How to develop imagination and creative thinking
Imagination is the ability to create images, representations, ideas in your mind. This is something intangible that cannot be touched. This is an anticipation of the future. An ability that animals do not have, that only humans have. However, does everyone have a gift for fantasy and can this ability be developed? How to develop your imagination?
Imagination is a great gift that has contributed so much to the development of humanity.
Karl Marx
How to develop your imagination? This question is most often asked by people of creative professions: artists, designers, photographers, writers, screenwriters. Imagination and fantasy are their daily working tools, without which it is impossible to create a new image, a vivid work that leaves an indelible impression.
However, imagination is needed in almost all areas of human life. It is impossible without it:
- create something new;
- make discoveries in science;
- find a way out of desperate situations;
- dream, set goals, plan and create the future;
- and even sell successfully.
Fantasy is equally necessary for an engineer and a scientist, a marketer and a salesperson … yes, any person who wants to expand the boundaries of existence, add color, enrich his life, become successful.
How to develop fantasy and imagination if I don't have them
However, does everyone have a gift for fantasy and can this ability be developed? Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" helps to answer this question, which examines the human psyche from the position of eight vectors - eight groups of desires and abilities.
Imagination is the ability to create images, representations, ideas in your mind. This is something intangible that cannot be touched. This is an anticipation of the future. An ability that animals do not have, that only humans have.
Imagery is present in all people as a property of the human psyche. But it can get the greatest development in the owners of the visual vector.
The most sensitive sensor of a person with a visual vector is the eyes, so he gets great pleasure from contemplating the light and beauty of this world. He has a wide visual periphery. He pays attention to images in reality and easily imagines, invents them. He has good visual memory. He draws well, reproduces what he sees. That is why it is people with a visual vector that become artists, designers, and photographers.
The sound vector gives its owner a powerful abstract intellect, which helps to imagine what is not in reality, to create something fundamentally new. If the spectators are the product of their imagination are images, a picture, then the sound engineer creates ideas, thought forms.
The skin-sound bunch of vectors gives the world engineers-inventors with their advanced technologies, scientists with their ingenious discoveries, innovators in art with their new trends. After all, the skin vector is the reason for the craving for constant changes, for novelty, and desires in the sound vector can literally create a new reality.
Today, in the age of information, science and high technology, people with a developed imagination are especially in demand. And the consumer society dictates its own conditions - it is necessary to produce more and more goods, and then sell them. And this also requires people who constantly come up with something that has not yet happened.
If a person has both visual and sound vectors, then this is the greatest intelligence and the ability to be at the peak of the requirements of the time. An example of this is cinema, which embodies the wildest fantasies of its creators and which is so popular with viewers today.
But the potential inherent in nature may not be developed if in childhood the owners of visual and sound vectors did not read books and did not get enough impressions. And then, even in potential, brilliant artists with an anal-visual ligament of vectors become only good copyists, unable to create their own unique images, and skin sounds cannot give birth to ideas that have not yet been in the world.
How to develop imagination in an adult and is it possible to do it
The ability to imagine, fantasize, dream begins to manifest itself in a person in early childhood. Children listen to fairy tales and love to invent different characters that do not exist in reality. Especially children with a visual vector. And this desire should be encouraged by adults in every possible way.

When parents think about how to develop fantasy and imagination in a teenager, they are almost too late, because the most active development of properties goes to adolescence. And then the person is only realizing the developed skills, although he can hone and improve them.
The teenager from fairytale characters and games moves on to dreams and plans for the future. But if in childhood his fantasies were not encouraged, he has a problem with this. He doesn't know what he wants, he can't look two steps ahead. Does not form his independent thinking, his view of the world, a non-standard approach. He tends to do what adults tell him to do.
What can we say about adults, whose abilities for fantasy may not be in demand for a long time: uncreative, routine work, lack of full-fledged communication, new impressions can destroy even those shoots of broader thinking that were in childhood and adolescence.
Any ability, when not used, rusts, dies off as unnecessary. The world without a developed imagination becomes dull and dull, and a person no longer sees, like Don Quixote, in every woman Signora Dulcinea of Tobos, and in every man a noble knight.
That is why, if a person thinks about making his life more interesting, more successful, if he needs out-of-the-box thinking, he has a completely natural question of how to develop his imagination.
How to develop fantasy and imagination in adults: ways
So, we talk about the development of imagination in adults, rather, when the inclinations already exist, but they are not realized. Therefore, such a desire arises - to develop imagination. Any human desire is always provided with the ability to realize it, only if it is not imposed from outside. This is why the development of imagination in adults is about developing the skill to create images, and not creating such an ability from scratch. This is about the usual daily workout, developing the habit of visualizing or creating new ideas.
There are many exercises for developing imagination, both for a child and an adult. Many are difficult to call exercises. Sometimes they become just a pleasant hobby, an opportunity to visit another, imaginary world. These include:
- Reading fiction. Reading the text, a person completes what is happening in his head, sees "pictures". Yuri Burlan at the training "System-vector psychology" suggests studying fiction in art schools, and at the entrance exams to universities it is imperative to check the level of her knowledge, because reading gives breadth of thinking and the ability to create images.
- Games. Children play with pleasure, imagining themselves as one or another hero, creating what is happening in their imagination. Games should be encouraged and played with the child. Adults also need games. For example, quests that are so popular now, which force you to find non-standard solutions in different situations. Owners of the sound vector will be interested in Burime's game, or rhymed ends, in which they need to compose quatrains on a given topic. Finding rhyme makes the brain tense in an unfamiliar way.
- Visualization. It can also be turned into a game. For example, to see an unexpected image in the clouds, snags, a pattern on a carpet. There is Drudla's game, when you need to find some kind of image in abstract images. The main thing is that it be original. This game develops creative thinking and creative imagination.
- Dreams. Dreaming is not a waste of time. While you are dreaming, you can visualize, look for new ideas, to some extent determine your future. Dreams inspire, you can easily concentrate on them, and quite real actions can be born from this natural interest.
- Art. Drawing, embroidery, sewing dolls, any kind of creativity improves the ability to fantasize. You can draw from life or allow yourself a flight of imagination. It is useful to visit art exhibitions, read literature about art. And watch, watch, watch. Imbued with images, creating the basis for the birth of a new idea.
- Music. This is an expression of the sensory component of the sound vector. Music arose as an attempt to convey abstract meanings that cannot be described in words. It has a strong sensual charge that can give birth to a mood, and with it an image and an idea. Listen to music and get inspired by it.
- New impressions. It is food for emotions and fantasies. Discovering something new, getting an unusual experience broadens one's horizons, makes a person more daring.
- Observing people. For a writer, observation of others is the basis of artistic creativity, food for thought, the search for a script, which later forms the basis of the work. From the details of everyday life, new worlds are born, both similar and dissimilar to their prototype.

How to develop visualization and imagination if you can't
Nothing harms the imagination more than giving it a goal and subordinating it to the system.
The circumstances that kill our imaginations can be external or internal.
The world we live in is full of stereotypes. Their stream rushes towards us from the media, from television, from the Internet. They offer ready-made solutions without stressing the brain. Holiday - please, animators for you. We want impressions - we will cry and live along with the heroes of the series. Even a school essay can be bought at a reasonable price, without being distracted from the usual pleasures.
In a formulaic world, it's hard to force yourself to work your head on your own. Difficult but necessary. The choice of more complex, costly, but developing efforts is the ability to be the creator of your own reality. Discard ready-made informational fast food. Start creating holidays, live communication, scripts yourself, and you will have a developed imagination skill.
Internal difficulties include various fears, false beliefs: "I can't," "I can't," "I'm a loser." The training "System-vector psychology" helps to get rid of them.
It is psychoanalysis that allows you to find the origins of all negative programs in childhood or past experience. You gain access to the unconscious, open it, and it ceases to influence you. When the anchors that keep sails from fantasizing about carrying your ship into the future fall off, tremendous creativity unfolds.
A new understanding of ourselves and people improves interaction with others. People, their thoughts, their lives are fertile soil, an extensive databank for generating new ideas. It's not for nothing that so many ingenious ideas are born in the process of brainstorming. The training also teaches this.
If you need independent, creative, unconventional thinking, come to the free training lectures. The path to a new, bright, successful life begins here.