On The Role Of The Individual In History And Collective Labor

On The Role Of The Individual In History And Collective Labor
On The Role Of The Individual In History And Collective Labor

On the role of the individual in history and collective labor

Where have personalities gone in history today? Why do we hear more and more about collective discoveries and less and less about individuals changing the course of history? And is it good or bad - to feel like a cog in a single organism of the human species? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan tells about this …

Their names are known to everyone, they were great artists, scientists, engineers. These people are giants of thought, combining numerous facets of human knowledge. They played a significant role in history, made a huge contribution to our understanding of the universe. They were distinguished by crazy erudition and the broadest horizons.

Aristotle is the first real scientist, philosopher. His subjects of study are physics, metaphysics, ethics, biology, zoology. Archimedes is an ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer. The Renaissance Titan Leonardo da Vinci is truly a jack of all trades, a “universal man”: painter, sculptor and architect, anatomist, naturalist and engineer-inventor, writer and musician. And also Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Dmitry Mendeleev, Louis Pasteur and many, many others.

Next to them, we feel insignificant, as if we have lost our individuality in a time of general standardization, when narrow specialization becomes the lot of everyone. We feel like cogs in a huge mechanism called "society."

Where have personalities gone in history today? Why do we hear more and more about collective discoveries and less and less about individuals changing the course of history? And is it good or bad - to feel like a cog in a single organism of the human species? The System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan talks about this.

Teamwork in the USSR

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that in Russia, as well as throughout the post-Soviet space, there is an urethral-muscular mentality.

The first attempts to transition to collective labor were carried out in the USSR, since collectivism is one of the properties of our mentality. Thanks to the fact that we know how to survive together, and our work is always based on personal interaction, and it has become possible to unite minds to solve the problems of society's survival.

That is why Soviet science and economics developed at a faster pace than, for example, the same industries in Western countries, where everyone worked only for himself (which is due to the skin mentality). Our science was the result of the collective work of the mind.

In the early Soviet Union, close-knit teams of scientists and engineers worked, communication within which was not limited only to working hours. They all the time "cooked" in their circle: at work, on vacation, with families, creating an active interaction of minds. Lavrenty Beria further increased the rate of development of the collective mind, who invented the "sharagi", maximizing this interaction when the workers were together around the clock.

Along with the collapse of a great power, the importance of collective work could have dwindled away if a new era had not arrived.

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Why is the importance of the collective increasing in our time?

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that after the Second World War the world entered the skin phase of human development, which is characterized by the processes of standardization and globalization. We become more and more connected with each other, more and more dependent on the results of the work of other people. The division of labor affects not only individual enterprises, but also the global economy. Some countries specialize in agricultural products, others dress the whole world, and still others promote high technology.

Beyond this scale, it becomes increasingly difficult to discern the contribution of an individual to a common cause. The iPhone was created by the thousands of Apple corporation. And is it such a great loss that there are no more "titans" in our life?

The fact is that the total volume of the human psyche and the accumulated knowledge have increased so much that one person is unable to accommodate them. Therefore, it is now important to be a unique narrow specialist in your field. Knowing exactly your place in the team and proudly fulfilling your role, contributing your share to the common work is also important.

After all, the human species survives only together. And when everyone makes their exact contribution to this survival, the result is always superior to the individual. It is much more powerful and significant, because, referring to the general volume of the human psyche, uniting the minds and achievements of individuals into one whole, a person multiplies his efforts tenfold. Hence such brilliant advances in technology. And it is obvious that lone inventors do not come to them.

This is already felt by many Western companies, which are beginning to rely on the experience of the Soviet Union in building work collectives, creating a common space for the life and work of their employees. However, the most successful attempts to unite the team are accepted in the West with hostility, because the skin mentality is disgusted with the violation of individual boundaries, the introduction of personal relationships into the labor process. Such companies are criticized and branded as religious sects.

No less clumsy are the attempts to introduce Western corporate culture into Russian reality. Russians, with an unlimited urethral mentality, are unable to obey strict regulations and laws. It is much easier for us to remember how relations were built in a collective in the USSR, when everyone worked not for his own penny, but for a common goal. Only in this case work can completely absorb a person and give great pleasure. And the team will work with maximum efficiency, because everyone will feel personal interest, involvement and involvement in the common cause.

Personal in the service of the public

What's wrong with feeling like a cog if you really love what you do? And why do a job that you don't like but that pleases your neighbor? Let's consider these issues using system-vector psychology.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that a person can have several vectors - innate sets of mental properties that give their owner certain desires, opportunities, values. The vectors also determine the specific (social) role of a person. Developing their innate properties and realizing the potential inherent in nature, each person can feel happy and at the same time useful for society.

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It was not in vain that nature made it so that what gives a person the greatest pleasure was necessary and in demand in society. The vectors are represented in society in a strictly defined percentage ratio, which is invariable and necessary for solving general problems of survival and development. That is why, by precisely defining his vectors, realizing his desires, a person “kills two birds with one stone”: he learns to get much more pleasure from life and contributes to the survival of the whole society as a whole.

Now it is no longer required to solve global problems alone. Yes, this is beyond the power of one single person. The time has come for collectives: in art, science, politics, management. Now history is made by groups of people united by a common goal. And this process will only grow.

Understanding the demands of the time and finding one's place in modern society makes a person more stable in life, helps to live happily and successfully, fully realizing their natural properties. You can understand what kind of innate potential you have and how exactly it can be realized at online lectures on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register here:
