Vendetta in Russian
In Russia, the number of crimes related to physical violence or lynching is growing every day. The victims or their relatives try to restore justice on their own, using all kinds of means from fists to weapons, thereby turning into criminals.
"Andrei! I WILDLY EXCUSE, but if something happened to my loved ones, I would take an ax in my hands and kill. There is no law in our country, who can we count on? " - the famous Russian actor shouts over Malakhov and everyone else in the program “Let them talk”, which is broadcast throughout the country. Tearing off the applause of the audience, he parries the indignation of some spectator: "If your son suffers, will you wait for the trial?" Even if the court delivers the correct verdict, the loss of a loved one, according to the famous actor, requires revenge and physical reprisal against the killer with his own hands.
In Russia, the number of crimes related to physical violence or lynching is growing every day. The victims or their relatives try to restore justice on their own, using all kinds of means from fists to weapons, thereby turning into criminals.
Today, there is no separate article in the Criminal Code for unauthorized physical violence, and no one can say exactly how many people have assumed the role of judge and executioner in one person. Their action is classified under a completely different article, merging with general police statistics and is often viewed as premeditated murder. In this case, there is no need to count on any leniency. And already for lynching and physical violence, the avenger is punished, and the former criminal becomes a victim.

According to statistics, 75% of Russians are ready to commit lynching to protect their families, thereby deliberately breaking the law, explaining that the state is unable to protect them. In the opinion of caring lawyers, Russian legislation requires serious revisions and changes, primarily concerning victims.
Unlike a criminal, who is entitled to a lawyer in court and sometimes dozens of policemen guard him from an angry crowd threatening physical violence, the victim has the most vulnerable position during the trial. He may be pressured by the relatives of the defendant, the court and the law enforcement agencies themselves.
Due to the corruption and corruption of bodies and judges, the main need of people and society for justice, for impartial punishment of the guilty person is violated. Today no one believes that:
a) evidence will be collected on a particular conflict, and the corrupt police and investigators do not falsify the original motives of the crime, the victims of which were their loved ones;
b) the proceedings will not turn the process in favor of the offender.
The stereotype of disbelief in the fact that there are fair judges and police officers leads citizens to the fact that everything needs to be resolved by force. People, desperate to find protection from the state, take the path of physical violence, and here a new problem arises, which is increasingly mentioned by the media today - the legalization of carrying weapons. This is regarded as the most reliable way to fight for justice, rather than justice and the code. How such a right to legalize weapons ends in modern America is known to everyone from the recent events associated with the Colorado shooter.
Physical violence against a real, alleged, and sometimes agreed criminal without going to the police or court today resembles an epidemic that has swept through modern Russia in a wave.
Without waiting for the actions of the police, disagreeing with the verdict, finding themselves in a state of strong frustration, the victim's relatives go to physical violence, rarely thinking about the consequences.
Not everyone who has lost their own children or loved ones becomes such avengers. The acute need for a legal and fair punishment of the guilty person is characteristic of a special type, defined by system-vector psychology, as a type of people with an anal vector.
The flow of physical violence itself began with the collapse of the USSR, when the country, having buried Soviet ideology and morality, flew into the skin phase of development, sweeping away all remaining values on its way, and the most important of them - the significance of human life. In return, the confused society did not prepare anything, as always hoping for the Russian "maybe" and adhering to the principle of first "destroy, and then …" Devastation in all directions was a success, but the resulting space was filled by the creep that emerged from all the gates, which is now poetically called the criminal subculture.

The most defenseless strata of the population - old people and children - fell into the decay and degradation of the 90s, then they were joined by an army of unemployed men and women with an anal vector who were unable to adapt to the new world, where lawlessness and corruption became a priority.
Old laws stopped working, new ones were not invented. Then, in this vacuum, contacts began to grow and strengthen, turning into personal ties, closely intertwined with venality and permissiveness - properties characteristic of people with an undeveloped skin vector, or archetypal skin, according to the terminology of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology.
The 90s were marked by physical violence on other grounds, which consisted of gunfights between gangs, dividing markets and "covering up" the same archetypal skinheads. And the beginning of a new century - a dense, pulled out of the dusty history of the Wild West, a new, but well forgotten old way of revenge according to the law of Lynch, when, without trial and investigation, on suspicion or simple slander, groups of racist avengers staged physical violence.
In modern Russia, echoes of this phenomenon are also reflected in the movement of skinheads and other radical-minded groups, which are joined by young people, whose ideals are the slogans typical of the anal vector: "Russia for Russians, a return to patriarchal national order and traditions."
Criminals growing on this basis with the use of forms of lynching and physical violence become a way of self-assertion, a demonstration of impunity and permissiveness. The manifestos of such informal organizations are signed by those whose values are naturally divided into "clean" and "dirty", "ours" and "alien", "by race" and "by blood." All of them belong to a certain type of people, which Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology is capable of understanding.
It is no secret that the provocation to physical violence in the form of inciting ethnic conflicts is often used by archetypal skinheads to achieve their own selfish or political goals. The impact is on the same type of anal people with the ideals of purity by blood, race, nationality.
Physical violence and lynching as a private phenomenon, having received worldwide resonance, was first covered by the media more than ten years ago. In 2002, after a collision of two airliners in Europe, many children from Bashkiria and passengers from Moscow were killed. One of the fathers, considering the punishment for the perpetrator of the disaster insufficient, decided to get even with him himself.
Vitaly Kaloev, who lost his entire family in a plane crash over Lake Constance, a year and a half after the tragedy, committed physical violence, a vendetta in Russian. He killed Peter Nielsen, an air traffic controller of a Swiss company, in front of his wife and children, receiving eight years in a Swiss prison for this. Freed, he returned to his homeland, becoming almost a national hero. Currently he works as Deputy Minister of Architecture and Construction Policy. Many in the Caucasus and other regions of the country considered this lynching to be fair.
"I wanted him to repent …", "told how it all happened …", "explained why he killed …" "honestly confessed …" - this is written in the testimony of the detainees, who arranged physical violence, not hoping for the impartiality of the court, colliding with illegal actions of the police.
“Repented”, “apologized”, “confessed”, “confessed” - these are all keywords that people with an anal vector use in a situation BEFORE physical violence. Being introverted by nature, honest, decent, ready to bear punishment for what they have done, they perceive any situation through themselves, through their own values. Confident to the end in their own righteousness, they often commit a crime in order to restore justice, that is, to carry out a kind of equalization of the situation according to the principle "All equally": you saved his life, he owes you the same; you took your life, give it back in return.
Being in quartels of time, with a constant glance at yesterday, people with an anal vector are simply not able to analyze the consequences of their actions, agreeing in advance on what will be, what will be. Their geometry of greatest comfort is square, and anal sex is hard to bear any mental and visual distortions. The bending of its "walls" outward evokes in them a sense of guilt, characteristic of people only with an anal vector, which is often verbalized when addressing a loved one who has become a victim of a criminal: "Sorry, I didn’t save you!" And after committing physical violence - a confession. Inside - according to the principle of under-given, cheated, condemned not in justice.

The deformation of this square, which expands its walls, on the one hand, and is pulled inward, on the other, pushes people to physical violence and lynching. Balance, or alignment, occurs after a crime has been committed, when both duty has been paid and honor has been restored by just vengeance. These features, considered in more detail at trainings in systemic vector psychology, must be taken into account by everyone who is somehow connected with people who naturally have an anal vector, regardless of their nationality, skin color and eye shape.
If the state does not maintain a "monopoly on justice" in the near future, then through physical violence, society will slide into medieval revenge and internecine conflicts, and then Shakespeare's tragedy about the showdown of the Montague and Capulleti clans will seem like a child's fairy tale in comparison with Russian reality.