Sleep Deprivation For Depression - Learn How To Overcome Depression And Improve Sleep

Sleep Deprivation For Depression - Learn How To Overcome Depression And Improve Sleep
Sleep Deprivation For Depression - Learn How To Overcome Depression And Improve Sleep

Depression and sleep in the life of a modern person

If a person with a sound vector does not realize his natural talents and inclinations, does not find answers to deep questions about the world order, then sooner or later he begins to plunge into bad states. Over time, they turn into a real prolonged depression. But how are depression and sleep directly related?

Obsessive thoughts do not allow you to fall asleep, and constant headaches exhaust you to the state of a vegetable? Or vice versa - do you sleep 16 hours a day and can't get enough sleep? In this article, we'll show you how depression and sleep are related. Read to the end to successfully combat both insomnia and excessive sleepiness.

To "synchronize watches" or, in other words, to bring thoughts to a common denominator, let us first analyze the term "depression" popular today. What is it really, how and with whom does it arise?

Depression, sleep and everything related to it

So, depression is usually called a long-term and depressed state of mind of a person. When we are depressed, we usually think about how to improve the shaky mental balance and how to quickly return to the usual state of inner comfort. Depression disrupts sleep, manifesting itself with feelings of hopelessness, apathy and, of course, depression.

“I don't want anything at all. The eyes are empty. I am tormented by my emptiness, there are no desires at all, everything is done only because it is NECESSARY! I just want to sleep and not be touched by anyone. Is my obsessive sleep related to depression?"

Insomnia and depression and depression and drowsiness, like two brothers - they always go hand in hand. In one case, sleep with depression becomes obsessive to such an extent that a person sleeps 12-16 hours a day. At the same time, he still does not get enough sleep, he feels depressed and does not mind sleeping even during the day. In the second case, depression provokes poor sleep, that is, it gives rise to insomnia. There is nothing good here either, because not everyone is able to walk broken all day and even work.

The symptoms of real lingering depression are about the same for everyone. This is apathy, a sense of the meaninglessness of life. Feeling of inner emptiness and hopelessness. And in especially severe cases, suicidal thoughts. And of course, depression affects sleep: for some people towards constant sleepiness, for others - towards insomnia.

What do we do when we have an acute question of how to improve sleep in depression? Of course, we are looking for reviews of other people on the Internet. We are trying to understand if there is a need for treatment, and in general why sleep is disturbed during depression?

The answers to these questions are given by Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology - the latest science of human psychology.

For whom depression and sleep go hand in hand?

Systemic vector psychology suggests that severe lingering depression with sleep disorders occurs only in a certain type of people. These are people with a sound vector. Such people are only 5% of the world's population, and they have special, one might say, unique innate talents. Unfortunately, not understanding themselves, they often plunge into depression and sleep. More precisely, sleep problems become their curse.

“Most of all I am concerned about my sleepiness, apathy and unwillingness to do household chores. During the day I constantly sleep, at night I cannot sleep for a long time, and in the morning I do not want to wake up. We got these interruptions in sleep and constant depression …"

depression and sleep
depression and sleep

A person with a sound vector has the most sensitive ear in the world. He is incredibly sensitive to hear and distinguishes not only the sounds around him, but also the subtleties in the intonation of the words spoken, as well as the nuances of their meaning. The owner of the most powerful abstract intellect - he is able to find himself not only in music, but also in science. After all, the natural tendency of a sound engineer is to understand “how everything works”, to find out what is the meaning of human life and the idea of human existence.

Students of physics and mathematics universities, from which prominent scientists grow. Military engineers developing state-of-the-art weapons. Programmers and other "computer scientists" creating a new reality. These are all owners of the sound vector. But do they all have trouble sleeping and fighting depression?

We are witnessing the most successful sound engineers in real time - these are Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook, Elon Musk, the inventor of the Tesla electric car, and of course, Bill Gates and many, many others.

These people found themselves in their profession and work, as they say, "to the fullest." They are likely to be unaware of sleep problems and depression. But what happens to a sound engineer who has not found himself in life?

Depression and sleep from a scientific perspective

If a person with a sound vector does not realize his natural talents and inclinations, does not find answers to deep questions about the world order, then sooner or later he begins to plunge into bad states. Over time, they turn into a real prolonged depression. But how are depression and sleep directly related?

The interests of ordinary people are completely directed towards the outside world, and only the sound engineer is focused on himself. Sound children in school "fly in the clouds" and are perceived by teachers as inattentive. However, it is not. The sound baby is the most focused of them all. Only he is focused not on "stupid" lessons, but on what is more important to him - on his thoughts and internal states.

He seeks to know himself, his psyche. And only he alone separates his thoughts, ideas and his physical body. The body is sometimes perceived by the sound engineer as a kind of annoying attribute that prevents him from soaring to the sparkling heights of real meaning and pure knowledge. Because of this, there is a certain duality in the consciousness of the sound person. This is my body, and this is my mind, that is, "I".

If a sound person is socialized and has found his place in society, then he has no problems with sleep and depression. But what happens when his powerful intellect starts to idle?

Depression and sleep: 1. Excessive sleepiness

The surrounding people and in general the world around them begin to annoy the sound engineer and bring pain: with loud sounds, meaningless vanity and mundane conversations. And even the body only begins to interfere with him, because he has to somehow be fed, clothed and maintained at least in a minimally decent condition.

“Everyone around is shaking and wanting something from me: wash, eat, finally, go to the store. And I dream of falling asleep again. I have chronic depression for a long time. I want to sleep all the time, even it was when I slept for 12-13 hours for several days in a row. How are depression and sleep related? I do not know what to do…"

In this state, the sound engineer has both depression and drowsiness. He goes to sleep as a salvation from physical existence, which brings him pain. Starts sleeping 16 hours a day, but does not get enough sleep. Feel sluggish and overwhelmed all day. Feeling the meaninglessness of this life and the hopelessness of their existence in this world.

sleep depressed
sleep depressed

Life loses its colors, and a person ceases to distinguish between dream and reality. This is true sound depression that disrupts sleep. The soundman associates all bad conditions and troubles with his body. It seemed that there would be no him - there would be no torment associated with daily access to the physical world, work, communication with people, and so on.

The body is the source of suffering, and one can get rid of it only in sleep. This is how the sound engineer feels. With prolonged depression, which can last months or years, a person has thoughts of getting rid of the body - suicide. He gets so tired of these difficult and hopeless conditions.

Depression and sleep: 2. Chronic insomnia

Huge intellectual potential and powerful abstract intelligence have been given to the sound engineer from birth for a reason. This is a tool to be used in real life. And like any real tool, it also "rusts" if it is not regularly used for its intended purpose.

“I am constantly in a broken state. I go to bed late, but I wake up very early and can no longer sleep. Depression crushes and a short sleep does not really help to restore strength. Recently, this was supplemented by a terrible melancholy and a feeling of all-consuming hopelessness …"

Of all of us, only a sound engineer knows and loves to truly focus his mind: to solve a complex scientific problem, write an algorithm in a computer program, build the necessary harmony, when writing music. In this case, the brain works at "all 100", for which the sound engineer receives a well-deserved reward in the form of a feeling of fullness and deep satisfaction.

However, if the sound engineer has not learned to focus his mind since childhood, then it is unlikely that he will avoid sleep disturbance against the background of depression at a later age. Instead of developing the ability to focus the mind on thoughtful reading, problem solving, and other abstract tasks, its "mental" tool starts to work idle and loses its sharpness. Like a telescope lens that loses focus and the observed object begins to look blurry.

It would seem that you are not working with your head as it should - so what? What does depression and sleep have to do with it, but in this case insomnia? Losing the constant concentration that he needs so much, the sound person can experience obsessive headaches and fall asleep poorly. In this case, the sound engineer simultaneously manifests insomnia and depression.

Chronic insomnia in the sound vector is an indicator that a person does not think, does not focus his mind on problems corresponding to his level of intelligence. As you can see, depression and poor sleep have a direct cause-and-effect relationship.

How to establish the usual rhythm of life and regain healthy sleep? More on this later.

Sleep deprivation for depression

It is obvious that any sound person who has fallen into the trap of a prolonged depression is not ready to just come to terms with his position. Trying to understand why sleep is disturbed and how to get our head back in place, we go online in search of salvation. There, we find numerous responses from people who have faced the same problem.

“It's always bad after sleep, especially during the day. I can't stay awake, I switch off, but I wake up - such a depressive state, no strength, everything is disgusting. It feels like sleep only intensifies depression …"

Modern medicine offers different treatments for sleep disorders. In the articles dedicated to this, we see various tips on how to improve sleep for depression. The most common ones are drinking soothing herbal infusions (or using other folk remedies for depression), taking walks in the fresh air before bedtime, using the bed only for sleeping, and not lying on it just so as not to associate it with wakefulness. Yoga for depression and many other ways are offered. However, the standard advice that circulates on the Internet, even in the form of serious scientific articles, is not enough to confidently defeat sleep problems.

For more severe forms of sleep disturbance, it is suggested to consult a specialist, to undergo a course of psychotherapy with simultaneous drug treatment. Sleep deprivation is considered one of the most effective ways to eliminate the effect of depression on sleep.

Sleep deprivation for depression is a method of quitting sleep partially, for example, for 1 to 2 nights per week. It is believed that controlled sleep deprivation can alleviate symptoms of depression and apathy. Judging by the reviews of living people on the Internet, this method sometimes helps to restore healthy sleep, but does not solve the very cause of depression. Moreover, this method does not answer the key question - why sleep is disturbed?

How to improve sleep for depression?

As mentioned above, Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology provides comprehensive answers to all questions related to depression and sleep. It is possible to get all the information about the causes of sleep disturbances, to learn how to restore the previous rhythm of life without insomnia and depression. Thousands of people have already received their result and have forever got rid of oppressed states in the sound vector. Here's how they say it in their reviews:

The training provides in-depth knowledge that allows you to accurately understand how to improve sleep in depression. He also provides active tools that allow you to independently break the vicious circle of prolonged depression and sleep.

Depression and poor sleep are too serious opponents to cope with by going for walks before going to bed, ventilating the room or deprivation.

For a sustainable result, you need to understand your inner nature. To discover the presence or absence of a sound vector and only then think about how to restore healthy sleep during depression and how to return the lost desire for an active life.

Depression and sleep - what if …?

Imagine that you have already received your result, realized your innate vectors and their features. This will help not only to understand why sleep is disturbed during depression. Understanding yourself will release a tremendous amount of energy - the energy to live. You will suddenly understand why it was so difficult for you to wake up in the morning, why the teachers at school scolded you for “hanging in the clouds”. Why have you always been different from everyone else - special, focused, thoughtful.

“The feeling of hopelessness is gone, and life is filled with new meaning. The sleep problems that depression has caused are no longer worrisome. The very reason for their appearance has simply disappeared."

Perhaps you have always felt that there is something more than this world? Have you thought about who we are, where we came from and where we are going? What is the meaning of our life? And now you have found the answers to all the questions that have tormented you for a long time. We saw the mechanisms of occurrence of their apathetic states and depression. We saw how depression and sleep are related. We understood how to restore the balance that was once lost. How not to experience suffering anymore, but to live a fulfilling and happy life.

how to improve sleep for depression
how to improve sleep for depression

If it so happened that you chose the wrong path - went to the wrong profession or could not fully find yourself in life, then with an understanding of yourself, completely new perspectives open up before you. Work for your own pleasure. Realize yourself where your innate talents will give you an advantage and will manifest yourself in the most beneficial light. Live so that questions about sleep disturbances during depression no longer bother you.

How to improve sleep for depression? The answer to free online lectures on systemic vector psychology Yuri Burlana. Register here.
