going? Only 5% of the world's population is puzzled by such questions, whom Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology defines as carriers of the sound vector.

Often they become “black sheep” in society, it is difficult for them to establish communication with other people. Family, work, children, career growth and other issues that the carriers of the other vectors are puzzled with are alien to the sound engineer and seem mundane and meaningless. On the other hand, his own unusual aspirations are alien to the overwhelming majority, and the sound engineer often hears in his address: “Well, what do you still lack? Everything is like with people, but he, you see, is depressed - so in your loneliness you yourself are to blame! Go, have fun with your friends, spend time with the girl, otherwise you are all sitting alone like an owl!"

depression from loneliness
depression from loneliness

As a result of such misunderstanding and struggle, the gap between the sound engineer and society is growing, and as a result, a strong and deep depression gradually forms in the owner of these properties. Loneliness becomes habitual and even desirable - "there is still no one to talk to, no one will understand, but no one will yell." The ear is its most sensitive area, and the sound engineer seeks to isolate himself from the noisy and meaningless world.

It would seem, what is the reason for depression, if loneliness is so desirable for this person? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that a person is able to experience joy and happiness only with the full realization of his innate talents among other people.

For example, the owner of a sound vector is assigned a powerful abstract intelligence. But the sound engineer cannot realize these properties, closing in on himself, and this leads him to severe states of deep depression, and loneliness becomes no longer a salvation, but a curse. Suicidal depression can also occur when the owner of the sound vector no longer sees any other way to get rid of mental pain, except to end the life of the body.

Cope with depression and loneliness for the owner of the sound vector is quite realistic. This is made possible by focusing on the structure of our psyche. On the one hand, in the depths of our unconscious, the sound engineer finds answers to his most secret questions, and depression leaves him.

Loneliness, on the other hand, also loses its power over the owner of the sound vector. After all, now he is armed with accurate knowledge about the psyche of other people and becomes able to establish mutually productive and joyful interaction with them. Here is what people who have undergone training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan say about this:

I have depression from loneliness: what to do and how to live without love?

For completely different reasons, the owners of the visual vector seek to get rid of depression and loneliness. They are natural extroverts, very emotional, sensual. By nature, they are given a unique talent - for establishing emotional ties with other people, for empathy and sympathy.

The owner of the visual vector sees the meaning of his life in love. At its peak, it can also be compassionate love for all of humanity. But in most cases, we are talking about a relationship in a couple: the viewer wants to love and be loved. He believes that depression from loneliness, a feeling of strong and deep melancholy arise in him due to the lack of love and care of that very "one" or "only".

How to get over depression from loneliness and how to finally get rid of the "damned crown of celibacy", to realize oneself in a happy love relationship?

First of all, it should be understood that only the owners of the sound vector suffer from genuine depression with suicidal aspirations and the loss of the meaning of life. However, in the modern world there is a great confusion of concepts, and often the owners of the visual vector speak of depression when they feel loneliness and lack of a deep emotional connection with a partner, a feeling of love. The systematic approach accurately differentiates any state and gives the key to the realization of his desires to the owner of any vector.

Building a deep emotional connection, which can become a pledge of that very eternal love, so desired for the carriers of the visual vector, requires us to:

  • - on the one hand - psychological literacy, the ability to accurately recognize the properties, desires and states of a partner, to pick up the key to his heart;
  • - on the other hand - your own favorable emotional state, which will be attractive, not repulsive for the opposite sex.

Our emotional states are expressed by special smells, pheromones, which other people unconsciously pick up. And the owners of the visual vector smell the brightest of all. If from within a person is tormented by fears and panic attacks, or he is prone to hysterics, then no attempt to “pour perfume” on this cocktail of pheromones will help. Your scent will still be caught by those around you and repel a potential partner from you.

Nevertheless, getting rid of depression and loneliness is quite possible. Yuri Burlan's training in system-vector psychology allows you to get rid of anxiety, hysterics, fears and any other negative conditions forever. The state of a person changes, and his smell changes, it becomes alluring and attractive. The fight against depression against the background of loneliness has already remained in the distant past for many people who have undergone training:

The owners of the visual vector experience particular difficulty when they try to overcome loneliness and depression, which have arisen due to a divorce or a break in an established relationship, as well as the death of a loved one. They experience severe mental pain from the break in their emotional connection. But this state is surmountable:

How to deal with depression and loneliness if no one understands me

The greatest enjoyment of life we get through interaction with other people (at work, in the family or in a friendly circle). And the greatest pain we also experience is from painful, traumatic relationships with others. Often our own psychological illiteracy is to blame.

For example, the owner of the visual vector complains of a feeling of loneliness and depression due to the fact that in a paired relationship with a sound partner she expects and does not receive from him such emotionality that she herself is capable of. “Could it be that a loving person stayed with me so cold and indifferent? How not to get depressed - he doesn't love me at all! - she worries.

In fact, real storms can rage inside the soul of the sound engineer, but he really remains outwardly unemotional and often quiet. To cope with depression and loneliness, his partner would have had enough of the realization that this person is different and is completely different from her.

Or another example: a person tries to get rid of depression from loneliness after being betrayed by a close friend. Being honest and caring, ready to give his life for a friend, the owner of the anal vector cannot understand that his comrade with the skin vector has a completely different structure.

For this, the key role in relationships is not at all considerations of loyalty, the presence or absence of care, but rational pragmatism, the benefits and benefits of relationships. And the carrier of the anal vector has a deep resentment, which he calls depression. He chooses loneliness in the future himself in order to prevent a repetition of bad experiences.

And in this case, getting rid of depression from loneliness prevents a person from the lack of basic knowledge about the structure of the psyche of people. He sees others through himself, expecting them to behave as he himself would in a similar situation.

And he is severely disappointed, not getting the expected result. How can you not get depressed? It's actually very simple - just learn to understand other people. Here is what those who managed to overcome loneliness and depression at the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan say about this:

Depression from loneliness: different causes - one solution

Each of us was born to experience the happiness and joy of living among other people. For whatever reason you are overtaken by depression from a feeling of loneliness, regardless of whether you have mild depression or prolonged and chronic, this condition is surmountable!

You can gain knowledge that has already successfully helped many people to get rid of depression and loneliness at the online training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. To make loneliness and depression a thing of the past for you, register for a free online training right now.
