"Runaway Bride". Why are we afraid of relationships?
Arriving in the provincial town in which the legendary "runner" lives, he is somewhat embarrassed: she does not at all look like the bloodthirsty wolf, which he imagined her to be. She is fragile and charming, though a little on her mind. The investigation drags him out …
Her name is Maggie Carpenter. She lives in a small town and works in a home improvement store. She is charming and slightly eccentric. Despite the fact that she has many fans, she is still not married. Meg is known far outside her city as the "runaway bride" - she runs right from under the aisle. This has happened to her three times already. Will there be a fourth time? And why is she doing this? This is the main question of Runaway Bride. Let's see it together with Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology.
The beginning of the novel
New York journalist Ike Graham, in an article based on an interview with George's “third failed attempt,” portrays Maggie Carpenter as some kind of monster devouring men, and is therefore fired from the newspaper for distorting facts. To restore his reputation, he decides to find out more about this girl. Moreover, Maggie's fourth wedding is being prepared, this time with Bob, a physical education teacher, which may be another confirmation of his rightness regarding Mag's cruelty to men.
Arriving in the provincial town in which the legendary "runner" lives, he is somewhat embarrassed: she does not at all look like the bloodthirsty wolf, which he imagined her to be. She is fragile and charming, though a little on her mind. The investigation drags him out. He certainly needs to find out why she leaves her suitors, running away right during the wedding.
Imperceptibly, their initially tense relationship passes into a phase of mutual interest, which develops into a genuine feeling. And this is no accident. When two people want to understand each other, try to be frank - no matter what their motives were in the beginning - this can very well happen.
At first, there are no versions of what is happening. Ike's opinion about Meg's "bloodthirstiness" disappears almost immediately - she does not at all look like a vamp woman. But what then? Watching videos from a girl's weddings, he draws attention to how her behavior differs with different men. Getting married to musician Gil is like a hippie get-together. Future priest Brian, Maggie's second attempt, leads her down the aisle according to all the rules of the Catholic Church. With George she is romantic and approaches the groom on a horse.
But the end is always the same - a sudden fear on the girl's face and a rapid escape. Yes, she is clearly afraid. And despite the opinion of a journalist's friend that she needs negative attention, that is, she simply seeks attention at any cost, Hayk understands that this is not so. “You were just afraid. You were afraid then. You are afraid now. You are the most confused and insecure woman. You don't even know how you like eggs,”he tells her at the party before his wedding with Bob. He notices that she always loves eggs in the form in which the next groom prefers them.
But why? Why is a girl who easily charms any man so afraid to connect her life with one and only one?

About Maggie's fear systematically
Most clearly in Maggie Carpenter, the visual cutaneous ligament of vectors is visible. According to Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, a woman with this bunch of vectors cannot and does not want to belong to one man. In the ancient pack, she had the species role of the day guard of the pack and went hunting and war with men. But even today she is independent and free. She is very emotional and beautiful, and her pheromones do not leave indifferent any man.
This is very accurately noticed by Peggy's friend when Meg says that she does not want to flirt, but she does it involuntarily. “Sometimes I think you’re throwing an extra dose of coquetry and she’s fighting men who can move.” And yet, as if voicing Maggie's unconscious: “I am charming and mysterious, and I myself do not understand what it is hiding in me. And I beg a big man like you for protection. It is difficult to fight this, especially for us, married ladies who have lost their mystery."
The skin-visual woman does not belong to anyone, therefore she always unconsciously seeks protection from any man, creating emotional connections with everyone. She is able to sensually understand a man, show sympathy, share with him his joys and defeats. This is exactly what she did with her suitors, sincerely mistaking an emotional connection for love. At the end of the story, she already understands that she tried to convince each of her men that it was she who was his soul mate, but deep down she understood that this was not the one she needed. Therefore, I ran. It's scary to connect your life with someone who is absolutely alien to you.
So who does she need?
Maggie Carpenter is not as simple as it seems at first glance. You will not immediately discern the sound vector in it, which gives a person depth. Hence its eccentricity. She seems to be out of this world: "I'm just crazy, very deep and irreversible." Her favorite pastime is making lamps. This reconciles her with herself, gives some kind of incomprehensible fulfillment. This her occupation is symbolic - to guide the light into this world. After all, the main purpose of a person with a sound vector is to carry the light of knowing oneself and other people. At the end of the film, she decides to seriously do her favorite thing.
Ike pushes her to finally ask the age-old sound question: "Who am I really?" And she suddenly realizes that she loves eggs "Benedict". And he also dislikes noisy weddings and the crowd that has gathered to gawk at the bride and groom. She wants to get married on a weekday, not in church, but in the bosom of nature, in the presence of only one priest. Ike's words finally reveal her deep desire to her: “You need a man who will lead you along the beach, covering your eyes with his hand, so that you will discover how your feet feel the sand; who will wake you up at dawn to talk to you, just to find out what you have to say. " She wants a strong emotional connection and mutual understanding with whoever she chooses.

So who is he, her chosen one? Ike Graham is a failed musician and writer, but the journalist is a "haste writer." A person with a sound vector, who says about himself: “Verbal communication has never been possible for me,” but he owns the written word and the desire to understand another person. Although, before Maggie, he was not very good at it. His first marriage ended in divorce, as it turned out later, due to the fact that in his concentration on himself he saw only himself and did not see another person. His attempts to understand the female soul, which he constantly shared in his publications, only irritated women.
But Maggie became the "tough nut" that he still managed to get through. For the first time, he deeply understood a person, and it was this that helped the girl overcome her fear of relationships.
How to stop being afraid of relationships?
Of course, the filmmakers had their own idea that they wanted to convey to the viewer. In many ways, they presented it through the visual series: in order for a relationship to take place, you need to meet your man, your soul mate. Mutual love and understanding are also needed. Commonly known things.
However, if you look deeper, you can see that the authors managed to show the systemic basis of relationships that are always built on natural conformity. Of course, a woman with a sound vector needs a sound man. Only then will she be satisfied with the depth of communication and interaction. And a man already wants to see in a woman a person equal to himself in development. In such a relationship, the external attributes accompanying all this will no longer matter. The desire to touch souls is what is important for sound people.
And one more important thought. We go into a relationship without knowing ourselves, not understanding with whom we connect our lives. But in conditions when human desires have grown to unprecedented proportions, it is no longer possible to build a long-term alliance on patience alone (once you made a mistake and endure all your life). A person wants more and more happiness, and now he has the opportunity to achieve it through knowing himself and another person. And a better means for this than training in Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan has not yet been invented.
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