People's fears
Another thing is human fears, this "dark side" of our sensuality. No one is reluctant to shake at the sight of spiders, panic when trying to leave the house, or fight in epilepsy when boarding an airplane. And here we have many questions for nature. Is fear a natural emotion or an unnecessary burden? Why are we created this way?
The fears of people are a huge palette. There are widespread: fear of the dark, dogs, thunderstorms, air travel, fear of visiting the dentist. There are also the most unusual fears in people: fear of vegetables, clouds, buttons. The general list of human fears known today is a long alphabetical listing of hundreds of varieties. Where do people's fears come from, what is their cause?
Man is one who is able to feel
Have you ever seen a fish with an anxiety disorder, a sparrow in mortal anguish, or a toad in a panic attack? Rational nature controls animals through a consistent intraspecific instinct. This allows each species to survive and reproduce safely. We are not talking about any "sentiments" here.
The only one whom nature has endowed with a sensual form of life is man. We gladly accept this gift when emotions bring pleasure. When we soar on the wings of love, we experience tenderness and passion, inspiration and joy.
Another thing is human fears, this "dark side" of our sensuality. No one is reluctant to shake at the sight of spiders, panic when trying to leave the house, or fight in epilepsy when boarding an airplane. In modern human life, fears significantly limit our capabilities. They reduce the ability to live with joy every moment that is released.
And here we have many questions for nature. Is fear a natural emotion or an unnecessary burden? Why are we created this way?
Why does a person need emotions
The idea of nature regarding humanity is also infallible and rational, it is just different. Our ability to empathize and sympathize with each other is one of the mechanisms for uniting humanity. And ultimately serves to ensure that we successfully preserve ourselves as a species.
But becoming a person to be sympathetic and empathic is a process. It begins with the emergence of people in the human community who are able to experience the first, very vivid and powerful emotion - the fear of death. To this day, this root emotion underlies our ability to feel and experience any other emotional state.
About people's fears as the basis of our sensuality
People who were the first in the human community to become able to experience emotions are carriers of the visual vector. It was a feature of their psyche - to experience a vivid emotion: the fear of death.
This fear in the course of a long evolution has been transformed into the ability to empathize, empathize and sympathize with another person. Gradually creating emotional connections with other people, the owners of the visual vector brought love into this world. The entire human species became capable of experiencing emotions.
The most emotional people
Despite the fact that everyone today has a sensibility, our ability to experience emotions remains different. Those who were assigned the properties of the visual vector from birth were and remain people with the widest emotional range. The states of such a person can in a short time change from unbridled euphoria to death melancholy.

The natural desire of the spectator is to love and be loved, to have warm emotional ties with everyone around him. But the ability to empathize is not innate: initially, in childhood, a root emotion arises - the fear of death. And each little spectator goes through his individual "evolution of emotions" (from fear into love and empathy) from birth to puberty. He gradually learns to fear not for himself, but for another, that is, to empathize. This is an important stage in psychosexual development. But not always in this process everything goes well.
It happens that even in childhood, the visual was recorded in a state of fear. For example, adults frightened, read scary tales. Or forbidden to cry, show emotions. Then the natural desire to love and be loved does not go anywhere, but it is much more difficult for a person to realize his sensual potential. In this case, you can open your soul to the person with whom you are building a relationship only up to a certain stage, and then fear, discomfort arises, the cause of which you cannot realize. You may feel that you can be ridiculed, hurt your soul.
On the basis of childhood psychotraumas, we also have a bad experience. It only strengthens a person in his striving to maintain a distance with others, not to open his heart to anyone.
To some extent, this precaution keeps us from receiving new mental pain. But for some reason such a life does not bring joy. A huge sensory range remains closed mostly within a person. Not understanding what is happening, the visual person becomes hostage to strong changes in their emotional states. It can be periodic tantrums, throws from despair into euphoria. And of course, these are the brightest fears of people, anxiety disorders and even panic attacks.
What are visual people afraid of
The fear of death can manifest itself in different ways, in different forms. For example, some people are afraid of getting sick with an incurable disease, others are afraid of being hit by a car or crashing on an airplane, etc. Moreover, the spectator's rich imagination can instantly draw pictures in his head with any terrible and bloody details.
Fear of the dark is also common among visual people, for that there are evolutionary reasons. Sensitive vision protects from danger only in light. And in the dark it is powerless: it is impossible to see who is hiding there, under the bed.
Fear can even be associated with some kind of emotional episode or a terrible story heard in childhood and displaced into the unconscious.
But there are also special, "specific" fears that arise in people with a different mental structure.
About people's fears depending on the properties of the psyche
Our psyche has 8 vectors. Each of them may have its own specific fear. Here are some examples:
The strongest fear of a person with a sound vector is the fear of going crazy, losing control over consciousness.
The soundman is the owner of abstract intelligence. He connects himself, his I, not with the body, but with the soul (his sensations) and consciousness (thoughts). The sound engineer is drawn to the knowledge of the immaterial. He is interested in how the entire observable reality is governed and by what laws. Since childhood, he asks himself questions about why everything exists around him and why he lives.

Finding answers to questions implies, first of all, the ability to think clearly. Mental disorder deprives the sound engineer of the ability to think, understand, be aware and thus fulfill his unique role for all of humanity. Therefore, “not to think” is the same as “not to be” for the owner of the sound vector. Hence the fear of going crazy.
The biggest fear of a person with an anal vector is the fear of dishonor.
The owners of such properties are the most loyal members of society. Their main values are respect and honor. Like no one else, it is important for them what other people think of them, what assessment they give to their behavior and actions.
Accumulating and transferring knowledge to others is the natural role of carriers of the anal vector. Therefore, stressful situations for them are an exam, test work. Or, for example, a report in which you need to share experience and knowledge with other people, that is, a public presentation. In such situations, the fear of dishonor can be very strong.
Fear of dishonor sets not only psychological characteristics, it is also associated with physiology. By nature, the owners of such properties have a special sensitivity to the sphincter of the anus. At times of extreme stress, they may experience stool retention. But in anticipation of stress, on the contrary, diarrhea occurs. Therefore, it is not uncommon that before an important performance or test work, the carrier of the anal vector runs to the restroom many times. And his fear of disgrace also carries in itself a completely direct physiological meaning: it is the fear at the wrong moment of losing control over the anal sphincter of the body.
About the fears of people with a skin vector. Special tactile sensitivity, sensitive skin is a special sign of such a person.
Skinners are afraid to get infected with something through touch, to pick up the infection precisely through the skin. The skin is prone to such conditions under severe stress and a prolonged lack of implementation. These are ambitious people striving for property and social superiority. They can experience severe stress during a demotion, material loss. And persistent serious conditions arise when such a person is systematically unable to achieve their ambitious goals over a long distance.
When fear takes on an already obsessive form, then the carrier of the skin vector fanatically washes his hands after touching any objects. He treats them with an antiseptic every minute, even while sitting at home.
So, in each of the 8 vectors, people's fears are peculiar and they are associated with the structure of their psyche and with their special erogenous zones.
Is it possible to live without fear

Any, even the most insignificant fears of people reduce their ability to live joyfully and happily. What can we say about phobias, panic attacks and similar forms of persistent and long-term fear.
It is possible and necessary to live without fear. While evolutionarily fundamental to our ability to feel, for the modern adult it is a sign of psychological distress. This can be easily traced with simple examples from life.
In ancient times, the fear of being eaten saved the life of the entire flock. Under the influence of a strong emotion, the heartbeat and breathing became more frequent, a special muscle tone arose: the body was preparing to flee.
Today, the owner of the visual vector saves lives in a completely different way. Experiencing empathy and compassion for people, he often chooses humanistic professions (doctor, social worker). Or participates in volunteer projects, saving the lives of seriously ill and wounded, takes care of the elderly and children.
But when a visual person suffers from psychological traumas received in childhood, cannot fully disclose his properties in the profession, or experiences overstress - his psyche is subject to strong fears. When fear rolls over sweating, heart pounds and gasps - we do not bring any benefit to society. Predatory animals have not threatened us for a long time, but the person himself suffers, not understanding what is the root and cause of the problem.
The situation is similar in any other vector of our psyche. For example, a realized, without psychological trauma, the owner of the anal vector normally keeps stress on a control test or during a public speech - he is simply calmly focused on doing his job perfectly, without mistakes.
How fears go away
Owners of any combination of vectors have fears that go away if:
- A person fully reveals the nature of his psyche, the full range of his psychological qualities and properties. On average, a modern city dweller carries 3-5 vectors at the same time.
- There is an awareness of the hidden causes of the problem: psychotraumas, false attitudes and anchors that a person received throughout life. When the causes of problems are recognized, fear ceases to control a person.
- When psychological hindrances go away, a person gets the opportunity to fully realize all the talents inherent in nature. This becomes the prevention of any negative conditions in the future.