When procrastination is a misdiagnosis
The word "procrastination" is firmly embedded in modern life. We do not hesitate to hang this label on any postponement … And we deny ourselves the opportunity to see the real reason for the lack of desire, time and energy for this or that action. And in general, the main question is: in your case, postponing is a cause of problems or a consequence?
The meeting, which had been postponed four times, finally took place. As far as I am a hard-core procrastinator, postponing the meeting of two freelancers who live practically in neighboring houses is a special case. And so it turned out.
How are things going when they stand?
The on-call question about life seemed particularly inappropriate - and so everything is visible. A colorless sweater, drooping shoulders and dull eyes would be more suitable for the interior of a hospital, rather than a posh apartment in a new building.
I remember her as incredibly beautiful. She was envied, hated for thinking outside the box, capable of creating incredible ideas out of nothing. And now in front of me is not a very high-quality, as if washed, copy of that girl-lighter …
- My principle: "Do not put off until tomorrow what you can not do at all." It's not great, but so be it, if only they did not touch it. I'm tired. There is no strength for simple things. I postpone everything. Procrastination is a good word. Like a diagnosis that gives relief from life. You look at the ceiling and expect a miracle.
- What miracle are you waiting for?
- I'm waiting for inspiration. I remember this feeling when, early in the morning, an unknown force throws me out of bed and carries me to the editorial office - to the place where the process is in full swing, where life takes place filled with meaning. There are arguments and constant stress, there are sensations of heat. Every person is irreplaceable there. Everyone there is a genius. And each - "does not represent anything" in comparison with the rest of the geniuses. How long ago it was … Now there is no reason to wake up in the morning. The work is stupid. I know how to do it, that's why I do it. But who needs it? So I'll procrastinate little by little.
Instead of life "important things"
The word "procrastination" is firmly embedded in modern life. We do not hesitate to hang this label on any postponement … And we deny ourselves the opportunity to see the real reason for the lack of desire, time and energy for this or that action. And in general, the main question is: in your case, postponing is a cause of problems or a consequence?
True procrastination is formed in childhood. A complete understanding of the mechanism of its occurrence comes at the training of Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology". Differences are also understood as those conditions that are mistakenly considered procrastination.
Partly due to the lack of other, accurate diagnostics, attempts to combat procrastination in the majority lead to nothing. First, without a systemic understanding, it is impossible to understand the source of pleasure that a real procrastinator gets from postponing. Secondly, it is impossible to deal with similar manifestations of different problems using the same methods. Thirdly, it would be nice to define: does postponement really affect your life, or are you being overly demanding of yourself?
If the constant procrastination is interfering with your life, it is best to start by identifying the true reasons. What does the postponing process itself give? Man always follows pleasure. In the worst case, she runs away from pain. There are no other options. The reason for postponing things is the same - either in the pleasure of postponing, or in pain from the intended action.
Our subconscious mind does not perceive the concept of "important things". There is only "want" or lack thereof. Yes, still a deferred benefit.
To make it clearer … Pyotr Ivanovich has been postponing his trip to his mother-in-law for the third day. Procrastination? Not. It is very difficult for him to admit even to himself that the main reason is unwillingness to waste time and money on the road. Surely the mother-in-law will ask you to buy something on the way. And he would not have gone at all, if not for a large apartment in the center: you cannot quarrel with such a profitable mother-in-law.
Apathy is not procrastination
Each person is born with potential talents and the corresponding properties for their full realization. From birth, everyone has a place in society. But … quite often “it turns out as always”. We do not understand ourselves, and it is strange to expect that parents understand the full potential of their children.
This has not been learned, it has not been fully developed. We grew up normally, we live.
We live normally, but we do not fully understand where she is - our life to the fullest. Or we don't know how to get what we want, we don't know how. We beat our foreheads against the closed door. A year, two, ten. Forces are getting smaller. Or maybe it should be so? Everyone lives like this …

And now there is apathy. There is no “I can” feeling. Less and less “I want”. Emotions fade, desires fade.
Cases are postponed as not very important. Physical strength also goes after desires. Already there is no strength to get up from the sofa, to nail this unfortunate nail. Apathy can happen to almost anyone, with a few exceptions.
It is important not to confuse! "Sudden apathy" can attack the owners of the cutaneous vector when the case is of no use. And the owners of the anal vector themselves are not very fond of starting something. Especially if last time they did not receive the well-deserved praise.
Burnout is not procrastination
The cause of apathy can be emotional burnout and severe stress in the visual vector - for example, when there is a misfortune in the family, the breakup of a relationship dear to the heart, separation.
Emotional burnout is the lot of someone who, having a huge emotional charge, begins to economize, to hold back emotions. Strong, painful emotional experiences can cause a person to abandon his gift - the ability to feel, show emotions.
Emotions for the owner of the visual vector are the batteries from which he and the whole world around him are charged. This is pure creativity in any business, every moment. Here is a woman with a visual vector washed the dishes - and only she will arrange it to make it beautiful. Only she, adding an insignificant detail to her image, is able to create a new fashion. With her sensuality, she is able to create beauty in relationships - to love, compassion, empathize.
When a large barn lock is hung on the heart, the battery is at zero. What kind of creativity is there? It's just that thought doesn't work out that way. Therefore, many things become impossible. For example, you want to dress nicely, but any choice seems ugly. Yes and no desire to create beauty: in the house, in your own image, in relations with others.
It is important not to confuse! The owner of the visual vector may well postpone, and because the case is simply not interesting, does not promise emotional fulfillment. He's not a procrastinator. It's boring for him to do the routine, and you call names here.
Depression is not procrastination
It is even more difficult to cope with constant postponement for the owner of the sound vector. Its main criterion of assessment, a measure of the need for any action and even life itself, is meaning. The abstract intelligence of the sound engineer is by nature sharpened to reveal the meaning of human existence. If you take a smaller scale - at least understand the meaning of your life.
Any sound engineer for those around him is "a little strange", more than others he is focused on himself. He himself feels that he is different. His “strangeness” is an inexhaustible source of ideas that can turn the brain of others around, create a new reality. Virtual world or new thinking in society.
And as long as the search for meaning has not reached a dead end, as long as the answers are somehow satisfying, as long as there is at least a sensual filling, for example, with music, the sound engineer lives, completely fitting into the world around him.
And when it makes no sense? What's the point in dusting off when life itself has no meaning? But this later, when depression takes over completely his consciousness. At first, just a feeling of meaninglessness of "necessary" actions.
It is important not to confuse! There are a lot of situations when the sound engineer doesn't really see the point of action. His abstract intelligence can create completely different causal relationships, in which there is no place for the usual steps. By the way, this is how many ingenious inventions are born. Alternatively, when the sound engineer does not want to do something, he creates a computer program that solves the desired problem. And from the outside - a pure procrastinator and a bum.
Procrastination? Just lack of happiness
Apathy, depression, or just chronic fatigue due to the inability to enjoy life. Unloved work, lack of understanding with loved ones or lack of loved ones. The problem is when "it is necessary, but there is no strength." But why there is no strength, it was partially disassembled above.
A person who is busy with what he loves puts off other insignificant things, without worrying about it at all. Haven't you had the luck to find the key to your happiness? Or are you lost in the cycle of unpleasant events? First of all, think not about deferred cases, but about the reason for the lack of energy for these cases. There may be several reasons.
Free online training "System Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan helps you choose the right direction in understanding yourself. In understanding - where exactly is your source of inspiration and where your forces flow. Register for a free training right now. If it makes sense to put off other things for a while - just to improve your life.

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